真題答案 拋磚引玉版 - 英檢

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2013-06-06T20:28

Table of Contents

由於沒有答案 我想來個拋磚引玉


答案為我跟我朋友討論後 的結果 指示還是不太確定


然後 我把過期的廣告與簽名檔刪了

: The Development of Ideas About the Moon’s Surface 前三段及七道題目,
: 以下正文開始:
: Paragraph 1: From the time of the invention of the telescope to
: the first Moon landings, the characteristic surface of the Moon
: was the subject of speculation. In 1892 geologist G. K. Gilbert
: interpreted detailed observations of the Moon as signifying that
: the lunar craters are the result of meteorite impacts. He
: performed experiments by firing lead shot (small balls of lead)
: into clay, and made craters that strongly resembled those on the
: Moon. But firing lead shot into clay does not accuratelymimic the
: tremendous energy released during a large impact, so experimental
: investigations were of limited value. Specifically, experimental
: investigations led to the belief that the impactor’s momentum
: would stretch a crater into an ellipse (an oval) whereas, in fact,
: the energy derived from the impactor’s momentum is released
: symmetrically and a primary impact will make a circular crater
: irrespective of the angle at which it hits. The elliptical craters
: observed on the Moon are “secondaries” created by debris from
: primary events. Initially Gilbert argued that a depression one
: kilometer wide near Winslow in Arizona was an impact crater, but
: after a magnetic study failed to find the nickel – iron meteorite
: that he thought should lie beneath its floor, he concluded that
: the pit must be a volcanic crater created by an explosive release
: of steam. Impact craters, it appeared, were unique to the lunar
: surface.
: 1. The word “mimic” in the passage is closest in meaning to
: A) reproduce
: B) direct
: C) measure
: D) predict


: 2. According to paragraph 1, Gilbert’s impact experiments were of
: limited value because
: A) he based his experiments on the false assumption that the
: surface of the Moon is covered with clay
: B) in setting up his experiments, he relied on only general
: observations of the Moon
: C) the craters produced by firing lead shot into clay did not
: look like any of the lunar craters
: D) lead shot release too little energy to predict how large
: impacts would affect the surface of the Moon


: 3. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential
: information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect
: choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out
: essential information.
: A) Certain experiments showed that, regardless of its angle of
: impact, a primary impactor’s momentum will stretch a circular
: impact crater into an ellipse.
: B) Experiments showed that the energy from an impactor is
: released symmetrically.
: C) Contrary to what experiments suggested, the energy from an
: impact is released symmetrically and a primary impact always
: produces a circular crater.
: D) Experimental investigations failed to demonstrate how the
: impact angle can affect the size and shape of craters.


: 4. The word “Initially” in the passage is closest in meaning to
: A) Eventually
: B) At first
: C) For this reason
: D) Basically


: 5. According to paragraph 1, why did Gilbert conclude that the
: crater near Winslow was of volcanic origin?
: A) Because he could not find the meteorite that he expected to
: find beneath the impact crater
: B) Because he believed that impact craters were unique to the
: Moon
: C) Because it would have been very unusual for a release of
: steam to be explosive enough to create a crater of that size
: D) Because the crater was circular rather than elliptical


: Paragraph 2: Gilbert was the first to recognize that the mountain
: rings that enclose the circular maria (the mostly flat, large
: areas on the Moon resembling seas) are the edges of craters
: representing catastrophic impacts. It was clear that a basin large
: enough to contain Mare Imbrium, one of the Moon’s largest maria,
: could not be of volcanic origin. Furthermore, he pointed out a
: radial pattern in the surrounding terrain that had evidently been
: gouged by debris thrown out on very low-angle trajectories.
: 6. Which of the following is mentioned as one reason that led
: Gilbert to conclude that the basins containing the circular maria
: are “craters representing catastrophic impacts”?
: A) The height of the mountain rings surrounding the maria
: B) The size of some of the maria
: C) The absence of similar geological features on Earth’s
: surface
: D) The non-volcanic origin of the material found near the maria


: Paragraph 3: Then, in 1935, geologists suggested that several
: large circular structures on Earth might mark terrestrial impacts.
: They called them astroblemes (star wounds). After expressing his
: belief that lunar craters were also the result of meteorite
: impacts, geophysicist Robert Dietz discovered shatter cones (rare
: features only known to form in the bedrock beneath large meteorite
: impact craters) in a large crater in Ontario, Canada. Evidently,
: the Moon was not unique in having been battered by cosmic debris.
: 7. According to paragraph 3, what was the significance of Dietz’s
: discovery of the shatter cones?
: A) It showed that Dietz’s original theory was wrong.
: B) It supported geologists’ theory about the origin of the
: astroblemes.
: C) It showed that the crater in Ontario was not an astrobleme.
: D) It provided evidence about the mineral content of meteorites.


Tags: 英檢

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