英文讀書會本週六3/27晚上七點半舉行 - 林口

By Lily
at 2010-03-27T22:50
at 2010-03-27T22:50
Table of Contents
It's out of my imagination the new agenda goes quite well. We did share
lots of feelings and experience in this gathering, along with new vocabulary.
I will arrange the new gathering time in a few days. Glad to have you folks
with us. Hope all memebers had a great time in this gathering.
Thank you all. ^_^
For anyone who is interested in this gathering. Merely mail me with your
name (alias or pseudonym is okay) and cellphone. We will add you into our mail
All Comments

By Michael
at 2010-04-01T19:20
at 2010-04-01T19:20
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誰家的米格魯不見了 快把他抓回去吧

By Daph Bay
at 2010-03-27T19:54
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By Sarah
at 2010-03-27T11:37
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By Blanche
at 2010-03-27T01:14
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By Sierra Rose
at 2010-03-27T00:20
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By Sandy
at 2010-03-26T23:57
at 2010-03-26T23:57