請問尚宏資源回收的電話 - 板橋

By Bennie
at 2015-03-14T12:14
at 2015-03-14T12:14
Table of Contents
各位版友好, 想請教尚宏資源回收站的電話是?
是在四維路東側, 接近民生路三段這附近的巷弄內,
懇請告知, 感謝!
People always told me, Be careful of what you do,
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts....
She came and stood right by me, Then the smell of sweet perfume,
This happened much too soon, She called me to her room.....
是在四維路東側, 接近民生路三段這附近的巷弄內,
懇請告知, 感謝!
People always told me, Be careful of what you do,
And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts....
She came and stood right by me, Then the smell of sweet perfume,
This happened much too soon, She called me to her room.....
All Comments

By Catherine
at 2015-03-18T00:03
at 2015-03-18T00:03

By Zanna
at 2015-03-21T19:38
at 2015-03-21T19:38
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