私人家教/文件翻譯 - 英檢

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2010-01-12T15:09

Table of Contents


I have spent more than eight years in Canada for living, studying
and working. Graduating from Telfer School of Business in
University of Ottawa in Marketing alone with couple years of
working experience in the largest bank in Canada,
Royal Bank of Canada, as Personal Banking Specialist
and in other industry allow me to be more competent in
demonstrating professional and practical business English language.

If you are interested in learning English or need any assistance of
translation, conversational English, or any English related service,
please do not feel hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Rex Feng



王子公主的世界裡 我只是隻青蛙 \)
﹒ ︵ √\

Tags: 英檢

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黃金閱讀Deep Populations of the Puget Sound

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2010-01-12T10:45
Paragraph 2: Nearly any kind of plant of the forest understory can be part of a deerand#39;s diet. Where the forest inhibits the growth of grass and other ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-01-12T10:28
呵呵,說的也是,如果可以暫停的話,大概就沒有問題了。 另外想請教 1. 大家常說and#34;抄模板and#34;and#34;刻模板and#34;是甚麼意思?(另有and#34;考到中間出來抄模板and#34; 等相關描述),模板不是都要被在腦中嗎? 如何出來抄模板呢? draft paper 可以帶出考 ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2010-01-12T02:37
1.請教各位大大,聽力聽說只可以聽一次,但是可以按暫停嗎? (也就是一句一句的聽) 2.speaking 和 writing 的聽的部分也跟第一題一樣的問題 3.如果不行的話,如何記筆記呢? 感謝各位大大的回答 -- - ...

新東方的"TOEFL 高分作文"有人用過嗎?

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-01-12T00:42
小妹最近深感自己寫作能力低落 想好好加強一下寫作能力 剛剛去逛一些網站時發現這本: 新東方出版的 and#34;TOEFL 高分作文and#34; 作者and#34;李笑來and#34; http://www.sanmin.com.tw/page-product.asp?pf_id=000546248 ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-01-11T23:11
第一次在版上po文,實在是被閱讀弄的差點崩潰ˊ口ˋand#34; 這星期六即將上戰場, 而這期間除了做補習班的MOCK TEST 之外, 還有知英閱讀和黃金閱讀 。 切入正題, 前提是如果時間夠的話,要看懂其實不會太費力。 但是,對時間的恐懼症再加上有些是學術文章,看的越來越吃力。 所以想請問 ...