翻譯-中翻英 - 過年

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2005-10-01T00:00

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春節又叫"過年",俗稱"年","年"是一種為人們帶來壞運氣的想象中的動物。"年"一來,樹木凋蔽,百草不生;"年"一"過",萬物生長,鮮花遍地。到了農曆臘月三十日,時針移過半夜十二點的時候,春節便來到了。按照我國農曆,俗稱年初一,傳統的慶祝活動則從除夕一直持續到正月十五元宵節。正月初一前有祭祖、掃除汙穢。三十日要貼門神、對聯、吃餃子、放鞭炮,除夕"守歲"等儀式;正月初一晚輩向長輩拜年,然後到親友家賀年。親友第一次見面時,說些 "發財"、"過年好"等話互相祝賀,新女婿要到岳父母家中拜年,一般選在年初三,另外,各地除互相登門拜年,節日中還有給兒童壓歲錢、舞獅子,耍龍燈,演社火,逛花市,賞燈會等習俗。這期間花燈滿城,遊人滿街,盛況空前,直到元宵節(正月十五)過後,春節才算結束。
Tags: 過年

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Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2005-10-05T16:06
The Spring Festival is the beginning of the year of the Chinese lunar calendar, a folk grandest , most lively old traditional festival that it is China too, the folk habit that spent the Spring Festival of China, developed from " holding a memorial ceremony for curedly " of times of primitive society in the main . The ancient people of our country work hard through one year, when the beginning of the year of end at years old, with hunting and reaping things to offer sacrifices to all God and ancestor agriculturally of them, Israel thanks the vouchsafing of nature.
Let " celebrate the New Year " also the Spring Festival, commonly called as " year ", " year " one bring people animal of broken imagination of luck. " year " comes , the trees wither and cover , one hundred grasses are not raw; " year " one " pass ", everything grow, everywhere flower. By 30 days of the twelfth month of lunar calendar, in the hour hand has been moved at midnight, the Spring Festival came. According to the lunar calendar of our country, commonly called as annual the first day, the traditional celebration lasts from New Year's Eve to the 15 Lantern Festivals of the first month of the lunar year. Offer a sacrifice to an ancestor , clear away filthily before the first day of the first month of the lunar year. Will stick door god , antithetical couplet , take dumplings , setting off the fireworks on the 30th, the ceremony of " staying up late of all night on New Year's Eve " etc. on New Year's Eve; The younger generation of Junior One pays New Year call to the elder in the first month of the lunar year, then reach relatives and friends' home He Nian. Relatives and friends say at the time of first meeting that congratulates each other in words , such as some " getting rich " , " celebrating the New Year well " ,etc., the new son-in-law should go to parents-in-law's home to pay New Year call, generally select annual the third day, in addition, all parts call at somebody's house and pay New Year call except that each other, still give children money given to children as a lunar New year gift , dance lion in festival, play with the dragon lantern, perform the folk art performance given on traditional or religious festivals , stroll in the flower market, award the customs , such as lantern fair ,etc.. This festive lantern all over the city, visitor's full street, have an unprecedently grand occasion, did not calculate finishing until the Spring Festival after the Lantern Festival (the 15th of the first month of the lunar year ).
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2005-10-04T01:38
Chinese New Year, is the year old head of the Chinese lunar calendar, is also the ancient old and traditional festival of Chinese the most solemn and impressive and the most noisy of the folks, the Chinese folks leads the habit of the Chinese New Year, generally from"the 臘 fiesta" of primitive society times turn into since then of.My country the ancient people labor industriously through a year, at the year old tail beginning of year moment, then hunt the result thing with their agriculture to offer sacrifices to many God and ancestry to give by appreciating great universe.
The Chinese New Year call a "New Year's Day" again, being so called"year", "year" is a kind of animal in the imagination which brings bad luck for people.Once"year" come, the tree 凋 covers, 100 grasses don't get;Once"year""lead", the creation grows, fresh flowers all over the place.Went to the lunar calendar 臘 a month for 30 days, the hour hand once moved midnight 12 point time, the Chinese New Year arrived at then.Be so called a Chinese New Year's Day according to my country lunar calendar, the traditional celebration activity then had been keeping on till January from the New Year's Eve for 15 Lantern Festivals.The beginning of January a had worship of ancestors and swept away the 汙穢 ago.
