[轉錄]最夢幻的上流職業:外交官(6) 胡志強 - 自學

By Una
at 2007-04-14T00:59
at 2007-04-14T00:59
Table of Contents
※ [本文轉錄自 English 看板]
作者: yiyit (我的寶貝) 看板: English
標題: [轉錄]最夢幻的上流職業:外交官(6) 胡志強
時間: Fri Apr 13 23:15:06 2007
※ [本文轉錄自 Examination 看板]
政大外交系 英國南安普頓大學政治系國際關係碩士 英國牛津大學國際關係博士
獨家專訪 -- 行政院新聞局胡志強局長 談學習英文的經驗 ...
Director-General of the Government Information Office of the Republic of C
Remarks on my experience of learning English
When he was a university student in the Department of Diplomacy at Nat
ional Chengchi University, G.I.O. Director-General Jason Hu was selected
to serve as the leader of the ROC delegation to the United Nations Worl
d Youth Assembly because his English was so good. Afterwards, as a student
in the United States and English and by frequently performing important d
uties in international affairs, he demonstrated splendid debate skills. Si
nce becoming Director-General of the G.I.O., he has become renowned worldw
ide for his flawless simultaneous interpretations. On this occasion, Direc
tor-General Hu shares his experience of learning English and his sense of
accomplishment with the readers of the Besta New English Review.
界青年大會代表團團長, 英文程度出類拔粹,後留學美國和英國,履在國際事務上
擔任重要職務,辯才無礙。 就任新聞局局長以來,更以完美的同步翻譯馳名中外。
"I always took a very natural approach to learning English. Most impor
tantly, I was interested: As a youth, I enjoyed Western music and liked to
sing along. This was essential in my learning English. When I was a high
school student, we had a foreign neighbor. Thus, every week, even if it wa
s but a few words, I still had the opportunity to practice conversation."
年輕的時候喜歡聽西洋歌曲,跟著音樂練唱,這跟英文進步有絕對的關係。 高中時
"When I was a high school sophomore, I began to think of becoming a di
plomat because I began to make much progress in English. This idea grew st
ronger and stronger in me -- like a rolling snowball. Later, I indeed matr
iculated into the Department of Diplomacy at Chengchi university. As a uni
versity sophomore, I went to Vietnam as a Young Student Representative to
attend a meeting. At that time, I was recommended by the China Youth Corps
and accepted on the basis of just one English test. Even though I had pa
rticipated in many international affairs activities as a freshman and soph
omore, I still couldn't think in English. By my senior year, however, I ma
de considerable progress, so when I attended the United Nations Congress,
I could already use English directly without needing to consult an English
draft. Because of the political situation at that time, we sometimes had
to debate spontaneously in English in order to persuade others."
『高二的時候英文成績漸漸的進步, 就開始想做外交官,這個想法越來越強,
像滾雪球一樣,後來果然考進了外交系。 大二為青年學生代表到越南開會,當時是
經過救國團推薦錄取的,只考一科英文。 大一,大二時雖然參加了很多國際性事務
的活動,但是還不能用英文思考,到大四就進步很多。 至聯合國參加會議時已經可
"It is interesting to note that when I was a high school sophomore, I
participated in my first speech contest. It was in English and I won first
place. Naturally, I didn't realize at the time that I would go on to part
icipate in many Chinese speech contests and debates."
『有趣的是我在高二時生平第一次參加的演講比賽就是用英語得到第一名, 當
"There were two major factors that influence in my learning English to
the point that I was able to think in English:
First, having entered the Department of Diplomacy, I was able to pract
ice what I learnt. English is essential to the study of international rela
tions. Thus, after entering the University, my interest in English remaine
d strong. I continued to listen to Western music and began to listen to En
glish radio broadcasts and read English newspapers. I also participated in
numerous international activities held in the ROC such as the summer vaca
tion Asian Youth Camp which gave me many opportunities to use English.
