英文達人幫我這些對話中翻英(20點)!很急用?! - 生活

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2006-12-16T00:00

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a:好阿~ 首先我們要找到一個地方用來佈置它然後放聖誕樹還有一一些彩帶阿跟那總會發出很多顏色的小燈
a:對阿~ 那些都是騙小孩的傳說,不過今年我們能收到大家互送的禮物就把它當成聖誕老人給我們的吧
b;好阿 真期待那天的到來
a:我也是 但你也別忘了聖誕節過後就是一連串的期末考呢
b;喔........對阿 想到就令人頭痛 不過我也差不多開始準備了
a; 你才知道!!不要在做這種幻想了!我們趕快去圖書館唸書還比較實在
b;好吧 應該是要這樣的 我覺得我們12月真的好忙喔!!又要過聖誕節又要跨年還要唸書!!要完成好多事!!
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禁用各種翻譯軟體 要口語話一點 !!

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Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2006-12-20T00:40
Busy December
a: December!Very quick of will end this year
b: Lead to the A time of true quick
a: The review really takes place a few matters this year, first half year we still the hard luck senior high school get, only know to study to take the entrance examination of university all day long, back half year we pass colleges entrance examination to live to live with senior high school entirely different
b: yes~because of rising up the university also knew many new friends, I feel is really I this year the biggest result, feel handing over to your so understanding friend is really my honor toward me

b: yes~because of rising up the university also knew many new friends, I feel is really I this year the biggest result, feel handing over to your so understanding friend is really my honor toward me
a: Don't say so~I am also very happy to know your this friend

b: Do you have a major festival you to know to is what December?
A: you mean Christmas festival?
B: to!!!We invite a together total degree of everyone this festival you to feel that day how?

A: this What an a good idea!We to do a Christmas party!
B: good~that we have to start raising a painting now!

A: good A~ we wants to find out a place to use to sets out it then puts the Christmas tree to still have first 11 some colourful bring A to follow that small light that always will send out a lot of colors

B: oh~think of the stick pole!Then want to buy some delicious things!Must eat greatly to drink greatly that day!
A: we that day conveniently also and the masquerade ball liked, everyone wants to do Christmas old man to come to send gift with each other

B: the kidness kidness~good!!All thought after hour before true of would have Santa Claus to steal to send gift in evening!Went to an on alternate days the morning root finally what all have no
2006-12-16 18:33:27 補充:
B: the kidness kidness~good!!All thought after hour before true of would have Santa Claus to steal to send gift in evening!Went to an on alternate days the morning root fina
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2006-12-17T14:16
題目:Busy December
a: December!Very quick of will end this year
b: Lead to the A time of true quick
a: The review really takes place a few matters this year, first half year we still the hard luck senior high school get, only know to study to take the entrance examination of university all day long, back half year we pass colleges entrance examination to live to live with senior high school entirely different
b: yes~because of rising up the university also knew many new friends, I feel is really I this year the biggest result, feel handing over to your so understanding friend is really my honor toward me
2006-12-16 18:12:11 補充:
b: yes~because of rising up the university also knew many new friends, I feel is really I this year the biggest result, feel handing over to your so understanding friend is really my honor toward me
a: Don't say so~I am also very happy to know your this friend
2006-12-16 18:13:06 補充:
b: Do you have a major festival you to know to is what December?
A: you mean Christmas festival?
B: to!!!We invite a together total degree of everyone this festival you to feel that day how?
2006-12-16 18:13:34 補充:
A: this What an a good idea!We to do a Christmas party!
B: good~that we have to start raising a painting now!
2006-12-16 18:14:07 補充:
A: good A~ we wants to find out a place to use to sets out it then puts the Christmas tree to still have first 11 some colourful bring A to follow that small light that always will send out a lot of colors
2006-12-16 18:14:29 補充:
B: oh~think of the stick pole!Then want to buy some delicious things!Must eat greatly to drink greatly that day!
A: we that day conveniently also and the masquerade ball liked, everyone wants to do Christmas old man to come to send gift with each other
2006-12-16 18:14:44 補充:
B: the kidness kidness~good!!All thought after hour before true of would have Santa Claus to steal to send gift in evening!Went to an on alternate days the morning root finally what all have no
2006-12-16 18:14:57 補充:
A: to A~ all of those are the legend that cheats a kid, however we can receive everyone to send with each other this year of the gift take it as Santa Claus to our
2006-12-16 18:15:20 補充:
B: good!!However at in a couple of days the Christmas festival will arrive!We have to tell the others our plan hurriedly~like advance preparation
2006-12-16 18:15:30 補充:
a; Kidness~you say of to!!The thing of the contact person wraps my body again eight~you go to want to buy the detailed list row of the thing one row that day
2006-12-16 18:15:39 補充:
b; The good A really expects the arrival of that day
A: I also is but you don't also forget Christmas festival is later on a series of period ends to test
2006-12-16 18:15:45 補充:
b; Oh........Think of to the AN even if the person have a headache however I also started preparing about
a; Hope we are after once more leading Christmas festival also have fine result to be used as the be over of the end this year


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2006-12-16T00:00
我玩的是 平水相逢的冷藍版
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Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2006-12-16T00:00
★ 學校最 ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2006-12-16T00:00
2.住家樓下是停車場出入口, ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2006-12-16T00:00
at�� ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2006-12-16T00:00