(英文)需要中翻英 - 生活

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2010-06-16T00:00

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我會好感謝你/妳 :))
3.其實聽英文廣播可以知道一些生活時事及常識.都屬於比較生活化的東西.這些比課本都來的有趣! 所以問此問題是想知道學生是否會用此方法來增進自己的英文聽力.讓自己聽的東西更多元.
不好意思喔 很長>"<
Tags: 生活

All Comments

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-06-19T03:33
1. I can use England to listen to CD which the textbook (magazine) attaches presents as a gift to practice hearing
2. when uses CD(mp3) tin of English, meets the content which cannot understand I to be able to duplicate expend
3. me to be able to listen to English broadcast to practice hearing
then me to have to explain why has to ask this question:
1. wants to ask this question is because the present textbook (magazine) can enclosed CD let the student be possible perhaps can expend the CD place in the home to use .CD the content majority of all is in the textbook sentence and the article. Enable the student has taught to teacher the curriculum to have a deeper impression. Has the sufficient resources to fear the student cannot use. Therefore only then wants to know whether the student does use the power of exponent law to practice the hearing.
2. when we when listens to CD(MP3). If meets the word which cannot understand. Sentence on jump. That could not true understanding its significance and has lost the study opportunity. The true study method should be a content which the repetition listens then to inquire again cannot understand. Asked this question is wants to know whether the student can want the study many. Not only but listens casually.
3. listens to English broadcast to be possible actually to know some life current event and the general knowledge. All belongs to the comparison adaptation thing. These interest which all comes compared to the textbook! Therefore asked this question is wants to know whether the student can use this method to promote own English hearing. Lets thing which oneself listens multi-dimensional.
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2010-06-17T03:13
1. I will use the British Journal of this (lectures) bonus CD to practise listening
2. use the CD (mp3) to listen to English, have good content, I will repeat dial drop 3. I will listen to the radio to practise listening
Then I have to explain why you want to ask this question:
1. ask this question because now textbooks (magazine) will be accompanied by a CD so that students can be at home or can dial into the local use of .CD CD content mostly books of sentences and article-so that students and teachers taught courses can have a better impression-has sufficient resources for fear of students not only with so want to know whether the students to practise listening time method.
2. when we are listening to CD (MP3). if encountered could not understand the words-sentence skip it does not really understand their significance and lost learning opportunities-real learning method should be duplicated to listen to and then go to the query above is asked that this issue is whether you want to know the students will want to learn more-and not just listen to it.
3. in fact, listen to the radio, you can learn some general knowledge of current events and life-belongs to compare living thing than texts have come for fun! So I ask that this issue is to know whether students would use this method to enhance your listening. let myself listening to something more diversified.


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2010-06-16T00:00
因為我快畢業了所以我向一個女生要了連絡方式她網路上談話總是很冷淡都幾個字就帶過問她問題就是關你屁事也 ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2010-06-16T00:00


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-06-16T00:00
我想考今年義大的進修部但目前好像只剩下and#34;筆試入學and#34;這個管道了他考國英數那我想請問一些問題Q1.會很� ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2010-06-16T00:00
想請問各位達人們:準備在2010年國曆6月17日未時~申時(13:00~17:00)搬至新房子(租屋,沒人入住過)要將大型家具以 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2010-06-16T00:00