1. 真正考上外交系, 學以致用:英文對外交系來說非常重要,上大學以後我
。 除此之外, 最重要的是在國內參加了很多國際活動,例如說在暑假裡參加亞洲青
Second, I put myself into an English environment and forced myself to
think in English. Every time I uttered a sentence in Chinese I considered
how that sentence would be expressed in English. On the street, I would t
hink of the English terms for the things I saw. For example, when I saw a
city bus, I would think this is called "city bus" in English. When I notic
ed in street sign, I would consider how it would be written in English. By
considering how everything in daily life would be expressed in English, e
ven in this country, I constructed an English environment for learning Eng
2. 把自己放在英文環境裡:要求自己要用英文思考, 每講一句國語就想這句
英文怎麼講, 走過街上看到公共汽車就想這是不是叫做 Bus,看到一塊招牌也要想
英文應該怎麼說。 眼中所看到生活中的每一件事物都要用英文去想,這樣才能在國
"Naturally, practicing English and thinking in English are very import
ant. For example, if we read a book in six sittings, by the time we finish
the book, we will have forgotten much of the first half. But, if each tim
e we sit down, we start again from the first page, we can read it more qui
ckly and will remember it in more detail."
『當然,多練習、多想、是非常重要的, 舉個例子來說,我們看一本書如果分
六次來讀,到後來大概前面部份寫什麼都忘光了。 但是如果每次都從第一頁開使讀
"While I was never trained as an interpreter, I can do simultaneous in
terpretation. This is because my method of learning happens to be the same
as the general method of simultaneous interpretation. When watching Engl
ish movies, I would consider how the dialogue would go in Chinese; when wa
tching a Chinese movie I would consider how the dialogue would go in Engli
sh. Upon hearing a friend exclaim, "Laot'ien!" in Chinese, I would conside
r that the English equivalent is "My God!" and not, literally, "Old Sky!".
Making such demands on myself was painstaking but beneficial; I am now ab
le to render simultaneous interpretations without ever having purposely se
t out to master the art."
『我本身沒有受過翻譯訓練而能做同步翻譯, 是因為學習英文的方式恰巧就是
同步翻譯的方法。 看英文電影時就想國語怎麼說,看國片時就想英文怎麼說。朋有
喊: 「老天啊!」我就想這是「 My God!」而不是「 Old Sky!」,就這樣自己要
"I am fortunate to have begun learning English by listening to songs.
In order to sing, one must first listen. Once one is able to catch the lyr
ics, one can go on to read and speak. At that point, one can check the mea
ning of the words and expressions in the dictionary. Understanding the mea
ning, one can use those words. This is quite like the way in which we lear
ned mother tongue, Chinese. First we listen, then speak, then read, then w
rite. People nowadays often proceed in the opposite direction when they st
udy English. They begin with reading and writing. Only later do they ventu
re to speak and listen. This approach to language learning is unnatural. L
anguage learning must begin with listening. This will not create undue pre
ssure or hardship. To those who are not interested in learning English, I
suggest listening to English songs. First find several songs with clear pr
onunciation and a simple rhythm and appealing sound. After listening to th
em over and over, begin to sing along and check the meaning of the lyrics.
After a long time, you will naturally be able to use those English words
in conversation. When you sing, however, be sure to pay for the copyright
of the song!"
我很幸運地英文是從唱歌學的, 唱歌就是要先會聽,會聽以後就會唸,會講,
然後再到字典裡查字義,意思懂了以後最後就能用。 就好像在學我們自己的母語中
文時,依照聽→講→看→寫這樣的步驟來學習,自然很有效果。 但是現在很多人是
倒著來的,先學寫,才來看,最後才講和聽,好像有點不太符合自然法則。 學習語
言絕對應該從聽入手,這樣才不會成為壓力,也不會造成痛苦。 對英文沒興趣的人
我建議可以聽聽英文歌,找幾首咬字清楚, 旋律簡單又好聽的歌來練習,聽熟了以
"As to communicating with foreigners, I believe that the most importan
t thing is to dare to speak out. Speaking out is most important -- don't b
e overly concerned about pronunciation or grammar. Speaking out is the bes
t way to start. We are not native speakers of English. We needn't force ou
rselves to pronounce as accurately as native speakers. As a matter of fact
, many foreigners don't speak standard English. It is alright so long as w
e can speak out and our pronunciation is not too poor."
『對於怎樣和外國人溝通的問題,我認為最重要的就是要勇於開口。 開口講
最重要,不要管發音準不準,也不要介意文法對不對,能開口講就是好的開始。 我
們是外國人,不必強求發音一定要像 Native Speaker 一樣, 而且事實上並不是所
Having dared to speak out, we should begin to pay attention to grammar
, because incorrect grammar can cause misunderstanding. If we tell a nativ
e speaker of English, "She was my friend." he is liable to think that this
person is now dead or that you've become enemies. Consequently, it is imp
ortant for Chinese speakers of English to pay close attention to verb tens
e when speaking English. When we have good pronunciation and correct gramm
ar, native speakers can understand us easily. Beginners needn't worry abou
t perfecting eloquent rhetorical forms.
