[送佛托福]英文作文段落架構(2) - 英檢

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2021-03-18T19:48

Table of Contents

Hello 大家好~我是送佛小編
大家都了解,英文作文是由Introduction(起始段), body paragraphs (內容段落), and
conclusion (結尾段)所組成的。
英文寫作裡,一個段落裡的第一句 - 主題句應該要具備的條件

1. Topic Sentence(主題句)
=> the focus + the controlling idea or the main idea in the paragraph.
2. Supporting Sentences
=> to provide evidence for the writer’s assertion.
3. Conclusion
=> to sum up the whole paragraph.

全文請見: https://beattoefl.com/toefl_posts/57

I like to go swimming. Therefore, I have participated in a swimming team for
many years. While I have learned swimming skills, I met different people in the
team. For example, John not only helped me a lot in practice, but also donated
funds to our swimming team. Hence, my team had chances to go abroad to join the
swimming competition every year. I have a lot of unforgettable experiences and
beautiful memories from swimming.

Topic Sentence:
I like to go swimming.
顧名思義,看到此句,讀者心中可以知道接下來一整段都要來談論=> 我"喜歡"去游泳。
在此句,我,是這個句子的主詞,也會是整個段落的論述主題= the focus.
like to go swimming 是整個句子的controlling idea.
所以,大家了解the topic sentence = focus + the controlling ideas 的意思了嗎?

While I have learned swimming skills, I met different people in the team. For
example, John not only helped me a lot in practice, but also donated funds to
our swimming team. Hence, my team had chances to go abroad to join the swimming
competitions every year.
在此,所有的supporting sentences 都用來說明,加以解釋主題句,也就是要說明
why do I like to go swimming? How much do I like to go swimming? what kinds of
swimming skills have I learned? etc.
也因此,每一句的supporting sentences 必須扣住主題句,不可離題。

I have a lot of unforgettable experiences and beautiful memories from swimming.
在此,作者提到unforgettable experiences and beautiful memories 來總結主題句 I
like to go swimming.

全文請見: https://beattoefl.com/toefl_posts/57

如果對於托福 TOEFL iBT 考試內容還不是很熟悉的同學,建議你可以先閱讀這篇
《托福考試內容總整理》→ https://beattoefl.com/toefl_posts/42

【托福閱讀】5 步驟 5技巧快速破解 TOEFL 閱讀
【托福聽力】必學高分技巧,4 步驟自我檢測托福實力

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Tags: 英檢

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