聖母大學誠徵理論化學博士生與博士後 - 留學

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2021-10-29T14:33

Table of Contents

今天是from the other side of the desk來招募新人,希望能招到有潛力和熱情的博士生和博士後,能創造一起學習和探索的團隊。

The theoretical and computational chemistry group of Hsing-Ta Chen (陳信達) in the
Department of Chemistry at the University of Notre Dame is seeking Ph.D. students
and postdocs to join after September 1, 2022.

[Research Interests]

The Chen research group develops and applies novel theoretical models and simulation methods
for understanding the dynamics of molecules and materials strongly interacting with light.
The overarching goal is to guide experimental improvements in next-generation photovoltaics
and facilitate new design principles for electronic nano-devices. The candidates are expected
to work on one or a few projects including electron transfer dynamics in plasmonic materials,
collective excitation in an optical cavity, and quantum Monte Carlo simulations.

[Principal Investigator]
Dr. Hsing-Ta Chen will join the University of Notre Dame as an assistant professor in September 2022.
He received his Ph.D. in Chemical Physics from Columbia University in 2016. From 2017 to 2021, he was
a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania. He was also
a Sackler Postdoctoral Fellow at Tel Aviv University and a visiting postdoc at Stanford University.

哥倫比亞大學化學物理博士 2011-2016
以色列台拉維夫大學 Sackler Postdoctoral Fellow 2016

Department website: https://chemistry.nd.edu/people/hsing-ta-chen/
Group website: https://sites.google.com/nd.edu/the-chen-lab

Please send your CV to Dr. Hsing-Ta Chen ([email protected])

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2021-11-01T04:10
fighting irish!
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2021-11-03T17:47
George avatar
By George
at 2021-11-06T07:24
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2021-11-08T21:01
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2021-11-11T10:38
ND undergrad推

南加大 USC 社會創業碩士線上說明會 11/5

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2021-10-29T11:09
南加大國際學院 [線上講座] -- 【 社會創業碩士 資訊分享會】 對社會企業有興趣? 想回饋社會卻不知從何開始? 南加大商學院社會創業碩士課程將 在 11/5 (五) 舉辦線上說明會, 屆時課程主任和學術主任會上線說明, 另外也邀請到兩 位學生分享各自的經驗與心得, 歡迎報名參加. 活動免費, 英 ...

南加大 USC 社會創業碩士課程說明會11/5

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2021-10-29T11:07
南加大國際學院 [線上講座] -- 【 社會創業碩士 資訊分享會】 對社會企業有興趣? 想回饋社會卻不知從何開始? 南加大商學院社會創業碩士課程將 在 11/5 (五) 舉辦線上說明會, 屆時課程主任和學術主任會上線說明, 另外也邀請到兩 位學生分享各自的經驗與心得, 歡迎報名參加. 活動免費, 英 ...

Computer Science, Brown University

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2021-10-28T11:48
比起USC和Purdue,Brown算是台灣較冷門,美國熱門的一所學校, 所以我也想寫一篇文章介紹一下我們學校。 我念的是 Computer Science SCM program,最近系上新增了幾位助理教授,我知道的CV和DL領域就有三位新教授,系上畢業條件是每學期修兩門,總共八門課,每門課8000~10 ...

南加大 USC 老齡學院線上說明會 11/6

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2021-10-28T10:57
您未來有興趣進入 and#34;老齡and#34; 相關產業發展嗎? 歡迎上線聽聽有哪些課程可考慮申請, 瞭解更多 ~ 南加大 老齡學院 (線上) 介紹說明會 * 時間: 上午 11-12 點, 11/6 (六), 2021 * 報名: 請事先報名,https://forms.gle/py9xJ9y75Zb ...

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Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2021-10-28T10:55
您未來有興趣進入 and#34;老齡and#34; 相關產業發展嗎? 歡迎上線聽聽有哪些課程可考慮申請, 瞭解更多 ~ 南加大 老齡學院 (線上) 介紹說明會 * 時間: 上午 11-12 點, 11/6 (六), 2021 * 報名: 請事先報名,https://forms.gle/py9xJ9y75Zb ...