請教幾個托福問題 - 英檢

By Dorothy
at 2008-11-23T23:03
at 2008-11-23T23:03
Table of Contents
※ 引述《senge (跟著村上春樹去旅行)》之銘言:
: 我想請教三個問題:
: (1)實際考試時,我打作文,每段第一句忘記按Tab空兩格,這樣會扣分嗎?
→ 請看最下面的範例:
: (2)實際考試時,聽力的最後一題,我選了答案,
: 但是沒有按NEXT跟OK鍵,直到時間到,那我最後一題有算分嗎?
→ 不算分
: (3)如果考前沒有先選好免費加發的四間學校,那考後可以再選嗎?還是只能選擇加發了。
→ 只能選擇加發了。
(1) 英文作文的格式有兩種:
第一式: 首段不空, 後段空兩格, 例:
The Native Americans of northern California were highly skilled at basketry,
using the reeds, grasses, bards, and roots they found around them to fashion
articles of all sorts and sizes - not only trays, containers, and cooking
pots, but hats, boats, fish traps, baby carriers, and ceremonial objects.
Of all these experts, none excelled the Pomo - a group who lived on or
near the coast during the 1800's, and whose descendants continue to live in
parts of the same region to the same region to this day. They made baskets
three feet in diameter and others no bigger than a thimble. The Pomo people
were masters of decoration. Some of their baskets were ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
第二式: 全部段落都不空, 上下段空一行, 例:
The Native Americans of northern California were highly skilled at basketry,
using the reeds, grasses, bards, and roots they found around them to fashion
articles of all sorts and sizes - not only trays, containers, and cooking
pots, but hats, boats, fish traps, baby carriers, and ceremonial objects.
Of all these experts, none excelled the Pomo - a group who lived on or
near the coast during the 1800's, and whose descendants continue to live in
parts of the same region to the same region to this day. They made baskets
three feet in diameter and others no bigger than a thimble. The Pomo people
were masters of decoration. Some of their baskets were~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: 我想請教三個問題:
: (1)實際考試時,我打作文,每段第一句忘記按Tab空兩格,這樣會扣分嗎?
→ 請看最下面的範例:
: (2)實際考試時,聽力的最後一題,我選了答案,
: 但是沒有按NEXT跟OK鍵,直到時間到,那我最後一題有算分嗎?
→ 不算分
: (3)如果考前沒有先選好免費加發的四間學校,那考後可以再選嗎?還是只能選擇加發了。
→ 只能選擇加發了。
(1) 英文作文的格式有兩種:
第一式: 首段不空, 後段空兩格, 例:
The Native Americans of northern California were highly skilled at basketry,
using the reeds, grasses, bards, and roots they found around them to fashion
articles of all sorts and sizes - not only trays, containers, and cooking
pots, but hats, boats, fish traps, baby carriers, and ceremonial objects.
Of all these experts, none excelled the Pomo - a group who lived on or
near the coast during the 1800's, and whose descendants continue to live in
parts of the same region to the same region to this day. They made baskets
three feet in diameter and others no bigger than a thimble. The Pomo people
were masters of decoration. Some of their baskets were ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
第二式: 全部段落都不空, 上下段空一行, 例:
The Native Americans of northern California were highly skilled at basketry,
using the reeds, grasses, bards, and roots they found around them to fashion
articles of all sorts and sizes - not only trays, containers, and cooking
pots, but hats, boats, fish traps, baby carriers, and ceremonial objects.
Of all these experts, none excelled the Pomo - a group who lived on or
near the coast during the 1800's, and whose descendants continue to live in
parts of the same region to the same region to this day. They made baskets
three feet in diameter and others no bigger than a thimble. The Pomo people
were masters of decoration. Some of their baskets were~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
All Comments

By Jacky
at 2008-11-26T09:27
at 2008-11-26T09:27

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