考托福你不能不認識的兩種「人」續 by J2 - 英檢

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2021-01-13T02:12

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大家好,我是SK2實力養成班及J2TOEFL機經顧問 J2.

之前分享過考托福你不能不認識的兩種「人」,講到了Neanderthals 跟
Anasazi, 還沒看過的同學請看這裡:

Natufian 居住在Levant。Levant包含了現在的Israel, the Palestinian
territories, Lebanon, Jordan, and western Syria.

The Natufians were hunter-gatherers who subsisted on dozens of
wild species, but they lived in permanent villages and devoted
much of their time to the intensive gathering and processing of
wild cereals such as rye, barley, and wheat.

並且出現很多發展,像是蓋穀倉(granaries), 還發明石製鐮刀(stone
scythes), 杵跟研缽(pestles and mortars)來磨(grind)穀物。

Around 13,000 years ago, their climate began to change, becoming
colder and drier, a period known as the Younger Dryas.
所以他們只好回到傳統的遊牧生活。(ancient mobile hunter-gatherer
One response was to hunt a much wider range of animals than
before, and hence we find in Late Natufian settlements that bones
of many small-game species.

另外他們也似乎開始嘗試種植黑麥。在Abu Hureyra這個遺址發現到當地黑
The village of Abu Hureyra, in what is now northern Syria,
seemingly tried to cultivate local stands of rye, perhaps
replanting them. When the archaeologist Gordon Hillman studied the
cereal grains from the site, he found that some were bigger than
their wild equivalents—a possible sign of domestication, because
cultivation inevitably increases qualities, such as fruit and seed
size, that people find valuable.

(weeding, transplanting, watering, pest control)

But even this could not support the village—it was abandoned as
people were forced to return to a mobile lifestyle, perhaps
carrying pouches of cereal grain. The domesticated rye of Abu
Hureyra reverted to its wild state.


更多關鍵字:Neolithic Revolution


Tags: 英檢

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Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2021-01-17T22:46
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2021-01-19T01:05

(代PO)政大傳播一戰101 不疾不徐感謝送佛

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2021-01-12T20:49
(本文為代PO)全文請見:https://beattoefl.com/feedbacks/207 【考試成績】R: 27 L: 29 S: 23 W:22 【學校科系】政大傳播 【英文背景】學測14級分 多益935分 【考試地點】Home Edition 【準備時間】三週 【使用教材】送佛講義、TPO ...

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Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2021-01-12T19:26
[求學背景] 臺灣大學 森林系 [英 能 敘述] 學測 15級分/全民英檢 中級 [準備時間]109年8月至109年10月,共2個月 [考試成績] 1戰 98分 R27 L27 S21 W23 [前言] 會想要考托福,是為了申請出國交換,希望透過大學的最後一年出國見見世面,並培養自 己獨立生活及學習處理 ...

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Bethany avatar
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at 2021-01-12T16:51
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