請問你收到1/30紙本成績了嗎? - 英檢

By Victoria
at 2011-03-19T01:56
at 2011-03-19T01:56
Table of Contents
Excuse me, I took the ibt on Jan 30th this year in Taiwan, and my
registration# is 11164048. I send this messeage to you due to I haven't
received my test result by regular mail YET!! It's been a long time waiting
for this little piece of paper and this delayed action is really disturbing
me recently. I believe that's not the mistake of wrong address registering
because I've once received punctually, and there're more people like me still
waiting for the mail. I hope you can give us an answer about what we should
do to get our test result or is there anybody responseable for this mistake
in your institution... PLEASE help us slove our problem ASAP, thanks a
總之 又是個等待的開始 如果對方有回信我會在po上來
複查的成績單 可以當作是正式成績單用嗎?
※ 引述《aaaahenry (HENRY)》之銘言:
: well... as title
: 等到今天也真是有夠久了 一踢ass 效率真是夠差
: 但我又有在推文看到鄉民有收到的
: 也有看到連1/22都還沒收到的
: 所以我想看看大家狀況如何
: 到底是我方的問題還是大家都撲空
registration# is 11164048. I send this messeage to you due to I haven't
received my test result by regular mail YET!! It's been a long time waiting
for this little piece of paper and this delayed action is really disturbing
me recently. I believe that's not the mistake of wrong address registering
because I've once received punctually, and there're more people like me still
waiting for the mail. I hope you can give us an answer about what we should
do to get our test result or is there anybody responseable for this mistake
in your institution... PLEASE help us slove our problem ASAP, thanks a
總之 又是個等待的開始 如果對方有回信我會在po上來
複查的成績單 可以當作是正式成績單用嗎?
※ 引述《aaaahenry (HENRY)》之銘言:
: well... as title
: 等到今天也真是有夠久了 一踢ass 效率真是夠差
: 但我又有在推文看到鄉民有收到的
: 也有看到連1/22都還沒收到的
: 所以我想看看大家狀況如何
: 到底是我方的問題還是大家都撲空
All Comments

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at 2011-03-23T17:26
at 2011-03-23T17:26

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at 2011-03-25T10:29
at 2011-03-25T10:29

By Ida
at 2011-03-27T09:16
at 2011-03-27T09:16
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