英文讀書會開打! - 林口

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-03-22T17:59

Table of Contents

We probably will hold a English gathering at 7:30 PM this Saturday (3/27).

For anyone interested in this gathering, please mail me with your cell phone

and name. We will contact you the exact place and time.

According to some opinion, I do some adjustments to the agenda. Here's our

new run down.

Part One: Article reading

We might skip this part. However we could still discuss over this.

Part Two: Words Sharing.

Each one shall share 3-5 words or phrases he/she likes. The words could be

entertaining or interesting. Serious words or phrases are also welcomed.

Part Three: Discussion/ Debating/ Reflections

In this part, we might have a random topic for us to discuss, debate, or

share our feelings over. Hope we all enjoy this new part.

Part Four: Games.

I suppose there's no need to explain this part...^_^

We will only speak English throughout the whole gathering. This agenda is

certainly not the final edition. We could still do some changes for that. The

gathering will take about 2 hours. Hope we all enjoy this. ^_^

For anyone interested, just mail me with your name (Pseudonym is also

acceptable) and phone numbers. New members are always mostly welcomed.

Tags: 林口

All Comments

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2010-03-24T09:38
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2010-03-26T01:01
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2010-03-26T23:36
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2010-03-27T22:04
Pseudonym沒看過 我果然英文很破...
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2010-03-30T09:07
嗯嗯 聽起來不錯(假裝看得懂)


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2010-03-22T15:32
最近剛成立一家公司 想要找會計師事務所 請問有推薦龜山林口附近好的會計師事務所嗎? 謝謝喔~ - ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2010-03-22T01:53
因為買新電腦了 想要賣掉手上的二手電腦來補貼一下新電腦的花費 規格如下 intel p4 2.8GHZ ddr 400 1g x1 ddr 400 512mb x1 顯示卡 nv 128M dvd光碟機 80g HDD XP os 可作為文書機或備用機都可 剛重灌好 case是 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2010-03-22T00:06
※ 引述《weapon690 (Hoot)》之銘言: : 今晚要去老街買晚餐 : 發現有人在放鞭炮 : 而且也幾乎堵死整條街 : 鞭炮一直放還滿吵的 : 比較危險的還在十字路口 旁邊都是電線耶 : 比較誇張的是在裡面放 這麼窄的地方真的很危險 : 好像是三重的某宮吧! : 今天是什麼節日嗎? 我 ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2010-03-21T22:04
今晚要去老街買晚餐 發現有人在放鞭炮 而且也幾乎堵死整條街 鞭炮一直放還滿吵的 比較危險的還在十字路口 旁邊都是電線耶 比較誇張的是在裡面放 這麼窄的地方真的很危險 好像是三重的某宮吧! 今天是什麼節日嗎? - ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2010-03-21T16:38
最近比較喜歡(也比較方便)用噗浪聊聊心情 不知道有沒有林口鄉民也在玩噗浪的~推文留一下吧~ -- 阿知╮ ╭大哥,今天晚餐怎麼特別長 ◢ ◣◢ ◥ ◢ ◣ ● ● @@▊═ ═▊ ⊕⊕ ● C ...