英翻中.............. - 生活

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2005-10-10T00:00

Table of Contents

Selecting target markets moves segmentation away from the purely descriptive to the strategic aspects of' marketing in which marketing managers pursue particular groups of customers.One criterion that should always be applied is parsimony. Although having a large number of segments sounds appealing because you can capture most of the differences between customers, it is expensive and inefficient to pursue too many segments. If the segments are different in terms of their behavior toward your product and they should receive different levels of marketing, a budget stretched over too many segments results in an insufficient concentration of resources in any one segment. It is very expensive to develop advertising and promotion programs for a large number of different target audiences.
Although it is not possible to generalize about the appropriate number of segments to
pursue, the following criteria can be applied to a particular scheme or way to segment
the market:
. Does the segmentation scheme explain differences in purchasing behavior or some
other related variable (e.g., membership in different loyalty groups)? The basic, issue
to explore is whether the segmentation variable (say, income) explains purchasing
behavior better than another variable (say, VALS2 groups). This can be done by considering the behavior as a dependent variable and the segmentation variables as
independent variables in a framework like the following:
Behavior = f (segmentation variables)
Several statistical approaches can be used to determine the strength (in a statistical
sense) of the relationship between the variables and purchasing behavior. The marketing
manager could then choose that variable (e.g., income) and particular levels of that variable (e.g., households earning $75,000 or more per year) that have the strongest association with the behavioral variable of interest.
For example, the MRI data shown in Table 4.4 can be analyzed using an "eyeball"
approach. Assume that the behavioral or dependent variable of interest is simply going
to the beach on vacation or not. The independent variables are the demographics on the
page 97
left side of the table. The variables that explain the most variance in going to the beach
are those that have the greatest variation in their index numbers." Thus, on a judgmental basis, the three most useful variables appear to be occupation, income, and education.
You probably would also want to compare these variables to others, such as psycho-
graphics, -which would be collected using another method.
. What is the segment size? It is clear that segmenting the market into too many
groups results in some that are too small to be economically viable. Thus, one
criterion for a particular scheme or level of a variable is whether it is of sufficient
size in terms of number of customers, sales revenue, or potential profit to be
worth targeting.
What is the segment's growth rate? A marketing manager might prefer growth,
indicating future revenues, over current size.
Are any particular environmental factors associated with the segment? This would
include elements such as regulatory, social, cultural, economic, or other exogenous
factors. For example, targeting health-conscious consumers might make sense if
there is a particular health boom in the country to which the product or service is
being marketed.
. What is your potential competitive position? You might choose to ignore a lucrative
segment if a competitor is well entrenched or if you decide that you cannot offer a
product that has a competitive advantage over what is already being offered.
Therefore, the marketing manager's job is not only to develop alternative segmentation schemes but also to determine which of a large number of alternatives are most
appropriate for the product or service.
One of the true success stories in American business is the motorcycle manufacturer Harley Davidson.
Since 1990, sales of Harley Davidson motorcycles and parts and accessories have
increased 5% per year and are constrained by production capacity. Even with cash, the purchaser of a new Harley may have to wait up to 2 years to take delivery. Although the motorcycles
cost about $15,000 new, customers who have their orders in the queue can sell their undelivered motorcycles for $20,000.
This was not always the case. The company was very
successful from its beginnings in 1903 as a manufacturer
of large, heavy motorcycles until the late 1950s. When
Honda introduced its small motorcycles in the United
States in 1959, all other manufacturers including Harley
were caught napping because they believed that the fad
for such small motorcycles would be short-lived. Harley
was acquired by several firms that sought to increase its
share by expanding production. However, it had significant quality control problems and its share of the heavyweight bike segment declined from 80% In 1973 to around 30% in 1980. The company was able to right itself after senior management purchased it from its last owner, AMF.
Page 98
base in order to develop new services such as membership programs and ancillary merchandise. The image of the typical Harley owner is a hard-core gang biker. If the customer
base is more diverse, then certain programs tailored to such a group would not appeal to
all owners. Increased competition has also made maintaining and building the Harley
image more important.
In 1994, a survey was administered to a national U.S, sample of registered owners. Of 2,500
questionnaires mailed, 761 responses were obtained, for a return rate of 30.4%. This is a fairly
high response rate for a mail survey, indicating that nonresponse bias is likely to be low. The
questionnaire included the following:
. 72 motorcycle lifestyle statements (a 1-5 scale, from not at all descriptive to extremely
78 general lifestyle statements (same scale).
33 behavioral questions measuring frequency of participating in various activities as well as
magazine readership and television viewing (1-5 scale, from not at all to extremely often).
. Demographics.
The responses to the lifestyle questions were subjected to a multivariate statistical approach
called factor analysis, which reduces the 72 questions (in the case of the motorcycle lifestyle
questions) to a few underlying factors based on the correlations of the responses to the questions. For example, two of the questions were as follows:
. "I would like to do `gang' biker things."
"Sometimes I feel like an outlaw."
One would expect that the responses to these two questions on the 1-5 scale would be similar
across respondents. Thus, they do not measure different, independent underlying traits but
really one. The analysis of the 72 questions revealed 11 different underlying lifestyle dimensions;
these are shown in Table 4.5.
A score was created for each respondent based on his or her answers to the questions in the
11 dimensions. Using another statistical method, cluster analysis, and the scores on the 11
dimensions, the respondents were grouped into six owner segments based on similarities of
their scores on the dimensions. These are shown in Table 4.6. The averages of the demographic
variables for each segment are shown in Table 4.7.
As can be seen, the six segments are quite different from each other, both psychographically
and demographically:
Tour Gliders: 14% of the sample, they like to use their bikes for long trips. Compared to the
other segments, they are somewhat older, more likely to be married, upper income, more
professional, and veteran motorcycle owners, particularly Harleys.
. Hard Core: These are the archetypal Harley owners. Perhaps surprisingly, they are only
9.7% of the sample. Compared to the others, they are younger, less likely to be married,
less educated, lower income, and own an older motorcycle. These are the outlaws (or people who would like to feel that way).
Zen Riders: To these 20%, riding a motorcycle is a spiritual experience. They are young, most likely to be married, educated, upper income, and tend to use their bikes less than others.
Tags: 生活

