綜合寫作是否需提到文章內容 - 英檢

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2016-05-03T19:35

Table of Contents





The professor in the lecture is discussing three theories of the extinction
of sea cows. He disagrees with the ideas in the reading passage. He believes
that none of the three theories is correct.

The first reason why the professor is skeptical about the reading passage is
because of the too much hunting theory. He mentions that sea cows were
massive creatures, which could support a large number of Siberian population.
Hence, Siberian people were not necessary to hunt all of them. Consequently,
the professor concludes that the overhunting theory is implausible.

Second, the lecturer refutes the points in the reading article by mentioning
ecosystem disturbances hypothesis. He claims that if this disturbances did
give rise to the extinction of sea cows, it would definitely affect other
part of ecosystem such as whales. However, no report demonstrated the decline
of whales. Accordingly, the lecturer holds that the ecosystem disturbances
hypothesis is unsupported.

The third reason why the speaker in the lecture challenges the reading is
related to the fur traders explanation. He notes that the population of sea
cows was already quite small before the European arrived. In other words,
European fur traders were not the factor which resulted in the decline of sea
cows. Therefore, the speaker maintains that the fur traders explanation is

Finally, the professor in the lecture casts doubt on the points in the
reading passage. He is firmly convinced that all of the three theories in the
reading are flawed.







it is pointed out in the passage that................,

while the professor claims that............


Tags: 英檢

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Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2016-05-03T14:54
【托福閱讀必考字彙】241-260 這個檔案是美加老師們整理了近年正式考試裡面閱讀高頻率出現的字彙,由A到Z編排。 運用前面應該認識的字彙,後方為其同義的字詞,接下來我們會陸續在此分享。 241.be fraught with 同義字詞:charge with, full of (a.) 充滿 242.b ...

05/08 字神 <托福聽力> 免費講座

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2016-05-03T10:30
05/08(日)字神帝國【托福聽力】免費講座,歡迎參加! 發音道地,聽得順利~ 將是帶領你戰勝聽力的超級救星同學們,決不能錯過唷! 講座大綱 ● 完整解析、指導學員托福聽力常見考點及不同題型中需特別留意的答案定位點。 ● 超強獨家完整版分層式破題法:聽力不好,覺得自己程度不夠,也能輕鬆破題!! ● 獨家破題 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2016-05-03T00:35
就在約莫10分鐘前要睡覺的時候去收了EMAIL發現已經出分 抱著忐忑的心情打開成績單那瞬間心臟真的跳超快... 雖然本魯只有92分但是已經達到自己設定的標準惹QQ 這次寫作拿到GG真的異常開心啊!! 不過我應該在年底之前還會考幾次拼高一點看看... 希望大家早日脫離苦海 擺脫ET$的魔掌~~ - ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2016-05-02T11:08
請問一下台中有沒有什麼托福的口說寫作的家教推薦 或者比較好的補習班在南屯附近 自己學托福一直沒有很大的進步 感謝 - ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2016-05-02T04:14
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