研究計畫...怎麼寫 - 留學

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2010-01-12T09:42

Table of Contents


We need you to work further on your study proposal.
At the moment this is an idea for a project,
but the Study Proposal needs to be a detailed plan for the project
– an applicant would typically spend week of their time researching,
structuring and writing this proposal.
If you read the questions below and understand them
fully you will see how to develop your proposal.
All the questions need to be answered. F
or example under the section Project Rationale you have not
answered the question: Why is the project of importance.
How does the project extend subject knowledge in the field.
In relation to this you would need to write about existing work
that has already been done in your proposed subject area
and explain how you project does not duplicate that and
investigates a new aspect of the topic.


So what can I do to make it better?
※ 引述《Chioushiyan (留不住的她)》之銘言:
: 我的研究計畫被退回來要我重寫,當然啦我願意。
: 但是要怎麼寫呢@@?其實我是不太清楚如何搜尋相關資料。
: 請問版上是否有朋友可以跟我介紹@@謝謝


Tags: 留學

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Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-01-12T06:42
我帶回一些英鎊, 有很新的 也有看起來用過的(但不是很髒那種) 都是女王頭50鎊x30張..20鎊x10張 我須要一些台幣...所以至少想將1000鎊換成台幣 請問哪幾家銀行有收英鎊? 聽說台灣銀行和兆豐都有..還有其它家匯率高的嗎? 英鎊換台幣需要扣手續費嗎? 請給些意見..謝謝囉 ^^ - ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2010-01-12T02:12
受到台灣PTT的影響,真是太愛用BBS了 寒假要去英國玩一個月,不曉得那邊有BBS嗎這樣逛他們的BBS資料應該很豐富 謝謝 - ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2010-01-12T00:32
我的研究計畫被退回來要我重寫,當然啦我願意。 但是要怎麼寫呢@@?其實我是不太清楚如何搜尋相關資料。 請問版上是否有朋友可以跟我介紹atat謝謝 -- http://blog.roodo.com/qiushibo/ - ...

請問有人唸過語言學校 Williams collag …

John avatar
By John
at 2010-01-11T23:00
※ 引述《cloudycat (誰來告訴我該怎麼辦)》之銘言: : 如題~~ : 現在想從Williams collage 和 Wimblendom of English school中選一間~ : 不知道有沒有大大去過可以給點意見~ : 謝謝~~感激~~ 我現在在 Williams College 讀 f ...

請問有人唸過語言學校 Williams collageㄇ?

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2010-01-11T22:34
如題~~ 現在想從Williams collage 和 Wimblendom of English school中選一間~ 不知道有沒有大大去過可以給點意見~ 謝謝~~感激~~ - ...