All Comments

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2005-10-13T05:49
選擇目標市場移動分割離開對' 銷售的戰略性方面的完全描寫, 在那門銷售上經理追隨應該總被使用的特別的許多customers.One 標準哪個是極度節省。 雖然有許多部分聽起來不錯,但是因為你能捕獲在用戶之間的大多數差別, 追隨太多部分是昂貴和無效率的。 如果部分對于你的產品就他們的行為而言不同並且他們應該收到銷售的不同的水準, 在太多部分上方伸展的一項預算在任何一部分導致資源的不足的集中。 發展廣告和許多不同的廣告對象的提升節目是非常昂貴的。
例如,在4.4表格顯示的MRI 數據可能分析使用一個"眼球"接近。 以為興趣的行為或者依靠的變量度假將僅僅去海灘與否。 自變數是在第97 頁的thedemographics桌子的左邊。 解釋在去海灘過程中的最多變化的變量是有在他們的指數方面的最大的變化的那些。 "因此,在一個有判斷力的基礎上,3 個非常有用的變量看起來是頭班,收入和教育。 或許你想要與將也其它人,例如圖形精神分析,哪個將被收集使用另一種方法。
. 段長是多少? 很清楚分裂市場進太多組導致那么小不會在經濟上可行的一些。 因此, 一一個變量的一個特別的計畫或者水準的標準是, 是否它就用戶的數量,銷售收入而言具有足夠的尺寸,或者潛在利潤值得瞄準。
部分的成長率是多少? 一位銷售經理可能更喜歡發展,注明將來的收入,為當今的尺寸。 特別的環境原素與部分相關嗎? 這將包括要素(例如規章,社會,文化,經濟,或者其他外源的原素)。 例如,如果在這種產品或者服務正被銷售的國家有特別的健康繁榮,瞄準有意識健康的消費者可能有意義。
. 你的潛在的競爭地位是什麼? 你可以選擇忽視有利的部分, 一名競爭者被確立得好或者你決定你不能提供有超過其已經被提供的一種競爭優勢的一種產品。 因此, 銷售經理的工作是不僅發展其它的分割計畫, 而且確定許多選擇中的哪個非常適合于這種產品或者服務。 在美國生意方面的真實的成功故事之一是機車製造商哈利‧戴維森。
雖然關於合適的部分的數量一般化追隨是不可能的, 下列標準能對部分被用于一個特別的計畫或者路市場︰ . 做計畫解釋的差別購買行為或者一些其他有關易變( 例如的分割,在不同的忠實組的會員)嗎? 基本, 探討的問題是易變的分割(說,收入)是否解釋購買行為比易變的另一個(說,VALS2 組)最好。 這可能透過認為行為為因變數和作為在象如下內容一樣的一種框架裡的自變數的分割變量被做︰ 行為 = f (分割變量)幾個統計法能用來確定在變量和購買的行為之間的關係的力量(在一個統計感覺裡)。 銷售經理然後能選擇那易變( 例如,收入)和特別水準變量那的( 例如,家庭掙每年75,000或更多美元)有最強大的與興趣的行為的變量的合作。
從1990年起,哈利‧戴維森機車和零件和附件的銷售已經增加每年5%並且被生產能力抑制。 即使用現金付款,一新哈利的買主可能必須等待多達2 年花費交付。 雖然機車花費大約新15,000 美元,但是在隊伍裡有他們的訂貨的用戶能出售價值20,000 美元的他們的未交付的機車。
這不總是情況。 公司直到20世紀50年代后期作為一個大,沉重的機車的製造商在1903年來自它的開始非常成功。 當本田在1959年在美國介紹它的小的機車時, 包括哈利的全部其他製造商被抓住打盹,因為他們相信這樣的小的機車的風尚將是短暫的。 想辦法透過擴大產量增加它的那部分的幾家公司獲得了哈利。 不過,有顯著質量管理問題和的它的那份有重大影響的人物單車部分拒絕80%到1973 對30%到1980大約。 在高級管理從它的最後擁有人,AMF那裡購買它之后,公司能改正自己。
為了發展新服務,例如會員計畫和輔助商品,第98 頁基地。 典型的哈利擁有人的圖像是一個斗志最堅決的幫騎機車的人。 如果用戶基礎更完全不同, 然後適合這樣的一組的某些計畫將不呼籲全部擁有人。 增加的競爭也已經使保持和建造哈利圖像更重要。
