目前寫作狀況請益 - 英檢

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2016-02-29T15:48

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沒有考過任何英檢 大學是用修全英語課方式過畢業門檻


目前狀況閱讀在時間內答題正確7成 聽力大約是8成以上


現在比較大的問題是說跟寫的部分 要是連基本分都拿不到聽跟讀是救不回來的

所以目前這是目前練習寫作第一次的狀況 非常之難看

希望板友可以評一下這樣大概有多少分 哪裡需要改進

接下來一天都會各練習兩篇 想做一下衝刺




In the lecture, the man casts doubt on the information presented in the

First of all, the reading passage mentions that making a team for individual
project is a perfect decision, Therefore, the project will be worked
efficiently and creatively than be worked alone.
But, the lecturer points out that the project may not move quickly. Because
of it take too much of time to reach consensus. And the truly creative and
viable proposal may be rejected by the unsuitable team leader or someone in

Second, the reading passage assert that the consequence of a decision no
matter it succeed or fail would not be counted on only one person but the
whole team. However, the lecturer argues that this role has a big problem.
If there is a free-rider, he can take advantage of the group success without
paying. And as above said, an inappropriate leader make the team work in the
wrong way, and it blame on everyone.

Finally, the reading passage claims that assembling people in a team is good
to the individual's feeling by having honor from other teammates.
Nevertheless, the lecturer thinks differently. The free-rider will break the
passion of those who work hard and make the contribution. And the bad leading
and rejection will also kill the great mate's soul.


From my point of view, I will strongly agree that always telling the truth is
the most important consideration in any relationship. While telling a lie
sounds a comfortable way in some situations, in fact, telling the truth will
bring more benefits to you.
There are three advantages of telling the truth that why I agree with.

First of all, the trust is the all means of a relationship. If you are not
trust worthy, how can I get along with you? Once you lied and I found it, we
would lose the trust between us. Next time you tell me something, and I need
to consider about the truth. Our relationship will be in the struggle.

On the other hand, telling the truth is pretty good for your feeling. You don
’t need to always worry about people will expose your lie or you lie would
be found. You will feeling comfortable with others. So I believe that always
telling the truth is healthy to your heart and your relationship.

Last but not least, telling the truth can test your relationship. To be
realistic, telling the truth is going to test that is he or she trust-worthy?
And can he or she accept the real, the whole you? Truth have its weight in
everyone’s heart. So if you can bear each other’s truth, your relationship
would be unshakable.

For the above reasons, I support that always telling the truth definitely is
more beneficial.


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2016-03-04T19:04
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2016-03-08T08:31
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2016-03-13T08:12
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2016-03-14T15:39
我記得補習老師有說英文作文不要一直用You 那是中文習慣

上班族一戰109 感謝SK2及戰友~

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2016-02-28T19:21
考試日期:2015/11/21 考試成績:一戰109 (L:30/R:29/S:23 [複查後沒變]/W:27) 考試場地:站前地球村 準備時間:上班族斷斷續續約4個月,平日約2~3小時+周末時間 練習教材: 老實說有點坎坷,剛開始是自己找坊間教科書來練習題目;但後來發現口說和 寫作用教科書完全抓 ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2016-02-27T18:24
大家好 先附上背景 英文學測 11級 指考51分 (呃) 目前交大管院碩士 雖然碩士有英文門檻 小妹勉強考了6x分進來 其他碩士班的英文我通通沒過標準.... 多益成績超爛..爛到我不想說QQ 因為我聽力真的很爛... 我ㄧ直都把英文當成 考試科目 所以只會看到單字能知道他的意思 但拚字很差 a跟e會 ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2016-02-27T16:10
各位板友好 我與外籍朋友將組織一個英語口說讀書會 地點會在忠孝復興站附近 時間可能是週一晚上 每週會提供一個主題 回家準備 讀書會當天以類似speed dating 方式 面對面換座分享 如有興趣 歡迎來信 細節詳談 祝各位考試順利 - ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2016-02-27T15:57
半年前, 我曾經po過一篇對美加補習班的抱怨文 半年後, 我今天再次鼓起勇氣去美加補習班復課 出來之後, 我的感覺是....美加的教材沒有不好,師資也沒有不好 不好的是.....行政, 也就是人 舉例來說, 我今天去復課, 櫃台有位XX姐, 要我寫切結書, 因為我已經停 ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2016-02-26T21:55
狀況是這樣的:我已經有ets帳號,想要註冊托福帳戶。 在Create profile那邊把資訊都打上去之後...(確認無誤) http://imgur.com/rMRkTJJ 要進行下一步時,畫面就一片空白,如下圖。 http://imgur.com/5gPBd3P 我嘗試過,清快存、換瀏 ...