『能開口講以後再注意一下文法,因為文法不精確會造成誤會。 如果我們對一
個外國人說:She was My Friend 人家會以為你這個朋友已經不在了或是與你已經反
目成仇。 所以對中國人來說,文法的時態要注意。 發音及文法都對,外國人就聽得
"Speaking from my experience as a parent, I feel that children should
learn English naturally: Don't pressure them. Don't compel them. As parent
s, we need to provide our children with an attractive learning environment
. Otherwise, if they don't like to learn English, no matter how much time
we spend or what method we use, they won't learn very much. We should arou
se their curiosity and whet their interest in learning English. Nowadays m
any parents send their children to English-language cram schools or even t
o foreign countries during school holidays -- this is fine. So long as the
children are interested in English, the earlier they start learning the b
etter. At the same time, this process must be natural and not forced."
『以一個家長的經驗來說, 我覺得孩子學英文要在自然的狀態下進行,不要給
他壓力,不要逼。 我們做父母的責任在提供孩子一個有誘因的學習環境。除非他喜
歡的事物,否則用什麼方法,在什麼時間,都達不到學習的效果。 要讓他感到好奇
不錯的做法。 如果小孩子有興趣的話,學習英文是越早越好,不過一定要自然,不
I feel that the electronic dictionaries now on the market are excellen
t high-tech products which are of great benefit to people who are learning
1.) Although the electronic synthetic pronunciation system is not yet
perfect, the electronic dictionaries still function as helpful portable t
eachers which let the student look up the words and hear their pronunciati
on. This improves their listening comprehension. Once they have listening
comprehension, they will dare to speak out.
1. 雖然電子合成音仍有待改善, 但有個隨身攜帶的英文老師會是很大的幫助
2.) The articles in the Besta New English Review are relatively in-dep
th. For example, professor Wu Ping-chung's introductions to new English wo
rds provide information that cannot be found elsewhere. Only Besta provide
s this kind of information in a rapid learning format. This magazine is de
finitely worth reading. Keep up the good work!
2. 無敵新英語雜誌也編得相當有深度, 例如吳炳鍾教授的新字介紹,這個資
※ 編輯: responsive 來自: (04/12 04:26)
作者: yiyit (我的寶貝) 看板: English
標題: [轉錄]最夢幻的上流職業:外交官(6) 胡志強
時間: Fri Apr 13 23:15:06 2007
※ [本文轉錄自 Examination 看板]
政大外交系 英國南安普頓大學政治系國際關係碩士 英國牛津大學國際關係博士
獨家專訪 -- 行政院新聞局胡志強局長 談學習英文的經驗 ...
Director-General of the Government Information Office of the Republic of C
Remarks on my experience of learning English
When he was a university student in the Department of Diplomacy at Nat
ional Chengchi University, G.I.O. Director-General Jason Hu was selected
to serve as the leader of the ROC delegation to the United Nations Worl
d Youth Assembly because his English was so good. Afterwards, as a student
in the United States and English and by frequently performing important d
uties in international affairs, he demonstrated splendid debate skills. Si
nce becoming Director-General of the G.I.O., he has become renowned worldw
ide for his flawless simultaneous interpretations. On this occasion, Direc
tor-General Hu shares his experience of learning English and his sense of
accomplishment with the readers of the Besta New English Review.
界青年大會代表團團長, 英文程度出類拔粹,後留學美國和英國,履在國際事務上
擔任重要職務,辯才無礙。 就任新聞局局長以來,更以完美的同步翻譯馳名中外。
"I always took a very natural approach to learning English. Most impor
tantly, I was interested: As a youth, I enjoyed Western music and liked to
sing along. This was essential in my learning English. When I was a high
school student, we had a foreign neighbor. Thus, every week, even if it wa
s but a few words, I still had the opportunity to practice conversation."
年輕的時候喜歡聽西洋歌曲,跟著音樂練唱,這跟英文進步有絕對的關係。 高中時
"When I was a high school sophomore, I began to think of becoming a di
plomat because I began to make much progress in English. This idea grew st
ronger and stronger in me -- like a rolling snowball. Later, I indeed matr
iculated into the Department of Diplomacy at Chengchi university. As a uni
versity sophomore, I went to Vietnam as a Young Student Representative to
attend a meeting. At that time, I was recommended by the China Youth Corps
and accepted on the basis of just one English test. Even though I had pa
rticipated in many international affairs activities as a freshman and soph
omore, I still couldn't think in English. By my senior year, however, I ma
de considerable progress, so when I attended the United Nations Congress,
I could already use English directly without needing to consult an English
draft. Because of the political situation at that time, we sometimes had
to debate spontaneously in English in order to persuade others."
