請問文法問題,謝謝! - 自學

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2007-07-23T18:50

Table of Contents

※ 引述《viceidol (微斯艾朵)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《clutch (風中的雲)》之銘言:
: : 我想請問在使役動詞中表示主動用法中
: : 何時要使用使役動詞+O+V原型
: : 何時要使用使役動詞+O+現在分詞?
: : 感謝回答喔!
: 使役動詞+O+V原型 : 叫人去辦某事
: I had him wash my car.
: 使役動詞+O+V原型 :
: 使某個物體(無生命)被弄成某種狀態 或 接 oneself:使自己成為某種狀態
: I had my room cleaned.
: My dad had himself feared by everyone.
嗯...讓我詳答這一題好了 微斯艾朵應該是僅就have說明
而且跟我想的有點出入...= =" 以下討論的範圍 為作受詞補語用的動狀詞

look at,listen to,witness...etc.)後面可緊接受詞
然後加原形動詞或是-ing型式的動詞, 然而, 他們有些微的不同意義
-ing型式的話, 暗指動作正在進行, 而原型動詞之型式代表動作早已完成
亦即陳述已完成之事實 比較下列兩句
=> I saw them playing football from my window.
=> I saw him smash the bottle.

=> I was able to watching them building the new car park
from my office window.
(說明: 你不可能全程看到他們一直在蓋房子 故必用-ing!!!!)
=> I watched him climb through the window, and then I called the police.

另外 -ing型式者,也可用於強調受詞與其後的現在分詞有主動關係
=> When you feel yourself turning green with envy,
you are ripe for trouble.

dare 和 help的用法: 後可接原型或是to+V.R.的不定詞
但如果有受詞(用在連綴動詞用法) dare只能用不定詞
相對而言 have,let 和make 我們可以用受詞加原型動詞 但不能用不定詞
=> His exam results might make him work harder.
=> I had Beth clean up her bedroom before I let her go out to play.

have 後用受詞加現在分詞 有三種意思(只適用have)
1. 表示得到想要的結果
=> He has people roaring with laughter as he rolls his eyes in amusement
or delivers his punch lines.
2. 表示得到不好的結果
=> Three quarters of Saudi Arabia's income depends on oil, so a drop
in the price has the whole economy shuddering.
3. 與won't can't 合用 代表不准許
=> I won't have you walking home all by yourself.

have,let,leave,find 後面也可以加受詞再加be+過去分詞 有被動關係
=> Let us not be deceived----we are today in the midst of a cold war.
=> It is dangerous to have politicians ensconced too long and too cozily
in power.
如果還有疑問 可以去查英英辭典 每個字都會個別說明
因為文法只是歸納的舉例說明 不一定所有使役動詞我都會提到

參考資料: 給中學生的進階文法(臺灣培生)p152-161
Advanced Grammar in Use(2nd edition)
Unit 30 Verb+-ing and infinitives (Cambridge University Press)


記憶中的國度 微風搖曳的百年強權夢

惆悵中的人民 細雨飄逸的萬年文明史

Tags: 自學

All Comments

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2007-07-25T18:41
因為原PO問的是使役動詞 不是連綴動詞
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2007-07-26T00:45
喔喔 我打錯字了 謝謝指正= ="
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2007-07-30T14:39
原PO問的 在中間have+受詞+現在分詞的三種用法 有解答
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2007-08-04T06:00
而且國外文法書 不會註明哪些叫使役連綴 那是臺灣自創的
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2007-08-07T20:13
啊 SORRY我看錯了 我把原問者問的看成是過去分詞了
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2007-08-11T22:52
還好有你的解析 不然就誤導人了
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2007-08-13T04:01

TOEIC 考試用書

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2007-07-23T18:31
之前準備考試時在文鶴網路書店買的,但是那陣子很忙,這兩本都沒寫到就得上考場 短期內不會再考,所以賣出給需要的人。有需要的人請回信給我囉~~ (第一本已售出) 1. Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test (Advanced Cour ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2007-07-23T18:28
1.Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test Advanced Course 3/e 和解答本 2.TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide 包含CD與解答本 聯絡方式:站內寄信 正本、影本皆可 請註明書況並報價 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2007-07-23T16:58
因為我最近在敦煌的網站上看到 TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide官方雙語版(New Edition) http://www.cavesbooks.com.tw/mainpage/mainpage_bookcontent.aspx?sn=13455 不知道跟原先的 ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2007-07-23T16:25
1.TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide含CD與解答本 2.Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test Advanced Course 3/e (With Answer Key)含完整5CD與解答本 3.Longman ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2007-07-23T14:56
昨天是這樣的的,我跟版友買了 TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide 包含CD與解答本 是影印版 全新 賣480 結果一看是2001年版…而且只有一張cd 我想我是不是買錯了??(這是第一版還是第二版呢??) 而且封面也與網路上的不同? 因為我以為是 官方TOEIC ...