英文讀書會 - 林口

By Joseph
at 2010-06-20T00:34
at 2010-06-20T00:34
Table of Contents
Apropos of the volume issue, undoubtedly we acknowledge since the primary
part of this gathering is about speaking, there would be some collateral
damages. With no intention to cause a big hue and cry, we sincerely apologize
for the inconvenience. With regard to the fact that Starbucks is not a place
for merely studying, we would beg for a looser criteria for us. Meanwhile, we
will mind our p's and q's. Deeply sorry again.
As usual, we would like to recruit some new members. Anyone interested
please mail me with your name (pseudonym or alias is acceptable) and cell
phone numbers so we could reach you more easily.
Thanks and sorry again.
I thought I was merely a private citizen. However, it ends up I am more
like a good samaritan. What's worse, I can do nothing about it.
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