英文讀書會 - 林口

By Ina
at 2010-05-30T22:37
at 2010-05-30T22:37
Table of Contents
A bit tired tonight. Nevertheless we had a good gathering tonight. Thanks for
the two memebers. Glad to have you two to hold this gathering.
To recruit more vigorous members, we hope if you are interested in English,
and could attend our English gathering at 7:30 PM every Saturday, except for
something literally special, you may reply this to my mail accout here with
your cell phone and name(pseudonym, or alias is also acceptable).
Glad to have good people here as members..^_^
I thought I was merely a private citizen. However, it ends up I am more
like a good samaritan. What's worse, I can do nothing about it.
All Comments

By Megan
at 2010-06-04T03:58
at 2010-06-04T03:58
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