英文愚人節翻譯~~課用 - 過年

John avatar
By John
at 2011-01-04T00:00

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愚人節是每年的四月一日。中文比較文雅、客氣。愚人節的英文就叫'April Fools Day',「傻子節」。
在英文裡面,愚人節被捉弄的人叫「魚」,'April fish'。因為,在法文裡,說人傻,不說「跟豬一樣傻」而說成「跟魚一樣傻」。所以,英文就說某某人是'April fish'。現在,愚人節當天第一個被捉弄的人就叫'April fish'。而照法國習俗,最早會選在四月一日當愚人節是因為,早年過年是四月一日。後來改曆法,把元旦放在一月一日,但是,有不少人繼續在四月一日過年。這批不知變通的人成了大家取笑的對象,法國人就叫他們傻子。有時候,英文裡面不說'April fish',而說'April cuckoo'則是因為在蘇格蘭,愚人節被捉弄的人叫'April gowk','gowk'就是英文的'cuckoo'。
Tags: 過年

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Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-01-07T09:02
This is a traditional festival, has a certain about of history. Usually in order to welcome spring after 21st March, Europeans in European countries would run wild until the 1st of April. This case, first day of April every year becomes a day of fooling, messing around. Except Europe, India in Aisa celebrate this special day too. It is called 'Huli' in Indian. Huli takes place by the end of March. On that day Indians would send 'a fool' to do something not worthwhile. The people who does the piffel becomes a fool.
In English, people who were fool on April fool is called 'a fish', 'April fish'. This is because French describes stupid people 'as stupid as a fish', but not 'as dump as a pig' which we normally say in Taiwan. Therefore English tend to say the person is an april fish. Now, the first person gets fool on April fool is called 'April fish'. Treditionally French put April fool on the 1st April, because 1st April celebrates the new year long ago. However, the calendar had changed, and New Year's Day is now on the 1st of January. Even so, some people still celebrate New Year on 1st April. These people who doesn't accomodate had became everyone's joke. French people call them a fool.
In Scottish English, they say 'April cuckoo' instead of 'April fish. People who had been fooled on April fool is called 'April gowk', because 'gowk' is English for 'cuckoo'.
Hope this can help you :). I didn't use translator for this so sorry if i made any mistakes.


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-01-03T00:00
有親友過年前要從國外回來想帶他們去環島繞一圈因為難得回來想玩得好些卻發現在花蓮及台東好一點的飯店都已 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2010-12-29T00:00
預計農曆過年後結婚想請問鳳山哪邊可以辦婚禮喜筵的呢?大約會辦30桌左右不曉得一桌是多少錢?(有加飲料或酒類) ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-12-29T00:00
各位大大~可以推薦一下行程嗎??過年期間要回去新竹縣過年~之後想下中南部玩....不過有二個寶寶(一個八歲~一個�� ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-12-28T00:00


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-12-27T00:00
去年過年去泰國玩因為低團費加上團員有些是來購物的所以自費行程不太參加(有的是來過的)而跟當地地陪搞的不� ...