翻譯句子成英文 - 健康

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2011-01-23T00:00

Table of Contents

1.因為Mary生病了,所以他留在家 (以Because為首句)
5.這臺腳踏車有些不對勁 (something)
9.Jane:妳合你同學下週五會去參觀博物館嗎? Betty:會,我們會去
Tags: 健康

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Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-01-25T18:26
那請選擇你比較喜歡的來用來講喔 =)
1.Because Mary is sick, so/therefore she stays at home
Because Mary does not feeling well, so/therefore she stays at home.
Because Mary is down with flu, so/therefore she stays at home.
2.The Moon Festival is an important and popular holidayin Taiwan.
The Moon Festival is a holiday that is very important and popular in Taiwan.
3.The Moon Festival is an interesting holiday for children/kids.
For kids/children, the Moon Festival is an interesteing holiday.
4.It is important/essential/significant/ for young people to absorb enough
fruits and vegetables.
To assimilate enough fruits and vegetables is something that matters
a lot to teenagers.
(以上兩句的teenagers / young people可以互換)
5.There is something wrong with the/this bike(bicycle).

6.It is not easy to make tasty/delicious/dainty/yummy spaghetti.
To make tasty/delicious/dainty/yummy spagetti, isn't that easy.
7.Music is their mutual language/Their mutual language is Music.
Music is their language in common/Their common language is Music.
8.Peter had found his pen under the desk this morning.
This morning, Peter had found his pen under the desk.
9.Jane:Are you going to museum/gallery with your classmates next Friday?
* Yes/Yeah, we are/we are going. 是的,我們會去
* Yes/Yeah, I am. 是的,我會跟我同學一起去
* Yes/Yeah, we are going to the museum/gallery together next Friday.
* Yes/Yeah, I am going to the museum/gallery with my classmates
next Friday.
10.Jack is healthy and strong because he exercises everyday.
Jack is stong and healthy due to he exercises everyday.
(exercises可以換成works out,然後因第三人稱所以+s)
希望你會喜歡 =)
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-01-27T01:32
1.因為Mary生病了,所以他留在家 (以Because為首句)
Because Mary is sick, so she stays home. (so 也可省略不用)

Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important and popular holiday in Taiwan.
To Kids, Mid-Autumn Festival is a fun day.
It is important for teenagers to eat enough fruits and vegetables everyday. (英文比中文精確,加上everyday 表示每天都要攝取足夠青菜水果)
5.這臺腳踏車有些不對勁 (something)
There's something wrong with this bicycle. (也可以用bike)

It is not easy to make a delicious pasta.
Music is their mutual language.
Peter found his pen under the desk this morning.
9.Jane:妳合你同學下週五會去參觀博物館嗎? Betty:會,我們會去
Jane: Are you going to the museum with your classmate next friday?
Betty: Yes, we will.

Jack is strong and healthy as he exercises everyday.
2011-01-24 23:08:31 補充:
Because Mary is sick, so she stays at home. 要加個at,念起來才對,想必這樣比較正確!
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-01-24T00:53
1. because Mary is ill, so he left at home (headed by Because words)
2. the Moon Festival in Taiwan is an important and popular holiday
3. Mid Autumn Festival is fun for kids day
4. adequate intake of fruits and vegetables are important to young people
5. this bike a little wrong (something)
6. in order to make delicious Italy is not easy
7. music is their common language,
8.Peter under the desk this morning to find his pen
9.Jane: do you do next Friday your classmates will visit the Museum? Betty: will, we will go
10.Jack strong and healthy as he daily exercise


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