請問一下 有人可以幫我翻譯一下嗎.. - 學習

By Victoria
at 2009-03-20T23:17
at 2009-03-20T23:17
Table of Contents
※ 引述《scorn (scorn)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《mdkn25 (小曹)》之銘言:
: : MY first job-hunting moment ? the worst ? is still fresh in my mind.
: 我第一次找工作? 最糟糕的一次? 仍然記憶尤新。
: : The office building was huge and it took me quite some time to figure out
: : where the elevator was before I could get to the door of the studying abroad
: : consulting company.
: 那座辦公大樓很大,我花了很多時間找電梯才抵達留學顧問公司
: (studying abroad consulting company)。
: : I had already made it halfway inside the office when I remembered to step
: : back and knock at the door.
: 我走到辦公室的一半時我才想到(要敲門),於是我倒退去敲門。
: : Only one employee raised his head, so I headed for him. "I wonder
: : if you need a translator or interpreter?" was the mosquito's voice that
: : slipped from my throat. Even I myself didn't know what I was talking about.
: 只有一個員工抬頭,所以我就走向他。
: ”請問這裡需要翻譯員(translator)或口譯員/解釋員(interpreter)嗎? “我很小聲
: 的問。就連我都不知道自己在講什麼。
請問一下 這邊的was the mosquito's voice that slipped from my throat.
是不是我像蚊子的聲音後面slipped from my throat是什麼?滑過我的喉嚨?還是不用
: : As his routine, he welcomed me and inquired about which country I was
: : interested in.
: 他循例的歡迎我並問我我對哪個國家較感興趣。
: : Three minutes later, he finally found out what this shy and
: : blushing girl was doing there.
: 三分鐘後,他終於知道這個害羞到滿臉通紅的女孩(我)出現在那裡的目的,
: : Then he gave me a glass of water and showed me to the manager who had
: : overheard our conversation.
: 於是他遞給我一杯水,並引導我到已經聽到我跟他的對話的經理。
: (這邊的意思是 當那位員工明白她是來應徵工作時 他正要帶她去找經理
: 但經理老早就站在那女孩後面不遠的地方 並已經聽到她們兩個的對話 )
: : My trembling hand spilled out some water just as the manager
: : approached from behind.
: 當經理從背後漸漸走過來時,我那正在發抖的手已將一些水濺到地上。
: : I looked up and saw a frown and a serious face ? Jesus ?
: : it was my former English teacher!"Oh, it's you!" he blurted out.
: 我抬頭看到一張嚴肅的臉皺著眉頭看我。天啊!!! 他竟然是我以前的英文老師!!!
: 他不經意的說,”喔, 原來是你!!!”
: : I was so ashamed.
: 我羞愧極了。
: : By Zhu Ye, Beijing
: By (作者名),北京
: P.S
: 心血來潮 就試著翻翻看了
: 我只有幫同學過中翻英 沒試過英翻中
: 翻的不好的地方 就請原PO忍耐一下
: 我想意思到了就好
: 念起來順一點的寫法就請自己動手了
: 畢竟我只是個路人甲
: 並非英文系的
: 雖然不知道 你想翻這一篇文章的目的
: 但希望這能幫到你
: Good luck with your job-hunt
這是我自己練習英文 去網路抓一堆小短文
試著自己翻譯 結果翻譯5~6成就翻譯不出來了
: ※ 引述《mdkn25 (小曹)》之銘言:
: : MY first job-hunting moment ? the worst ? is still fresh in my mind.
: 我第一次找工作? 最糟糕的一次? 仍然記憶尤新。
: : The office building was huge and it took me quite some time to figure out
: : where the elevator was before I could get to the door of the studying abroad
: : consulting company.
: 那座辦公大樓很大,我花了很多時間找電梯才抵達留學顧問公司
: (studying abroad consulting company)。
: : I had already made it halfway inside the office when I remembered to step
: : back and knock at the door.
: 我走到辦公室的一半時我才想到(要敲門),於是我倒退去敲門。
: : Only one employee raised his head, so I headed for him. "I wonder
: : if you need a translator or interpreter?" was the mosquito's voice that
: : slipped from my throat. Even I myself didn't know what I was talking about.
: 只有一個員工抬頭,所以我就走向他。
: ”請問這裡需要翻譯員(translator)或口譯員/解釋員(interpreter)嗎? “我很小聲
: 的問。就連我都不知道自己在講什麼。
請問一下 這邊的was the mosquito's voice that slipped from my throat.
是不是我像蚊子的聲音後面slipped from my throat是什麼?滑過我的喉嚨?還是不用
: : As his routine, he welcomed me and inquired about which country I was
: : interested in.
: 他循例的歡迎我並問我我對哪個國家較感興趣。
: : Three minutes later, he finally found out what this shy and
: : blushing girl was doing there.
: 三分鐘後,他終於知道這個害羞到滿臉通紅的女孩(我)出現在那裡的目的,
: : Then he gave me a glass of water and showed me to the manager who had
: : overheard our conversation.
: 於是他遞給我一杯水,並引導我到已經聽到我跟他的對話的經理。
: (這邊的意思是 當那位員工明白她是來應徵工作時 他正要帶她去找經理
: 但經理老早就站在那女孩後面不遠的地方 並已經聽到她們兩個的對話 )
: : My trembling hand spilled out some water just as the manager
: : approached from behind.
: 當經理從背後漸漸走過來時,我那正在發抖的手已將一些水濺到地上。
: : I looked up and saw a frown and a serious face ? Jesus ?
: : it was my former English teacher!"Oh, it's you!" he blurted out.
: 我抬頭看到一張嚴肅的臉皺著眉頭看我。天啊!!! 他竟然是我以前的英文老師!!!
: 他不經意的說,”喔, 原來是你!!!”
: : I was so ashamed.
: 我羞愧極了。
: : By Zhu Ye, Beijing
: By (作者名),北京
: P.S
: 心血來潮 就試著翻翻看了
: 我只有幫同學過中翻英 沒試過英翻中
: 翻的不好的地方 就請原PO忍耐一下
: 我想意思到了就好
: 念起來順一點的寫法就請自己動手了
: 畢竟我只是個路人甲
: 並非英文系的
: 雖然不知道 你想翻這一篇文章的目的
: 但希望這能幫到你
: Good luck with your job-hunt
這是我自己練習英文 去網路抓一堆小短文
試著自己翻譯 結果翻譯5~6成就翻譯不出來了
All Comments

By Ivy
at 2009-03-23T10:40
at 2009-03-23T10:40

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at 2009-03-26T09:35
at 2009-03-26T09:35
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