請問我這篇作文能拿到幾分 !? - 自學

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2008-03-10T18:00

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看過不少好文 還有一些寫作的心得文

小弟也寫了一篇作文 是為了要考研究所準備的


如果以滿分100的話 能拿到幾分



English teaching and Internet

In recent years, learning English has become a new trend in Taiwan;
it could be said that it is a phenomenon of the times. Also, there are
numerous cram school of English teaching everywhere. Although it is very
convenient to learn English, these courses are costly. For this reason,
Internet plays an important roles in nowdays English teaching. There are also
many benefits from leanring English online such as convenience, flexible
courses,and the low price, some even free of charge.

To begin with, unlike traditional class, learners can learn English
online whenever they want, whatever they like, and wherever they will be
as long as they have a computer wired. Learners don't have to go ouside for
a class instead of having a cup of coffee and can have a cozy and relaxing
English learning online at home. When it come to convenience, nothing can
compare with Internet.

In addition to the convenience of learning English online, it can
provide flexible and a variety of courses such as online tutors, grammar
explanation, and literature correction. Moreover, the courses are very
flexible beyond your imagination. For example, learners can have a game
with English learning which enable learners to learn from games. Hence, This
kind of activity is both entertaining and informative.Indeed,by choosing topics
that interest learners in the language, they can achieve remarkable results.

Furthermore, learning English online can eliminate learners'
tension and provide an environment in which the anxiety from learners will
be disburden. Using Internet, learners don't have to face teachers or any
one else online.

As the teaching methods have come and gone, so have English teaching
trends waxed and waned in popularity. On other words, time changes and the
way of teaching should keep up with the times. Consequently, we need to
figure out the best way to learn English to serve the purpose.


感謝你的閱讀 ^_^


但我也想快點進步 ><

Tags: 自學

All Comments

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2008-03-14T12:52
可以來 St-english板討論喔
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2008-03-14T22:17
ok 謝謝


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2008-03-09T23:53
※ 引述《NANJO1569 (新傲慢與偏見)》之銘言: : 想請教一下大家有沒有什麼比較不錯或有效率的方法來學習閱讀 : 「學術性的英文文章」呢? : 像我平常基於興趣都比較喜歡看英文小說,可是對於國家地理雜 : 誌、時代雜誌、或一些科學期刊,就一直都啃不太下去,但英文 : 字彙和其他知識方面能力要提升,一 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-03-09T21:50
我是學KK音標長大的 一直到我之前家教教了一個國小三年級的小朋友 才知道 自然發音法這個東西 因為那個小朋友的發音實在是太漂亮了! 一點都沒有「台灣英文」的味道 我實在是很心動andgt;_andlt; (不過也被他害的對英文幾乎喪失了信心..) 後來我也去買了幾本自然發音法來K ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2008-03-09T15:33
※ 引述《Qrose (My bloody valentine)》之銘言: : 該如何訓練呢? : 有這類的書嗎...還是...只要常唱就可以慢慢精進 : 是這樣嗎...應該有竅門吧... 好像大家不太討論唱歌的問題齁 剛剛翻翻精華區跟歷史文章,只有這一篇而已耶.... 還是說有其他地方可以問唱歌技巧 ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2008-03-09T11:25
最近學校剛換雜誌 第一次拿到空英 不知道要從何讀起 只覺得裡面內容好難 請問有閱讀它的好方法或程序嗎? 急需各位的熱心建議 (還有一片互動光碟) - ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-03-08T14:13
想請教一下大家有沒有什麼比較不錯或有效率的方法來學習閱讀 「學術性的英文文章」呢? 像我平常基於興趣都比較喜歡看英文小說,可是對於國家地理雜 誌、時代雜誌、或一些科學期刊,就一直都啃不太下去,但英文 字彙和其他知識方面能力要提升,一定要看我上述舉例的雜誌文 章啊! 所以想來請教一下各位有經驗的先輩 ...