請幫我翻譯英文大意一下..... - 生活

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-01-14T00:00

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就是我住的隔壁是個外國人,他完全不懂中文,來台灣5個月,他很熱情跟友善,常常看一個人生活很不方便,我的英文程度有限....農立過年要到了,我回家鄉前,我想送他一副拜拜用的筊杯(上面有印祝福語的),和一張春聯 和紅包
以下 請大大 幫我用英文翻譯 我想表達的意思~
2.還有春聯 代表喜氣 家家戶戶都會張貼......我給他的:福 和 春
3. 我會給他一個紅包袋, 送你一個紅包,代表未來一整年都很好 ,錢會很多 事事如意
(並說一些祝福他的話 ..)
我想跟他說 他的烤箱常常飄出很香的味道~ 感覺他的是大廚
.....就大家一起幫我想想 能說什麼能哈拉什麼...

All Comments

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-01-16T21:13
安安^^ 1. 這個筊杯出現在廟宇的作用是當我們若無法做主的時候,會向上天問問題,祈禱完後,一丟~>> I’ve got something for you for the Chinese New Year.First, the bamboo cups. It’s like fortune teller used in the temple when we’re eager to know what our future would be like.You take your knees down and prey for a while and then cast them onto the ground to see what’s happening on the cups.
2.還有春聯 代表喜氣 家家戶戶都會張貼......我給他的:福和 春
>> Second, the spring couplet.It represents happy aura surrounding the people and every household would display them on the walls of the entrance.I’d give you 福&春 which symbolize Fortune and Spring. 3. 我會給他一個紅包袋, 送你一個紅包,代表未來一整年都很好 ,錢會很多 事事如意 (並說一些祝福他的話 ..)
>> Third, the red envelope which symbolizes good fortune and earning a lot of money for the coming year.Wish you have a pleasant and blossom new year as well. 我想跟他說 他的烤箱常常飄出很香的味道~ 感覺他的是大廚>> By the way, it smells good from your oven all the time, you must be a good chef, ha~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~※參考看看(have fun in learning English)若答案裡有兩字連在一起,請把它分開學英文不要怕犯錯,但要常用。※
2011-01-16 07:14:22 補充:
thank for the correction. typo, should be "pray"
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2011-01-17T15:29
momo, prey? did you mean pray?
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-01-15T01:30
I have something to give you a ~
1. This divination is the role of the Temple when we where it is not possible to become the master of time, up to ask questions, after praying, a lost ~
2. There were couplets on behalf of happy expression or atmosphere every post ... ... I gave him: fuhechun
3. I will give him a red envelope bag, sending you a red envelope, on behalf of the next year are good, money will be a lot of everything(And that some wish him.)
I want to tell him that his oven often blow out very sweet taste ~ feels he is chef
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-01-18T13:50
Hi,I have something to give you. These things are our traditional gifts for Chinese New Year. These
Divination blocks Cups are for praying and asking our Gods for help in our temples,you may try it out.Simply throw it out,if they show diffirent sides, your wishes may come true.And this is a Red Envelope,we give it to others and children to bless. It represents a whole lucky year and sufficient money
.Congradualations , I crossed my fingers for you.By the way, I guess you are a good cook or someone? Because i always smell something fragrant from your baker,mmm~


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-01-14T00:00


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2011-01-14T00:00
因為我是巨蟹座最後一天7/22號生日所以有時我不知道該看巨蟹的運勢還是獅子的!1990 07 22是中午出生的可以� ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2011-01-14T00:00
我想要玩星海爭霸 2英雄連隊還有戰鎚2可是不知道要選


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-01-14T00:00
【買�� ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2011-01-14T00:00
我喜歡一個雙魚座的學長 還蠻受歡迎的
但是因為很少會遇到 平常不會見到
� ...