請教我聽力記筆記的問題 - 英檢

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2013-11-01T16:38

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有時候 即使我覺得聽懂了 筆記也做了 還是錯不少
把重點記下來 如果有例子 會紀錄例子是支持哪個重點的
還有如果聽的出一些語氣和特殊字 會注意一下 ex but, however

像是細節題 閱讀不會考例子的內容 只會考例子是支持哪個重點
有時候我根本不記得在哪出現過 或忘記前後文說什麼
我比較不知道怎麼記到這些部份 或是那些地方可能會考語氣之類的

我列一篇範例筆記 和我錯的
(原版筆記更亂 這個是整理過的 但記下的內容不多不少)
介紹蝙蝠的ultrasound 定義是高頻的波
有些蝙蝠用眼睛看 有些蝙蝠視力差 又要補食和躲避獵物

方法是:放波出去 再分析回來的波

中間提到一種動物可以探測到高頻波 就能先跑

但又有實驗反駁 蝙蝠可以分辨兩種樹
方法是有些東西的反射波是平滑的 有些是gigot 也就是粗粗的

TPO7 lecture 2 Biology 筆記:

ultrasound: high frequency
student: bat
student: 吃 不被吃
some bat use vision
but: bat vision weak
ultrasound method: 波出去 波回來 分析
定位功能: location shape
一種動物(moof): 偵測high frequency sound, 逃
功能強度: experiment: laser xxx bat: 分辨不同樹: how 分辨: smooth or gigot

錯的:14, 16, 17

13題內容沒出現在筆記中 憑印象 看了文本發現 正確答案中有textbook
但聽力文本中只有assignment 沒有textbook 只知道其他答案相差更遠

13. why does the professor decide NOT to add more information to the diagram
on the board?
D: Students already have the additional information in their textbook

14題:選C,D 正確答案A,C 沒聽出有停止拍動翅膀(筆記有記到逃跑)
14. According to the professor, what are two ways in which a moth might react
when it detects the presence of a bat? Click on 2 answers
A: The moth might stop beating its wings
B: The moth might emit high-frequency sounds
C: The moth might leave the area
D: The moth might change its color to match its surroundings

16題:筆記沒記到 答案C我選A 因為A看起來比較可能造成smooth echo
16. According to the professor ,why does a pine tree produce a "smooth" echo?
Because it has a smooth trunk
Because it has large branches spaced at regular intervals
Because it has many small, densely packed needles
Because it remains stationary in all types of weather

17題: 知道這段音檔是老師回應之前同學說的話:蝙蝠是一種用ultrasound的動物

17. Why does the professor say this:
Before I go on, let me just respond something Kayo was saying
A: To answer a question that Carol asked
B: To correct a statement that Carol made
C: To praise Carol for an example that she gave
D: To give an example of a principle that Carol stated

Pro: So, that is how elephant uses infrasound. Now, let's talk about the
other and the acoustic spectrums, sound that is too high for humans to
Ultrasound is used by many animals that detected and some of them seen out
very high frequency sounds. So, what is a good example? Yes, Kayo.<BR>
Kayo: Well, bats, since there is all blind, bets have to use sound for, you
know, to keep them from flying in the things.<BR>
Pro: That is echolocation. Echolocation is pretty self-explanatory; using
echoes reflected sound waves to located things. As Kayo said that bat used
for navigation and orientation. And what is else. Make.<BR>
Make: Well, finding food is always important, and I guess not becoming food
for other animals. <BR>
Pro: Right, on both accounts. Avoiding other predators, and locating prey,
typically insects that fly around it at night.
Before I go on, let me just respond something Kayo was saying---
this idea that is bats are blind. Actually, there are some species of bats,
the one that don't use echolocation that do rely on their vision for
but its true for many bats, their vision is too weak to count on. Ok, so
quick some rays if echolocation works. The bats emit the ultrasonic pulses,
very high pitch sound waves that we cannot hear. <BR>
And then, they analyze the echoes, how the waves bound back. Here, let me
finish the style diagram I started it before the class. So the bat sends out
the pulses, very focus birds of sound, and echo bounds back.
You know, I don't think I need to draw the echoes, your reading assignment
for the next class; it has diagram shows this very clearly. <BR>
So, anyway, as I were saying, by analyzing this echo, the bat can determine,
say, if there is wall in a cave that needs to avoid, and how far away it is.
Another thing uses the ultrasound to detect is the size and the shape of
objects. <BR>
For example, one echo they quickly identified is one way associated with
moff, which is common prey for a bat, particularly a moff meeting its wings.
However, moff happened to have major advantage over most other insects. They
can detect ultrasound; this means that when the bat approaches, the moff can
detect the bat's presence. <BR>
So, it has time to escape to safety, or else they can just remain motionless.
Since, when they stop meeting their wings, they will be much hard for the bat
to distinguish from, oh… a leave or some other object.
Now, we have tended to underestimate just how sophisticated the ability that
animals that use ultrasound are. In fact, we kinds of assume that they were
filtering a lot out. <BR>
The ways are sophisticated radar on our system can ignore the echo from the
stationary object on the ground.
Radar are does this to remove ground clutter, information about the hills or
buildings that they doesn't need. But bats, we thought they were filtering
out kinds of information,
because they simply couldn't analyze it. But, it looks as we are wrong.
Recent there was the experiment with trees and specific species of bat. A bat
called: the laser spear nosed bat.
Now, a tree should be huge and acoustic challenge for bat, right? I mean it
got all kinds of surfaces with different shapes and angles. <BR>
So, well, the echoes from trees are going to be massive and chaotic acoustic
reflection, right, not like the echo from the moff.
So, we thought for a long time that the bat stop their evaluation as simply
that is tree.
Yet, it turns out that is or at least particular species, cannot only tell
that is trees, but can also distinguish between a pine tree, deciduous tree,
like a maple or oak tree, just by their leaves.
And when I say, leaves, I mean pine needles too. Any idea on how we would
know that?<BR>
Stu: Well, like with the moff, could be their shape? <BR>
Pro: You are on the right track---it actually the echo of all the leaves as
whole the matters. Now, think, a pine trees with little densely packed
Those produced a large number of fain reflection in which what's we called
as: a smooth of echo.
The wave forms were very even, but an oak which has fewer but bigger leaves
with stronger reflections, produces a gigots wave form, or what we called: a
rough echo.
And these bats can distinguish between a two, and not just was trees,
but with any echo come in smooth and rough shape.<BR>

