請問申請LSE - 留學
By Kumar
at 2008-11-08T23:07
at 2008-11-08T23:07
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我預計想申請財務 會計 這類商學課程
※ 引述《cuteruth (緊握妳的手)》之銘言:
: http://0rz.tw/3b50X
: Taiwan: a bachelor's degree with overall marks of 80% or a GPA of 3.7 for applicants from a 'National' university, other applicants would require a master's degree in addition
: 那麼如果是擁有碩士學位
: 但大學GPA不到3.7的話 也算是合格的申請者嗎?
: 請有申請過的人分享一下吧
: thanks
: ps順便給大家一個訊息
: In China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea ETS have introduced 'split administration' of the GRE using a computer based analytical test, followed by a paper based verbal and quantitative test. This will be repeated in the coming year. According to the Education Testing Service the paper based test dates are:
: 25 October, 2008
: 6 June, 2009
: You must take the first of these two tests in order to be considered for 2009-10 entry. The final date for registration for the paper based test is 20 September 2008, so all applicants from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea who are planning to take the GRE must arrange to do so in good time. It is not possible to take the computer based part of the test after the paper based sections.
: LSE要求台灣的學生必須以考紙筆測驗的GRE為必要 機考成績沒辦法列入考慮
: Several programmes, notably in the Accounting, Economics and Finance Departments, the Department of Management and the MSc Real Estate Economics and Finance, require GRE or GMAT scores and you should complete all three sections of the test in addition to your other supporting documents.
: 只有財務 會計 經濟 不動產program才有需要寄送GRE的要求
: 另外管理類的program也有RE/AT的寄送要求(在該科課程網頁有看到)
: 想申請LSE 商科的人請稍微留意一下
我預計想申請財務 會計 這類商學課程
※ 引述《cuteruth (緊握妳的手)》之銘言:
: http://0rz.tw/3b50X
: Taiwan: a bachelor's degree with overall marks of 80% or a GPA of 3.7 for applicants from a 'National' university, other applicants would require a master's degree in addition
: 那麼如果是擁有碩士學位
: 但大學GPA不到3.7的話 也算是合格的申請者嗎?
: 請有申請過的人分享一下吧
: thanks
: ps順便給大家一個訊息
: In China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea ETS have introduced 'split administration' of the GRE using a computer based analytical test, followed by a paper based verbal and quantitative test. This will be repeated in the coming year. According to the Education Testing Service the paper based test dates are:
: 25 October, 2008
: 6 June, 2009
: You must take the first of these two tests in order to be considered for 2009-10 entry. The final date for registration for the paper based test is 20 September 2008, so all applicants from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea who are planning to take the GRE must arrange to do so in good time. It is not possible to take the computer based part of the test after the paper based sections.
: LSE要求台灣的學生必須以考紙筆測驗的GRE為必要 機考成績沒辦法列入考慮
: Several programmes, notably in the Accounting, Economics and Finance Departments, the Department of Management and the MSc Real Estate Economics and Finance, require GRE or GMAT scores and you should complete all three sections of the test in addition to your other supporting documents.
: 只有財務 會計 經濟 不動產program才有需要寄送GRE的要求
: 另外管理類的program也有RE/AT的寄送要求(在該科課程網頁有看到)
: 想申請LSE 商科的人請稍微留意一下
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at 2008-11-12T16:22
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