聽力題中的 定位 - 英檢

By Thomas
at 2013-09-18T10:14
at 2013-09-18T10:14
Table of Contents
上一篇 #1ICugiJM
除了單字要用聽的 題目只講一次 不像閱讀可以在時間內
基本政策就是 多想想
之後開始漸漸地有筆記了 但是分數卻可能時好時壞
甚至有時候筆記一大堆 卻還是答錯
原因是 聽力的題型多了一些推理
TPO20 L2 是一篇結構完整的聽力題目 讓我們來熟悉一下聽力的策略
孫子兵法: 知己知彼,百戰不貽
1. 大意: 課程型聽力與 對話都會出現大意 但是陷阱不一樣
對話型的聽力中有機會出的是 目的 而不是大意 請小心
但是也有一定的機率遇到像是 從課程中段 開始錄音的內容
因此請記得 聽完聽力之前一定要有心理準備 回答大意是什麼
反之抄了一堆筆記卻沒時間篩選出大意 就是記筆記的點不對
2. 推論
閱讀中已經說過 推論的方法
其答案的搭配 是一個細節 和一個較為合理的解釋
在聽力的時限下 把沒聽過的內容當作是錯誤的刪掉完全不考慮
3. 細節 雖然細節有很多種 但是最常見的多選 就是選原因 或者 條列的內容
4. 態度 和閱讀不同的是多了語調 所以除了可以表示態度的字
注意語調 未來在國外整天上課都是英文
5. 重聽題 很多同學都知道重聽題 但是在想答案時總是在想聽到的這句
我比較喜歡說 為何作者要說這句
所以類似閱讀的文法修辭題 作者的目的可能不在句中 而是上面說過的話
TPO20 Lecture2-Environmental Science(Interglacial Periods)
第一段落 當聽到Interglacial periods are,
這是名詞解釋不用急著抄 重點往往在後面
Now, the typical pattern (出現一般 小心之後說特例)
for an interglacial period, and we have studied several, is that the
concentration of carbon dioxide and methane gas actually
reaches it... its peak (這個字表示達到顛峰 是托福中常見的重點: 比大小)
所以筆記 CO2, Meth ^ (向上的記號表示最高)
And then,concentration of greenhouse gases gradually goes down
warm for a while because there is a lag effect.(解釋原因)
however , for the latest interglacial period,
the one we are in now, this pattern did not hold,
聽到這裡 表示上一個原因不會考了
聽力筆記的重點除了和閱讀一樣 搞清楚因果 方向 比較
還要更善用路標 [However]
then it began to rise
Um ... What was different about this interglacial period than the other ones?
這就是本文要回答的問題 回答我們現在所處的間冰期
Well, one of the big differences is human activity
(都說是 big difference 請寫下 人 )
CO2, Meth ^ ->
This is the agricultural revolution. 又是名詞解釋
However , some new theories of climate, new theorists of
climate have proposed that perhaps humanity was having an effect on the climate as far back as
the beginnings of the agricultural revolution.
看吧 又是However
因為出現theory 所以這篇的結構整個出來了
有問題 有理論 最後看作者的態度作裁決
所以一定出 大意 理論的細節 還有作者態度
CO2, Meth ^ ->
bt 人 Ag
When you cut down the forests
If you
重點在結果 you end up with
CO2 ^
another gas associated with the spread of agriculture is methane.
請注意筆記(路標: Another)
CO2, Meth ^ ->
bt 人 Ag
1. cut trees and burn -> CO2 ^
2. Grow grain -> Meth ^
It‘s kind of ironic to think that
注意這句話 之後常有考點
老師說某某事真是矛盾 就算不考細節也有可能成為重聽的內容
In fact, back in the 1970s, a lot of theorists were predicting that,
you know, the climate would start to cool and we‘d slowly enter into the new Ice Age. And then
they were puzzled as to why it didn‘t seem to be happening.
what are the implications for the future? Well, um... it is a little tricky.
當老師說出tricky 要注意 後面的解釋不會是大家都想得到的
But then industrialization, of course, has drastically increased
CO2, Meth ^ ->
bt 人 Ag
1. cut trees and burn -> CO2 ^
2. Grow grain -> Meth ^
bt 人 Id -> CO2 ^
so we are entering into uncharted3
territory now,
這最後的語氣告訴你 老師也不知道答案 以上說的都是推論
12. What is the lecture mainly about?
A.The effect of ice ages on the development of agriculture
B. A theory about a change in Earth's climate cycle
C. Strategies to prevent Earth from entering another ice age
D. Some effects of industrialization on Earth's atmosphere
核心是 人 影響了氣候 可見不是A. (對象相反)
B 有提到理論 (因為排除a cd 所以選)
C 本篇到最後都沒說解法 這是問題解決型文章
D 這是細節 因為 工業化的影響只是我筆記的最後一句
13.What does the professor imply about Earth's climate
over the last several million years?
Click on 2 answers.
A. Ice ages have alternated with warmer periods. 可見的答案
B. Recent ice ages have not been as cold as earlier ice ages. 沒說過
C. Interglacial periods have become cooler and cooler overtime.與事實相反 刪除
D. Previous interglacial periods were shorter than the current
interglacial period.
隱藏的可能解釋 聽力中不直接出現
D選項你沒聽過 但是可以解釋為何之前計算錯誤
因為文章中It‘s kind of ironic to think that
後方的例子就說 之前已為我們應該進入冰河期了 卻沒有
D的解釋是 間冰期比以前長 所以會估計錯誤
14.According to the professor, what factor is extending the
duration of the current interglacial period?
細節題 考得當然和人有關
A. A shift in the locations of wetlands and forests
B. The relatively mild temperatures of the most recent ice age
C. The increased absorption of certain atmospheric gases by farm crops
D. An increase in the quantity of certain gases in Earth's atmosphere
certain gases 不用我說你也知道是哪兩種吧
15.According to the professor, what activities
associated with the beginnings of agriculture
may have slowed or prevented the onset of a predicted ice age?
Click on 2 answers.
A. The clearing of trees
B. The burning of fossil fuels
C. The domestication of certain animals
D. The cultivation of certain grains
選a D
選到b 的人 不專心 沒注意到聽力說的是燒木柴不是燒石化燃料
What is the professor's attitude toward industrialization?
A. He thinks that its effect on Earth's climate will decrease overtime.
B. He is worried that it may speed the arrival of the next ice age.
C. He thinks that it may reduce the effect of agriculture on Earth's climate.
D. He is unsure about its long-term effects on Earth's climate.
態度 秒殺
D. He is unsure
so we are entering into uncharted territory now
17. What does the professor imply when he says this:
Professor: ...In fact, back in the 1970s, a lot of theorists were
predicting that, you know, the climate would start to cool
and we'd slowly enter into the new Ice Age.
And then they were puzzled as to why it didn't seem to be happening.
像之前說的 這等於文法修辭題
the spread of agriculture, you know we are talking over thousands of
years, um... but this could very well had a
profound effect on the composition of Earth‘s
In fact, 後方接例子 告訴你影響有多大
A. Theorists sometimes make careless predictions.
B. Theorists were unaware of some of the effects of human activities.
C. Technology of the 1970s was not sophisticated enough to detect the earliest stages of an ice age.
D. Scientists in the 1970s overestimated the speed at which ice ages progress.
當時的估計準確的話 我們現在應該在冰河期中
All Comments

By Mary
at 2013-09-23T06:13
at 2013-09-23T06:13

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at 2013-09-25T19:19
at 2013-09-25T19:19
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