請問兩題TPO閱讀的文法 - 英檢

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2018-07-05T00:17

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大家好, 小的想請問兩題TPO閱讀的文法

1. TPO 36 -2 (第一段後半)
He collected hundreds of different species of animals, and he saw that they
were distributed in eight different depth zones, each containing its own
distinct assemblage of animal life, the way zones of elevation on the
side of a mountain are populated by distinct sets of plants.

想請問這邊的the way 是什麼用法? 前面是否少了連接詞之類的? 謝謝

2. TPO 14 -3 (第一段的開頭)
Pastoralism is a lifestyle in which economic activity is based primarily on
livestock. Archaeological evidence suggests that by 3000 B.C., and perhaps
even earlier, there had emerged on the steppes of Inner Eurasia the
distinctive types of pastoralism that were to dominate the region's history
for several millennia.

想請問後面的 there had emerged…這句有點複雜, 不知道文法書要查哪種文法用法,


Tags: 英檢

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Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2018-07-04T20:06
原PO無帳號,此篇為代PO 原文連結: http://bit.ly/2z99fJ3 歡迎同學加入送佛計畫臉書社團唷~~~ http://bit.ly/beatTOEFL ------------------------------我是分隔線-------------------------------- ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2018-07-04T14:34
各位好 根據目前蒐集的情報 (from小站托福) 1.目前托福已經不考經典加試(大王花、蜂鳥...etc),但是考過的新加試題還會再考 2.以往一天一種加試,現在一個考場有AB兩種加試 3.以前的加試是考淘汰用的舊題,現在的加試會用來測試新題型 例如聽力可能考非英美口音...etc 4.以往台 ...

180701 托福寫作獨立真題範文分享

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2018-07-04T10:26
版友好,我是字神康康老師 :) 來跟大家分享7/1的寫作題目,也提供大家範文參考, 在這邊要祝大家備考順利!! 托福破百,留學圓夢!! 2018/07/01 托福寫作範文- Q1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Some ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2018-07-04T09:45
身份:社會人士 日期:2018/06/23 考場:馬偕護專 分數:閱讀30/聽力29/口說24/寫作27 總分110 準備時間:靠TPO自我練習一個月 不知道為什麼,6月份大台北地區似乎只有馬偕護專有舉辦托福考試 在不想等太久又得確保約莫一個月的準備時間之下 我硬著頭皮選了馬偕這個需要搭一小時捷運外加一小段 ...

免費英文面試+SOP撰寫諮詢 byCathy彭湘平

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2018-07-04T09:42
嗨~大家好,我是彭湘平Cathy(FB開喜婆同學會),今天要來跟大家分享好康囉:一對 一免費的英文面試+SOP諮詢送給大家! 首先感謝大家的支持,7/25晚班的托福聽說讀寫精緻小班已經接近滿班。下週一7/9 下午開班的一三五托福聽說讀寫精緻小班也確定開班,希望能幫助到更多同學進步。 隨著同學們考到破百的托 ...