Want to post spirit guarding, a pair of scrolls, eat dumpling and let off firecrackers on the 30th, the New Year's Eve"bringing in the new year" to wait for a rites;The beginning of January one younger generation makes New Year's visit, then goes to the friends and relatives house to offer congratulations toward the elder.Said when friends and relatives met for the first time some"become rich", "New Year's Day good" etc. the words congratulated each other, the new son-in-law wanted to the father-in-law to make New Year's visit in the female house, choosing generally in the beginning of year three, besides, everyplace in addition to ascending a door to make New Year's visit each other, still have to the child's New Year's Money and give a lion dance son in the festival, play the dragon light, play the club fire, stroll flower market, appreciating the light will wait for custom.The decorative lantern full city this period, the visitor is all over the street, an exceptionally grand occasion, until after Lantern Festival(January 15), Chinese New Year just end on the whole.
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2005-10-05T22:52
Spring Festival, is the Chinese lunar calendar beginning of the year, also is the Chinese folk is most grand, a liveliest ancient traditional holiday, China folk celebrates the Spring Festival the custom, generally speaking is sacrificially offers a sacrifice to "from primitive society time" to evolve comes. Our country ancient times the people passed through for a year industriously to work, in the beginning of the year's end time, then used their agriculture to hunt for 收穫物 comes the sacrificial offering numerous gods and the ancestor, thank the nature granting. Spring Festival calls "to celebrate the new year", is named "year", "year" is one kind brings the bad luck for the people in the imagination animal. "year" first, trees almost dead, 百草 does not live; "year" "", the myriad things have grown, fresh flower everywhere. To the lunar calendar on December 30, the hand of a clock had moved midnight 12. times, Spring Festival then arrived. According to our country lunar calendar, the popular name lunar New Year's Day, tradition celebration continuously continues from the lunar New Year's Eve to the first lunar month 15 festival of lanterns. In first lunar month first day front has offers a sacrifice to the ancestor, eliminates the contamination. On 30th needs to paste the gate god, the antithetical couplet, eats the stuffed dumpling, sets off the firecrackers, lunar New Year's Eve "stays up all night on new year's eve ceremony and so on"; In first lunar month first day the younger generation pays new year's call to the elder, then extends new year's greetings to the relatives and friends family. When the relatives and friends first time meet, said "gets rich", "celebrates the new year speech and so on good" mutually congratulates, the new son-in-law must arrive the wife's father 母家 center to pay new year's call, generally elects in the year third day, moreover, each place except mutually visits pays new year's call, in the holiday also has for the child the new year's money, the dance lion, 耍龍燈, develops 社火, takes a stroll the flower market, enjoys custom and so on lantern festival. This period decorative lantern full city, the tourist full street, the occasion unmatched in grandeur, after the festival of lanterns (in first lunar month 15), Spring Festival only then has calculated the conclusion.


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2005-09-30T00:00


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2005-09-29T00:00
我目前在一家多媒體公司上班,這家公司才待了1個多月,可是現在已經有一點後悔了,這家公司流動率很高,薪水才二萬一、二而已,而且公司的主管跟老闆�� ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2005-09-29T00:00
想在過年後(農曆年)後買一台二手的VIOS希望好心的專業人士給點資料像是這幾年出的VIOS應該在哪個價位比較合理�� ...


George avatar
By George
at 2005-09-28T00:00
我想和男朋友在過年連假的時候出去玩~~大概想玩個三天二夜或四天三夜~但是我們倆個本來計劃去知本玩的~但是�� ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2005-09-27T00:00
