跪求以下英文翻譯(感恩)(小的銘記在心):十萬火急~! - 生活

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2013-10-12T00:00

Table of Contents

★ 1.:→在台灣,中秋節是非常重要的節慶之一。★ 2.:→我們慶祝中秋節的時間是:在每年的農曆8月15日。★ 3.:→我們慶祝中秋節的原因是:因為這天月亮滿圓,象徵團圓★ 4.:→我們通常在中秋節這天賞月,在賞月同時會吃柚子,月餅,烤肉,來享受中秋節一家團圓的日子★ 5.:
★ 6 .:自己的成績是可以讓我知道嗎??
★ 7 .:會話練習是照課本念??還是要自己想??
8 .:會話練習的計分方式是怎麼扣分??

sore ??不是score嘛??
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Tags: 生活

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Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2013-10-12T01:44
1.In Taiwan, Moon Festival is one of the most important holidays of all. (中秋節也可以翻譯成 Mid-Autumn Festival, 但是在德州這裡大家都是講 Moon Festival)
2.We celebrate Moon Festival every year on August fifteenth on the lunar calendar.
3.The reason why we celebrate Moon Festival is because on that day, there will be a full moon, which symbolizes the gathering of family members.
4.On the day of Moon Festival, we would usually admire the full moon while at the same time eating pomelos and barbecue as a remembrance or a celebration of family gathering.
5.The atmosphere of the Moon Festival let us forget about the burdens of everyday life, making everyone delighted and joyous.
6.Can I see my own grade?
7.Do I follow the book for speaking exercises, or do I improvise on my own?
8.What is the rubric for speaking exercises? What do you suggest me to do to get a high score?
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2013-10-16T02:00
1.在台灣,中秋節是非常重要的節慶之一。1. in Taiwan , the Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals. 2.我們慶祝中秋節的時間是:在每年的 農曆8月15日 。2. time for us to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival is: August 15 each year. 3.我們慶祝中秋節的原因是:因為這天月亮滿圓,象徵團圓 3. the reason we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival is: because the day the Moon is full circle, a symbol of reunion 4.我們通常在中秋節這天賞月,在賞月同時會吃柚子,月餅,烤肉,來享受中秋節一家團圓的日子4. we usually full moon on Mid-Autumn Festival day, the full moon while eating grapefruit, moon cake, barbecue, to enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion day 5.在中秋節這天,讓我們難以忘懷,在不知不覺中就沉浸在這氣氛中,使我們每個人都樂在其中5. the Mid-Autumn Festival on this day, let us remember, unknowingly have been immersed in this atmosphere, we all enjoy it 6.自己的成績是可以讓我知道嗎??6. your performance is that you can let me know?? 7.會話練習是照課本念??還是要自己想??7. conversations as the textbooks say?? Still need to figure it out?? 8.會話練習的計分方式是怎麼扣分??怎樣才能獲得高分??8. the point system is how the point of conversations?? How to get high??
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2013-10-13T23:21
To: 仰仰
The reason why.....is because + 子句 (X)
The reason why.....is that + 子句 (O)
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2013-10-16T00:30
In Taiwan, Mid-Autumn Festival is important one of holidays
2.We celebrate annually Mid-Autumn Festival on August Fifteenth in Chinese Calender.
3.The reason for celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival is to symbolize people get together
because of the full moon.
4.We usually admire the full moon , meanwhile, having some pomelos, mooncakes , even barbecuing
at Mid-Autumn.
5.On Mid-Autumn Festival, the atmosphere of holiday permeates through and makes us delighted without knowing.
We would never forget it.
6.Could I know my what my sore is for the test?
7.Do I have to follow the textbook's teaching or whatever I want to study.
8.Scoring system for Conversation Practice is how to minus points.
2013-10-12 22:29:33 補充:
更正 6.Could I know what my sore is for the test?
如有翻譯有誤,請見諒 thx
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2013-10-13T18:45


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2013-10-11T00:00
我六年級有考慮要讀慧燈希望知道的人可以幫我回答問題1.慧燈國中ㄉ學費貴嗎??多少2.那邊的老師嚴嗎??3.慧燈學�� ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2013-10-11T00:00
我喜歡設計和畫畫˙˙所以想讀高職=)但我不太了解and#34;設計係and#34;有分哪些ˊˋ(例室內設計..等的˙˙請告訴我一�� ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2013-10-11T00:00
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Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2013-10-11T00:00
近來買ㄌ新家,,開心之餘才發現我家隔壁是遠傳及威寶ㄅ基地台,,原本不太介意,,但是後來越聽越多,,越聽越覺得奇� ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2013-10-11T00:00
大家好最近遇到了感情上的一些問題心情極度的鬱卒心煩意亂找不到方向能不能請各位大大位我指點迷津一下拜託 ...