英航行李限重 - 留學

By Vanessa
at 2008-09-08T00:07
at 2008-09-08T00:07
Table of Contents
英航可以帶32Kg, 這是沒錯的,
長榮還蠻機車的, 在Heathrow沒有自己的點,
所以委任給加大代為Check in,
加大還蠻刁的, 一點點超重就很麻煩
再來, 英航雖然可以帶的多, 但是機票也貴
多餘的行李後送,請郵局寄最快件, 一週內可送到
這樣比較起來, 英航是不是還比較划算, 就看個人的算盤/考量是什麼了
※ 引述《kcenya (有人想去西藏流浪嗎??)》之銘言:
: 關於這段敘述,我也是覺得有點不太了解,究竟可以帶23kg,還是32kg.
: 所以我寫信去問英航:”According to your statement, it seems that
: passangers can have a free checked baggage which weighs 23kg~32kg,
: before November 2008. I am going to Newcastle university for MA
: degree, and surely would have to bring a lot of stuff with me. I
: would like to know if I could check a baggage weighing 23kg~32kg
: without being charged.”
: 今天收到的回信如下:
: ”I would also like to inform you that we will continue to accept
: a single piece of baggage weighing up to 32kg (70lbs) without
: charge till November 2008. Full information can be found at:
: http://www.britishairways.com/travel/bagchk/public/en_ ”
: 所以,帶〔一件〕〔32kg以下〕的行李去託運應是免費的。
: 我的第一段航程是港龍航空,港龍的人是說把英航網頁上有關32kg以下不用費用
: 的網頁列印下來給地勤看。他們地勤應該就不會用23kg的標準來看。
: --------------------------------
: 另外,隨身行李的部份,是可以一個登機箱加一個電腦包的。
: you can now carry 2 pieces of hand baggage when travelling
: on all British Airways flights.
: The following allowances apply:
: (1)one standard-sized bag - maximum size of the bag must not
: exceed 56x45x25cm (22x17.5x9.85in) (including wheels, pockets
: and handles)
: (2)In addition, one laptop sized bag, handbag or briefcase
: (3)A 23kg(51lbs) maximum bag weight applies and you must be able
: to lift the bag into the overhead lockers in the aircraft cabin
: unaided.
: 在(3)這一段我有點不懂的是:登機箱可以重達23公斤,只要能〔自行〕放上上方的
: 行李艙即可嗎?
: 總之,可以帶兩件隨件行李上機是OK的。只要不要重得太誇張吧!
: ※ 引述《i12151 (莎莎)》之銘言:
: : 請問一下 現在英航限定隨身行李只能一個
: : 那可以登機箱 加背包嗎 可以把背包當做隨身包包嗎
: : 英航可不可有以學生票額外的限重
: : 我查了之前網友討論的 好像只有長榮還有新航
: : 不知道學生可不可以到三十kg!!
: : 我在英航網頁查到
: : We understand that there are times when you will need to exceed this limit.
: : Therefore, from November 2008, a flat fee of £25 GBP will be applied to bags
: : weighing more than 23kg (51lbs).
: : This charge is to cover the additional handling that
: : bags weighing over 23kg (51lbs) can attract.
: : Until this charge is implemented,
: : we will continue to accept a single piece of baggage weighing up to 32kg (70lbs) without charge.
: : 超過32公斤 也不會被罰
: : 有人試過嗎?
長榮還蠻機車的, 在Heathrow沒有自己的點,
所以委任給加大代為Check in,
加大還蠻刁的, 一點點超重就很麻煩
再來, 英航雖然可以帶的多, 但是機票也貴
多餘的行李後送,請郵局寄最快件, 一週內可送到
這樣比較起來, 英航是不是還比較划算, 就看個人的算盤/考量是什麼了
※ 引述《kcenya (有人想去西藏流浪嗎??)》之銘言:
: 關於這段敘述,我也是覺得有點不太了解,究竟可以帶23kg,還是32kg.
: 所以我寫信去問英航:”According to your statement, it seems that
: passangers can have a free checked baggage which weighs 23kg~32kg,
: before November 2008. I am going to Newcastle university for MA
: degree, and surely would have to bring a lot of stuff with me. I
: would like to know if I could check a baggage weighing 23kg~32kg
: without being charged.”
: 今天收到的回信如下:
: ”I would also like to inform you that we will continue to accept
: a single piece of baggage weighing up to 32kg (70lbs) without
: charge till November 2008. Full information can be found at:
: http://www.britishairways.com/travel/bagchk/public/en_ ”
: 所以,帶〔一件〕〔32kg以下〕的行李去託運應是免費的。
: 我的第一段航程是港龍航空,港龍的人是說把英航網頁上有關32kg以下不用費用
: 的網頁列印下來給地勤看。他們地勤應該就不會用23kg的標準來看。
: --------------------------------
: 另外,隨身行李的部份,是可以一個登機箱加一個電腦包的。
: you can now carry 2 pieces of hand baggage when travelling
: on all British Airways flights.
: The following allowances apply:
: (1)one standard-sized bag - maximum size of the bag must not
: exceed 56x45x25cm (22x17.5x9.85in) (including wheels, pockets
: and handles)
: (2)In addition, one laptop sized bag, handbag or briefcase
: (3)A 23kg(51lbs) maximum bag weight applies and you must be able
: to lift the bag into the overhead lockers in the aircraft cabin
: unaided.
: 在(3)這一段我有點不懂的是:登機箱可以重達23公斤,只要能〔自行〕放上上方的
: 行李艙即可嗎?
: 總之,可以帶兩件隨件行李上機是OK的。只要不要重得太誇張吧!
: ※ 引述《i12151 (莎莎)》之銘言:
: : 請問一下 現在英航限定隨身行李只能一個
: : 那可以登機箱 加背包嗎 可以把背包當做隨身包包嗎
: : 英航可不可有以學生票額外的限重
: : 我查了之前網友討論的 好像只有長榮還有新航
: : 不知道學生可不可以到三十kg!!
: : 我在英航網頁查到
: : We understand that there are times when you will need to exceed this limit.
: : Therefore, from November 2008, a flat fee of £25 GBP will be applied to bags
: : weighing more than 23kg (51lbs).
: : This charge is to cover the additional handling that
: : bags weighing over 23kg (51lbs) can attract.
: : Until this charge is implemented,
: : we will continue to accept a single piece of baggage weighing up to 32kg (70lbs) without charge.
: : 超過32公斤 也不會被罰
: : 有人試過嗎?
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