『高二的時候英文成績漸漸的進步, 就開始想做外交官,這個想法越來越強,
像滾雪球一樣,後來果然考進了外交系。 大二為青年學生代表到越南開會,當時是
經過救國團推薦錄取的,只考一科英文。 大一,大二時雖然參加了很多國際性事務
的活動,但是還不能用英文思考,到大四就進步很多。 至聯合國參加會議時已經可
"It is interesting to note that when I was a high school sophomore, I
participated in my first speech contest. It was in English and I won first
place. Naturally, I didn't realize at the time that I would go on to part
icipate in many Chinese speech contests and debates."
『有趣的是我在高二時生平第一次參加的演講比賽就是用英語得到第一名, 當
"There were two major factors that influence in my learning English to
the point that I was able to think in English:
First, having entered the Department of Diplomacy, I was able to pract
ice what I learnt. English is essential to the study of international rela
tions. Thus, after entering the University, my interest in English remaine
d strong. I continued to listen to Western music and began to listen to En
glish radio broadcasts and read English newspapers. I also participated in
numerous international activities held in the ROC such as the summer vaca
tion Asian Youth Camp which gave me many opportunities to use English.
1. 真正考上外交系, 學以致用:英文對外交系來說非常重要,上大學以後我
。 除此之外, 最重要的是在國內參加了很多國際活動,例如說在暑假裡參加亞洲青
Second, I put myself into an English environment and forced myself to
think in English. Every time I uttered a sentence in Chinese I considered
how that sentence would be expressed in English. On the street, I would t
hink of the English terms for the things I saw. For example, when I saw a
city bus, I would think this is called "city bus" in English. When I notic
ed in street sign, I would consider how it would be written in English. By
considering how everything in daily life would be expressed in English, e
ven in this country, I constructed an English environment for learning Eng
2. 把自己放在英文環境裡:要求自己要用英文思考, 每講一句國語就想這句
英文怎麼講, 走過街上看到公共汽車就想這是不是叫做 Bus,看到一塊招牌也要想
英文應該怎麼說。 眼中所看到生活中的每一件事物都要用英文去想,這樣才能在國
"Naturally, practicing English and thinking in English are very import
ant. For example, if we read a book in six sittings, by the time we finish
the book, we will have forgotten much of the first half. But, if each tim
e we sit down, we start again from the first page, we can read it more qui
ckly and will remember it in more detail."
『當然,多練習、多想、是非常重要的, 舉個例子來說,我們看一本書如果分
六次來讀,到後來大概前面部份寫什麼都忘光了。 但是如果每次都從第一頁開使讀
"While I was never trained as an interpreter, I can do simultaneous in
terpretation. This is because my method of learning happens to be the same
as the general method of simultaneous interpretation. When watching Engl
ish movies, I would consider how the dialogue would go in Chinese; when wa
tching a Chinese movie I would consider how the dialogue would go in Engli
sh. Upon hearing a friend exclaim, "Laot'ien!" in Chinese, I would conside
r that the English equivalent is "My God!" and not, literally, "Old Sky!".
Making such demands on myself was painstaking but beneficial; I am now ab
le to render simultaneous interpretations without ever having purposely se
t out to master the art."
『我本身沒有受過翻譯訓練而能做同步翻譯, 是因為學習英文的方式恰巧就是
同步翻譯的方法。 看英文電影時就想國語怎麼說,看國片時就想英文怎麼說。朋有
喊: 「老天啊!」我就想這是「 My God!」而不是「 Old Sky!」,就這樣自己要
"I am fortunate to have begun learning English by listening to songs.
In order to sing, one must first listen. Once one is able to catch the lyr
ics, one can go on to read and speak. At that point, one can check the mea
ning of the words and expressions in the dictionary. Understanding the mea
ning, one can use those words. This is quite like the way in which we lear
ned mother tongue, Chinese. First we listen, then speak, then read, then w
rite. People nowadays often proceed in the opposite direction when they st
udy English. They begin with reading and writing. Only later do they ventu
re to speak and listen. This approach to language learning is unnatural. L
anguage learning must begin with listening. This will not create undue pre
ssure or hardship. To those who are not interested in learning English, I
suggest listening to English songs. First find several songs with clear pr
onunciation and a simple rhythm and appealing sound. After listening to th
em over and over, begin to sing along and check the meaning of the lyrics.
