請問一題英文文法 - 自學

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2006-03-26T12:09

Table of Contents

You could be more active in finding a good job rather than complaining that
others didn't give you a chance.

這個句子裡頭要把rather than改成instead of
請問一下 為什麼不能用rather than?謝謝

Tags: 自學

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Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2006-03-26T01:59
※ 引述《sherrysherry (累而不睡)》之銘言: : 大家好 : 我已經通過中高級初試, : 希望能找幾個程度差不多的板友一起練習口說。 : 誠摯邀請您~~ 打算怎麼練習阿 是約時間見面還是在MSN上 - ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2006-03-26T00:43
may i ? springrayatseed.net.tw hope to meet u guys at MSN !!! ※ 引述《vanessalin (titi)》之銘言: : May I join it? : my MSN is : vanessa_lin36athotmail.com : ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2006-03-25T23:27
May I join it? my MSN is : vanessa_lin36athotmail.com ※ 引述《juiok (唸書是實現理想的起點)》之銘言: : I wanna polish my English ability, thatand#39;s my pleasure who c ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2006-03-25T19:12
大家好 我已經通過中高級初試, 希望能找幾個程度差不多的板友一起練習口說。 誠摯邀請您~~ - ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2006-03-25T12:34
意者寄我信箱 -- http://www.wretch.cc/album/june09152001 - ...