在1994年,一次調查被管理到一個國家美國,記錄的擁有人的樣品。 2,500張詢問表個中,郵寄,761 回應被獲得,為一個30.4%的返回比率。 這是一次郵件調查的一個相當高的附應速度,注明nonresponse偏見很可能是低的。
詢問表包括如下內容︰ . 72 機車生活模式陳述(一1-5 規模,既強烈描寫又完全不描寫)。 78個一般的生活模式陳述(相同的規模)。 測量參加的各種各樣的活動和雜誌讀者人數和電視的頻率的33個行為的問題觀看 (1-5個規模,從完全不到強烈經常)。
. 人口資料。 打電話給要素分析,對生活模式問題的回應接受一個多元的統計法, 降低 72個問題(在機車生活模式問題情況下)到基于對那些問題的回應的相互關係的一些基礎的原素。 例如,那些問題中的兩個如下︰ . "我想為' 幫' 做騎機車的人事情。 ""有時我想要一歹徒。 "
一個人將期望在1-5個規模上的對這兩個問題的回應將穿過回答者相似。 因此,除了真的一,他們不測量不同,獨立的基礎的特性。 72個問題的分析顯示11 不同的基礎的生活模式尺寸; 這些被用表格4.5 顯示。 一個得分被為在11 維基于他或她的問題的答案的每個回答者建立。 使用另一種統計方法,群分析和在11 維上的得分, 那些回答者被組合成在尺寸上基于他們的得分的相象的6 擁有人部分。 這些被用表格4.6 顯示。 每部分的人口統計的變量的平均數被用表格4.7 顯示。 象可能被看見的那樣,6 部分十分不同于彼此,psychographically和demographically︰ 旅行滑翔機︰ 這個樣品的14%,他們喜歡把他們的單車用于長時間的旅行。 與其它部分相比, 他們有一些更老,更可能結婚,上面的收入,更專業,以及老戰士機車擁有人,特別是哈利。 . 核心硬體︰ 這些是archetypal哈利擁有人。 或許令人吃驚,他們只是這個樣品的9.7%。 與其他相比,他們更年輕,不那么可能結婚,較少教育,更低的收入,並且擁有一輛更舊的機車。 這些是歹徒(或者想感到那種模式的人們)。 禪騎手︰ 對這些20%來說,乘一輛機車是一次精神的經歷。 他們年輕,很可能被結婚,教育,上面的收入,並且傾向于使用單車少于其它。
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2005-10-11T16:52
For example, the MRI data shown in Table 4.4 can be analyzed using an "eyeball" approach.
例如,在4.4表格顯示的MRI 數據可能分析使用一個"眼球"接近。
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2005-10-14T03:41
打電話給要素分析? 嗯...很難理解
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2005-10-13T17:28


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2005-10-09T00:00


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2005-10-09T00:00
3.鯨魚因為攝食方式ㄉ不同,�� ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2005-10-09T00:00


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2005-10-09T00:00


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2005-10-09T00:00