英文家教 法律/商業/文件修改 美國律師 - 台北大安區

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2021-04-11T11:00

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4.希望待遇:一小時 $850


6.學歷:Yale University (U.S.) and University of California, Berkeley (U.S.).
Dual majors in political science and business administration.
Also graduated from Loyola Law School. With a Juris Doctor degree.

信箱:[email protected]

I run a firm based in the US that tutors foreign students from Taiwan,
China, Japan, and Korea in English and foreign workers to succeed there.

I am an American born Taiwanese individual who was raised and taught in
the US at excellent schools for 19 years. I became an experienced lawyer,
and I owned my own firm, and we worked with companies like Google, Facebook,
and Amazon. We also had a tutoring and academic division that advised and
tutored foreign students and workers. The firm and I teach about 10 students
and workers in Taiwan and the United States.

We teach through worksheets, sample questions, written materials, and
materials brought by the student(s) for the lesson.

The tuition fee guarantees good results if you are testing or
communicating with native English workers or customers. It’s worth it.


All Comments


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2021-04-10T19:21
因電腦壞掉,但裡面的SD卡有重要資料 看有沒有鄉民有能讀取這款SD卡的外接盒 我可以過去拿取 用完之後馬上還你在請你一杯飲料 https://i.imgur.com/kX6V8OO.jpg https://i.imgur.com/A3Ykcqz.jpg ----- Sent from JPTT on my ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2021-04-09T12:43
科技大樓站一直以來在7-11旁眼鏡店前面 每天早上都有個阿姨推車賣飯糰 記得去年某天看到她移到爭鮮旁邊的騎樓 還跟她閒聊,她說她一直被當時康是美旁開的飯糰店檢舉 只好躲到騎樓去,不然一直被開單 而且最後那家店還倒了XD 今年因為我換路線上班,比較少從捷運站出來了 剛剛跟同事聊才發現好像很久沒有看到阿姨了? ...

台北大安 J WOW Cafe/Bistro

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2021-04-09T08:36
※ [本文轉錄自 Food 看板 #1WRw5hvD ] 作者: yasumi0531 (為了人生,拔腿狂奔。) 看板: Food 標題: [食記] 台北大安 J WOW Cafe/Bistro 時間: Fri Apr 9 08:35:52 2021 餐廳名稱:J WOW Cafe/Bistro ...

台北大安 福州山公園夜景

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2021-04-07T12:40
福州山公園夜景觀賞資訊 觀賞日期:2020.11.15 地點:台北市大安區福州山公園景觀平台 本次行走路線:從富陽生態公園出發,走步道至福州山公園的景觀平台,來回約1小時 小建議:有些路段沒有路燈,請自行攜帶充足照明設備並結伴同行 圖文完整版: https://wonderfood.pixnet ...

黑色Seagate 1TB行動硬碟

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2021-04-07T01:46
大家好,想協尋一個行動硬碟, 4/06(二)晚間9-10點於金華新生路口等公車時, 因為翻找包包內的悠遊卡,可能不小心遺落了一個1TB seagate黑色硬碟。 約為一般行動電源大小,上面有一個玩具總動員Woody貼紙, 若有人撿到萬分感謝~願意提供1000元感謝金。 因為下班時確認還在,推測最有可能掉在 ...