這樣的IELTS寫作 大概能得幾分? - 留學

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-10-24T20:58

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Hi everyone,

I just did an IELTS simulation test. I have written the below as my answers to
the writing test1 and test2 (of the second test in Cambridge IELTS 7)
I have no clue which mark I might get from the examiner if I were sitting a
real test.

If you have taken the IELTS test, could you please advise me about the mark I
might be able to achieve by the below 2 answers? I'd very much appreciate
your help!!! 萬分感謝!

Test 1
This graph shows the consumption of meat and fish per person in a European
country from 1979 to 2004. In 1979, people in this particular country consume
more beef than lamb, chicken, or fish. Over 25 years, the consumption of red
meat, which is beef and lamb, decreases significantly, while the consumption of
white meat, chicken, increases. The consumption of fish remains almost
constant. In 2004, people consume about 250 grams of chicken per person per
week. This figure is approximately 2.5 times higher than it if of beef (approx
100 grams), 4 times higher than lamb (approx. 60 grams), and 5 times higher
than fish (approx. 50 grams). In conclusion, people of this particular country
eat a lot more chicken than the other 3 kinds of meat or fish.

Test 2

Should punishments of each type of crime be fixed or vary according to
the overall circumstances of each crime? It is fair if the punishments are
fixed. But this is a superficial fairness. It would be a superficial fairness
if compensation of each type of jobs is same, regardless the quality, quantity,
results, effects, and other factors one has contributed from doing the same
job as the others. Punishments, like conpensation, should vary.

How should punishment vary? We need to look at why punish first.
The reason, in my humble opinion, is to prevent the criminal or whoever
commits a crime from repeating it. Two criminals may have committed
the same crime, but we might need various punishments to keep them
clear from the same or similar doing in the future.

A psychologically ill shop lifter and one who steals out of poverty
definitely need different punishments (and treatment or even help)
to stop them from stealing. A premeditated arson committed by
an upset man who did as a revenge, or by a jobless man who did it
as his hatred towards the whole world is immense. Various times
might change the verdicts as well. Spitting a chewing gum may
not even be a dismeaner and only leads to a small fine at an usual time.
However, if young people start to spit the gums everywhere because of
their admiration and imitation of a celebrity, the punishment may need to
change to stop the trend.

In short, punishment is not a matter of fairness. It serves as a management
tool which the society depends on. Punishments should vary according to
the nature of a crime to best fit the need of the society.

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2010-10-25T00:53
能回答這個問題的,大概是考官吧 @@"
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2010-10-26T16:30
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-10-30T06:42
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2010-11-02T22:41
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-11-06T07:34
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2010-11-06T11:56
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2010-11-06T14:47


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2010-10-23T19:13
最近要申請碩士 一般學校好像都規定二封推薦信 因為找到三位教授都願意幫我寫 我自己也打好三封草稿了 那如果附三封會比較好嗎? 還是學校會覺得很多餘? 因為台灣的研究所好像會覺得很多餘atat 謝謝:) - ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-10-23T18:18
臺北市立圖書館留學資料中心為有意赴英國留學的學生,於10月24日(日)下午2時至4時 在總館10樓國際會議廳舉辦「前進英國名校--熱門科系巡禮」留學講座,邀請英國文化協 會教育推廣專員 黃玲嘉 小姐介紹英國學制、申請英國研究所指南、熱門科系介紹和留學 生活分享,歡迎有興趣的同學報名參加! 線上報名網址:ht ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2010-10-23T16:18
目前我在TSB還有餘額幾千鎊 用不完想將部份轉回台灣的銀行 請問可以線上跨國轉帳嗎? 還是得親跑臨櫃? 在考慮是否要全數轉回台灣是因為之後如果又要去英國深造可免再重台灣轉一次錢去英國 另外還可以持續在英國網購網站刷debit card買物品也方便 但是如果之後沒有要去英國的打算 人在台灣不知道能不 ...

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Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2010-10-23T15:37
繼 Oxford said 的 109 之後 怎麼Judge也跟進 Requirements for entry in 2012 onwards Either: ‧IELTS - 7.5 with no element below 7.0 ‧TOEFL IBT - 110 with ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2010-10-23T12:03
※ 引述《mumuko (我的小麻吉)》之銘言: : 聖誕節期間 我的法國朋友邀我到他家作客, : 但根據簽證網頁上的規定 他要去什麼當地的警察局拿什麼表格的 其實住宿證明(attestation)不是去當地的警察局 是要去當地的Mairie=Town Hall 申請的 : ...