請幫我翻譯朗文ADVANCED聽力 - 自學

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2007-09-28T22:48

Table of Contents

p.217 Q.71
Men: The stores keep sending me the same bill, month after month, even though
I paid it in April.
Woman: Computers are run by humans, you know. The collection department will
find their error eventually.
Men: They should set up a better system than that.

請問什麼是collection department

p.219 Q.87,88,89
In a strange twist of events yesterday,翻曲折離奇的事件妥當嗎?
a man actually bit a dog.

he accidentally stepped on the dog,
who proceeded to wrap his teeth around the man's leg in anger.
wrap his teeth怎麼翻?

By all accounts, By all accounts怎麼翻?
only by biting the dog on the head could the victim get him to release his hold.

p.240 Q.1
(C)The waiter is covering the table. 這句怎麼翻?

p.242 Q.5
(D)The hospitality room is open 請問什麼是hospitality room


Tags: 自學

All Comments

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2007-10-01T11:17
collection department 催收部門
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2007-10-02T14:38
The waiter is covering the table
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2007-10-07T00:42
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2007-10-10T02:59
hospitality room 會客室
如有錯誤請見諒 ~
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2007-10-11T13:18
服務生正在鋪桌巾??是嗎?(covering the table)


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2007-09-28T21:05
※ 引述《mokia2424 ()》之銘言: : p.217 Q.74 : Man: The new employee in accounting is very personable. : Unfortunately, heand#39;s not very good with debits an ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2007-09-28T20:52
不好意思 想請問一下阿~~ 一般多益考試... 最好提前多久到考場呢? 提前一個小時去熟悉環境夠嗎atat? 因為好像是開考前15分鐘可以放進場~and#34;~ - ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2007-09-28T20:48
題目出自Longman advanced Test 2 Mrs. Prashar can always tel when her husband __D___ too much coffee because his hands start to shake. A)will have drunk B)had ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2007-09-28T19:49
我可以幫忙連署,不過目前我在lifenewboard連署過 不知道可不可以再去國家研究院那邊連署 可以的話,也想問一下大家,是否有誰願意當板主? 這樣可以在開連署的時候一起填上去會比較快 ※ 引述《osmosm (defr)》之銘言: : 看了上一篇推文 看來大家傾向開TOEIC板 : 可惜小弟 ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2007-09-28T17:08
想請問一下初學者想買微積分的書來看 哪一本比較好?? 爬過版了 版上推薦 書 名:理工微積分 作 者:莊紹容、楊精松 出版社:東華書局 但這是2005年的資料 不知道是不是有比較新的書?? 另外初學微積分補習會比較好嗎?? 還是說自己讀也是可以?? (要考研究所用的) 3Q大家解答 - ...