考古題第八回.. - 自學

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2007-10-26T19:54

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※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板]

作者: goodfriends (do something) 看板: Eng-Class
標題: [多益] 考古題第八回..
時間: Fri Oct 26 18:03:55 2007


1._____ corporate America comes to terms with the antismoking fervor, more and
more companies are regulating their use of tobacco in the workplace. (A) As
(B) Although (C) Whereas (D) Since

答案是A 請問一下D為什麼不行勒?

2.Ethnocentrism is the view that one’s own culture is better than all the
others; it is the way all people feel about themselves as _________outsiders.
(A) compared to (B) comparing to (C) are compared to (C) they compare to


3.Sara’s ran up debts of $50,000 in the first year and it will
________business unless it increases sales to 4,000 personal computers in the
second year. (A) go out of (B) go off (C) go for (D) go through.

請問一下A-go out of 是破產的意思嗎

go off 又是什麼意思呢?

4.Primary industry, including fishing, mining, farming, and oil extraction, is
the sector, where raw materials are extracted, _____ and cut down. (A)
growing (B) grew (D) grown (D) grow

依照語意來說是D沒錯 可是在這裡前面是are extracted(被動)



5.Changes in _____ is being produced in the economy are bound to lead to
changes in where and how people work. (A) that (B) which (C) whether (D) what

這題為什麼是 D 呢


Tags: 自學

All Comments

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2007-10-30T19:45


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2007-10-26T19:22
這一題是朗文advanced 挑錯裡面的一題 Some frustrating artists, organizing to form an ----------- ---------- A B association,fou ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2007-10-26T17:53
最近在準備多益 不過在寫朗文adavnced 裡面的改錯的時候... 整個是很悽慘阿 ~and#34;~ 就算選對也只是憑感覺 不是真的很確定錯在哪裡..... 而自己因為文法觀念很薄弱 也買了市面上朗文出版的and#34;朗文文法全集and#34; 在念的時候覺得還好沒有很難 可是一寫改錯 整個 ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2007-10-26T15:18
我是參加9月30號的多益考試。以下是我的心得。 (ㄧ)考前的情況 再決定要不要考之前,也常常來這個版。 因為我的看書時間不多,所以想看看版上能不能找到ㄧ些準備的意見 剛上這裡找意見的時候,發現大家實力都好強起碼都是七百到九百的高手 看了讓我發現挺有打擊的,發現大家英文都好強,因為找不到那種情況跟我比 較類似的 ...

你學單字 TIMES為你捐十粒米

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2007-10-26T15:08
想要學單字又想要幫助別人的英文自學者注意!! 現在你只要上這個網站 http://freerice.com/index.php 每答對一題單字題目 TIMES就為你捐十粒米到落後國家拯救飢餓的人 希望大家學習英文時也可以幫助他人 請大家告訴大家!! - ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2007-10-26T14:29
我想請問一下 如果我超商繳費單and#34;超過繳費期限and#34; 是需要重新報名嗎?還是直接在補繳就好了? 感謝~~~~ ※ 引述《pinkyap ( )》之銘言: : 不好意思! : 想請問一下, : 本來打算在改新制前去考多益, : 但剛剛上多益網站查詢考試時間時, : 發現明年(2008) ...