請問Imperial business school - 留學
By Una
at 2009-05-16T19:18
at 2009-05-16T19:18
Table of Contents
我是申請Imperial College 的business School PhD program.
當初申請的時候 只有可以選
Imperial College Business School- taught course 和
Imperial College Business School- research
第一個按進去都是MSc.或 MBA
所以我選的是第二個 我現在有點忘記當初進去裡面有甚麼可以選了 但最終我是選了這個
但我收到Imperial的Conditional Offer
他的General Condition and Note 有一段話我不太懂
"Students registering for a research degree of Imperial College are normally
required to register for the MPhil degree in the first instance. After not
less than one year of satisfactory progress and after passing a transfer
examination, retrospective transfer of the registration to that of the PhD
degree will be approved. You should ensure that you consult the College’s
publication entitled Learning to Research which can be found at
www.imperial.ac.uk/learningtoresearch. The document sets out what students can
expect of their supervisors and what supervisors can expect of their students.
他是指所有的博士申請人 第一年都是註冊為Mphil 然後通過某個考試之後
很怕自己不知不覺弄錯了甚麼 謝謝
ddcy的新聞台 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/ddcy
當初申請的時候 只有可以選
Imperial College Business School- taught course 和
Imperial College Business School- research
第一個按進去都是MSc.或 MBA
所以我選的是第二個 我現在有點忘記當初進去裡面有甚麼可以選了 但最終我是選了這個
但我收到Imperial的Conditional Offer
他的General Condition and Note 有一段話我不太懂
"Students registering for a research degree of Imperial College are normally
required to register for the MPhil degree in the first instance. After not
less than one year of satisfactory progress and after passing a transfer
examination, retrospective transfer of the registration to that of the PhD
degree will be approved. You should ensure that you consult the College’s
publication entitled Learning to Research which can be found at
www.imperial.ac.uk/learningtoresearch. The document sets out what students can
expect of their supervisors and what supervisors can expect of their students.
他是指所有的博士申請人 第一年都是註冊為Mphil 然後通過某個考試之後
很怕自己不知不覺弄錯了甚麼 謝謝
ddcy的新聞台 http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/ddcy
All Comments
By Edward Lewis
at 2009-05-19T07:05
at 2009-05-19T07:05
By Anthony
at 2009-05-21T09:57
at 2009-05-21T09:57
By Robert
at 2009-05-24T00:03
at 2009-05-24T00:03
By Christine
at 2009-05-26T09:39
at 2009-05-26T09:39
By Olive
at 2009-05-27T08:58
at 2009-05-27T08:58
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