Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2010-06-21T19:13

Table of Contents


Paragraph 4 Helping this group of teachers to revise their thinking about
classroom events became central. ■This process took time and patience and
effective trainers. ■The researchers estimate that the initial training of
the same teachers to view events objectively took between 20 and 30 hours,
with the same number of hours again being required to practice the skills of

Paragraph 5 ■Wildman and Niles identify three principles that facilitate
reflective practice in a teaching situation. ■The first is support from
administrators in an education system, enabling teachers to understand the
requirements of reflective practice and how it relates to teaching students.
The second is the availability of sufficient time and space. The teachers in
the program described how they found it difficult to put aside the immediate
demands of others in order to give themselves the time they needed to develop
their reflective skills. The third is the development of a collaborative
environment with support from other teachers. Support and encouragement were
also required to help teachers in the program cope with aspects of their
professional life with which they were not comfortable. Wildman and Niles make
a summary comment: "Perhaps the most important thing we learned is the idea
of the teacher-as-reflective-practitioner will not happen simply because it is
a good or even compelling idea."

However, changing teachers’ thinking about reflection will not succeed
unless there is support for reflection in the teaching environment.


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-06-24T01:02
原文:除非有什麼可以支持XXX... 插入點後面馬上舉出例子
David avatar
By David
at 2010-06-24T16:42
我是覺得 teaching situation & environment 是一樣的東西
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2010-06-26T19:21
所以剛講完需要 env. 就舉出一些促進 situ. 的 principal.
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-07-01T19:17
第一個跟第四個應該很明顯不可能! 第二個點的後面那
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-07-03T15:25
所以我覺得不是第四段最後一句 就是第五段第一句
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2010-07-07T09:07
再來插入句的內容很general 所以放句首可能性很高
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-07-07T12:21
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2010-07-10T12:42

60-Second Science使用方法

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2010-06-21T09:28
我想請教一下 假如在聽的時候隱隱約約知道大意 大有些關鍵字不知道意思的話 大家是會反覆聽直到猜出意思呢? 還是會直接查過知道意思再回去聽啊? 因為看過script之後 等於內容都知道了 這個時候再聽就算是有跟上 感覺也是因為知道內容的關係 似乎聽力訓練的效果就差了不少atat 可以分享一下你們 ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2010-06-21T01:53
請問有人有TPO6和TPO13的聽力檔嗎 因為缺了這兩回聽力檔 但土豆網的聽力下載又需要先下載某個軟體 不太會用 剛剛去便當狗抓網友分享的TPO1-14聽力檔 但檔案過大,抓了三個部分,四和五就抓不下來了andgt;___andlt; 剩一周就要考試了,非常急 不知道是否有誰有單獨這兩回的聽力檔可 ...

Re: 7/3 (六) 2010 台灣MBA高峰會於台北舉行!!!

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2010-06-20T23:45
※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板 #1C7ZSe-K ] 作者: formosamba (FormosaMBA) 看板: studyabroad 標題: Re: 7/3 (六) 2010 台灣MBA高峰會於台北舉行!!! 時間: Sun Jun 20 23:43:30 2010 感謝所有版 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2010-06-20T22:23
我想請問一下, 九月中左右要考, 何時報名還來的及呢? 台北考場or桃竹地區皆可接受 - ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-06-20T16:40
已爬過文但還有些地方不確定,請各位好心大大 解答,謝謝大家^^ 1. 請問台大LTTC的8581或8582考場去年還是CRT 螢幕,不知現在是否已經換成液晶螢幕了嗎?? 2. 請問大家知道漢口地球村9月18日的考場是已 經被報滿了還是還沒出來??atat 3. 請問逢甲考場不知位置是否擁擠, ...