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2013-11-03T03:43
我覺得聽力跟閱讀最大的差別是 他的題目都蠻
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2013-11-05T23:11
straight forward 所以我做筆記的方法是幫助我專心
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-11-06T22:44
聽他的每一個句子 不要恍神 我自己是有點類似逐字記
就一直聽一直寫 之後不大會REVIEW他 畢竟短期記憶
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2013-11-11T04:52
應該相當夠用 如果有聽到沒恍神的話(又有手寫下來
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2013-11-11T18:07
語氣的部分 倒是筆記有點難 可能同一段tpo聽多次一點
讓你習慣這種語氣 就是想表達這個意思 就ok了
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2013-11-15T01:14
其實語氣就大同小異 sarcasm 就是語氣取勝
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-11-15T07:29
要聽同一段的TPO的原因是 內容了解了 才有時間去想
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2013-11-19T05:35
我看了rosa板友聽力的文章1HThhe2q 建議是不要記太
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2013-11-19T06:51
細節 我的經驗也是一直記筆記會分心 所以逐字記對我
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2013-11-24T03:14
有困難 我語氣和目的題我想一部分原因是我不記得題
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2013-11-25T10:44

一戰110 哈佛補習

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2013-11-01T01:29
大概是暑假的時候決定要考托福,於是到了北車想要選補習班, 覺得美加感覺太大間很商業化,字神小不拉機, 於是選了哈佛來補習。 之後陸陸續續開始上了哈佛的大班,在大班我可以迅速累積實力, 並練習各種題型,讓我對考試有概念,我最喜歡的是彭湘平老師, 暑假才會開得聽說實戰班,可以練習很多題目,老師講話速度很快, ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2013-11-01T00:27
因為一些因素,所以原本報名12月的考試計畫被打亂了, 想換到11月考試但北部卻沒有位子了...andgt;and#34;andlt; 想請問是否有版友報名11月的考試,但因故計畫要改期或取消的呢? 如果有的話,不知道是否可以請您轉讓給我呢? 新竹--台北的考場都可以! 誠心徵求好心人,我會非常感激您 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2013-10-31T18:02
不好意思 請問一下 因為剛剛爬了很多分類 就是找不到GRE的板 請問有大大知道是否PTT上面有GRE的板呢? 感謝~~ PS: 因為第一次下定決心要準備考GRE 想尋求一下準備的讀書方法分享 希望沒有違反板規andgt;and#34;andlt; 謝謝!!! - ...

J2TOEFL 11/2字彙題預測

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2013-10-31T14:50
11/2 字彙題預測 歡迎加入Facebook社團後至檔案區免費下載: https://www.facebook.com/groups/437362266344116/ 閱讀模擬真題命中,也順利命中單字題喔!! 近兩個月命中情況: 9/14命中 Homer and O ...

官方模考Windows Media Player相容性?

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2013-10-31T09:37
要考11/9那場,今天想說來做做當初報名的時候一併買的一次模考題 到了 http://toeflpractice.ets.org 輸入授權碼,竟然跳出一個頁面說 Windows Media Player is required by this site, and does not appear to b ...