英文、電腦該怎麼開始? - 自學

By Emma
at 2006-08-10T03:47
at 2006-08-10T03:47
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※ 引述《wishappy (我要錢~~)》之銘言:
: ◆ From:
: 推 klean:從聽力開始 07/26 09:29
: 推 kah:沒單字何來聽力?@@!! 07/26 12:54
It is possible and this should be the correct method.
Everybody begins their first language learning from listening and speaking.
Do you know why Taiwanese's English has been very poor on listening and
speaking? Do you know why the original post has been learning English for long
but he still feels unconfident?
Because those teachers have been teaching their students wrongly.
: ◆ From:
: 推 klean:從聽力開始 07/26 09:29
: 推 kah:沒單字何來聽力?@@!! 07/26 12:54
It is possible and this should be the correct method.
Everybody begins their first language learning from listening and speaking.
Do you know why Taiwanese's English has been very poor on listening and
speaking? Do you know why the original post has been learning English for long
but he still feels unconfident?
Because those teachers have been teaching their students wrongly.
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請問多益是12月改制嗎 拜託跟我下吧

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