路透社報導: 倫敦地鐵將罷工兩天 - 留學

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2009-06-09T08:45

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London Underground faces strike after talks fail

協商破裂! 倫敦地鐵面臨罷工

LONDON (Reuters) - London Underground workers will go ahead with a
two-day strike after last-minute talks with bosses broke down on
Monday, their union said.

The strike, over job safeguards, is due to start around 7 p.m. on
Tuesday and run for 48 hours.

"The strike goes ahead and is expected to be supported across the
Tube network," said a spokesperson for the National Union of Rail,
Maritime and Transport Workers. The union said no further last-ditch
talks were currently scheduled.

Transport for London, which runs the Underground, said it would put
on extra services, including more buses and a free river shuttle, to
help ease disruption.

(Reporting by Rosalba O'Brien, editing by Mark Trevelyan)

TfL 網站: http://www.tfl.gov.uk/

RMT strike action

If the strike goes ahead it will affect services from approximately
19:00 on Tuesday 9 June. There will be a significant impact on Tube
services and they will not return to normal until Friday morning 12
June, unless the strike is resolved.
Oyster pay as you go will be accepted on National Rail journeys in
Greater London.


菩提樹之歌 旅英準備部落格 http://lindenbaum.pixnet.net/blog/

井旁邊, 大門前面, 有一棵菩提樹

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2009-06-10T08:38


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-06-09T03:59
推薦一個網站我個人還滿常用的 http://www.skyscanner.net/ 滿多歐洲的便宜機票都可以用這個查詢 不過這只是個搜尋而已 要買票還是要跟航空公司買的 - ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2009-06-09T01:49
因為我在網站上看到 在英國的簽證必須還要三個月以上(從法國回英國之後) 我預計是七月十六出發,七月22回國 但我的英簽很不幸的在10月12日到期 所以這代表我提前出局了嗎? 面簽有機會嗎?謝謝 - ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2009-06-09T00:08
請問有Ielts複查成績的朋友,你們的複查成績大概多久後才出來呢? 我家閃光是3/21考試,成績在4/7寄回台北英國文化協會複查 可是到現在已經邁入第十週了,但是卻一點消息也沒有 atatand#34; 複查成績要什麼時候才會出來呢? 再請問如果成績有更動的話,英國文化協會會先打電話告知嗎? 還是會直接收到 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2009-06-08T23:01
出國前真是有好多事情要忙 從補習 準備語言考試 寫推薦信 準備申請學校的資料 選校 辦簽證 辦貸款 大小事忙不完 加上我還在上班 整個schedule真的很緊湊 幸好PTT有很多的資訊可以挖 從TOFEL資訊 到選校 都有很多熱心的版友 這次我能夠申請到心中屬意的學校 跟成功申請貸款都要謝謝版 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2009-06-08T22:58
爬文後都沒看到資料..... 請問大家都在哪個網站買票? 可否舉幾個常比價的網站? 我想研究一下從英國去歐洲國家玩要花多少錢。 謝謝大家! - ...