After a long time, you will naturally be able to use those English words
in conversation. When you sing, however, be sure to pay for the copyright
of the song!"
我很幸運地英文是從唱歌學的, 唱歌就是要先會聽,會聽以後就會唸,會講,
然後再到字典裡查字義,意思懂了以後最後就能用。 就好像在學我們自己的母語中
文時,依照聽→講→看→寫這樣的步驟來學習,自然很有效果。 但是現在很多人是
倒著來的,先學寫,才來看,最後才講和聽,好像有點不太符合自然法則。 學習語
言絕對應該從聽入手,這樣才不會成為壓力,也不會造成痛苦。 對英文沒興趣的人
我建議可以聽聽英文歌,找幾首咬字清楚, 旋律簡單又好聽的歌來練習,聽熟了以
"As to communicating with foreigners, I believe that the most importan
t thing is to dare to speak out. Speaking out is most important -- don't b
e overly concerned about pronunciation or grammar. Speaking out is the bes
t way to start. We are not native speakers of English. We needn't force ou
rselves to pronounce as accurately as native speakers. As a matter of fact
, many foreigners don't speak standard English. It is alright so long as w
e can speak out and our pronunciation is not too poor."
『對於怎樣和外國人溝通的問題,我認為最重要的就是要勇於開口。 開口講
最重要,不要管發音準不準,也不要介意文法對不對,能開口講就是好的開始。 我
們是外國人,不必強求發音一定要像 Native Speaker 一樣, 而且事實上並不是所
Having dared to speak out, we should begin to pay attention to grammar
, because incorrect grammar can cause misunderstanding. If we tell a nativ
e speaker of English, "She was my friend." he is liable to think that this
person is now dead or that you've become enemies. Consequently, it is imp
ortant for Chinese speakers of English to pay close attention to verb tens
e when speaking English. When we have good pronunciation and correct gramm
ar, native speakers can understand us easily. Beginners needn't worry abou
t perfecting eloquent rhetorical forms.
『能開口講以後再注意一下文法,因為文法不精確會造成誤會。 如果我們對一
個外國人說:She was My Friend 人家會以為你這個朋友已經不在了或是與你已經反
目成仇。 所以對中國人來說,文法的時態要注意。 發音及文法都對,外國人就聽得
"Speaking from my experience as a parent, I feel that children should
learn English naturally: Don't pressure them. Don't compel them. As parent
s, we need to provide our children with an attractive learning environment
. Otherwise, if they don't like to learn English, no matter how much time
we spend or what method we use, they won't learn very much. We should arou
se their curiosity and whet their interest in learning English. Nowadays m
any parents send their children to English-language cram schools or even t
o foreign countries during school holidays -- this is fine. So long as the
children are interested in English, the earlier they start learning the b
etter. At the same time, this process must be natural and not forced."
『以一個家長的經驗來說, 我覺得孩子學英文要在自然的狀態下進行,不要給
他壓力,不要逼。 我們做父母的責任在提供孩子一個有誘因的學習環境。除非他喜
歡的事物,否則用什麼方法,在什麼時間,都達不到學習的效果。 要讓他感到好奇
不錯的做法。 如果小孩子有興趣的話,學習英文是越早越好,不過一定要自然,不
I feel that the electronic dictionaries now on the market are excellen
t high-tech products which are of great benefit to people who are learning
1.) Although the electronic synthetic pronunciation system is not yet
perfect, the electronic dictionaries still function as helpful portable t
eachers which let the student look up the words and hear their pronunciati
on. This improves their listening comprehension. Once they have listening
comprehension, they will dare to speak out.
1. 雖然電子合成音仍有待改善, 但有個隨身攜帶的英文老師會是很大的幫助
2.) The articles in the Besta New English Review are relatively in-dep
th. For example, professor Wu Ping-chung's introductions to new English wo
rds provide information that cannot be found elsewhere. Only Besta provide
s this kind of information in a rapid learning format. This magazine is de
finitely worth reading. Keep up the good work!
2. 無敵新英語雜誌也編得相當有深度, 例如吳炳鍾教授的新字介紹,這個資
※ 編輯: responsive 來自: (04/12 04:26)
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