發音講座 : 外籍老師親自指導糾正 - 講座

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-02-22T18:18

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※ [本文轉錄自 TOEIC 看板]

作者: idoubtit (Rebirth) 看板: TOEIC
標題: [資訊] 發音講座 : 外籍老師親自指導糾正
時間: Mon Feb 22 18:16:31 2010

※ [本文轉錄自 GEPT 看板]

作者: idoubtit (Rebirth) 看板: GEPT
標題: [口說] 發音講座
時間: Mon Feb 22 18:15:23 2010

Pronunciation Workshop: final “ed” and “s” sounds

Pronunciation of words ending with “ed”
Learning English past tense pronunciation is probably one of the more
challenging parts of the Simple Past to ESL students. It's certainly one of
the more difficult things for students studying English to master. However,
with a few really simple pronunciation tips, ESL students can master
pronunciation of the challenging "-ed" endings of Past Tense verbs and past

If the pronunciation of words ending with “ed” is incorrect, it then sounds
like the learner has got the grammar incorrect so it’s really important to
master this pronunciation.

Pronunciation of words ending with “s”
We will look at a simple way to tell the difference between the pronunciation
of the final s in plural and 3rd person singular present, for example when to
use s, z, and iz.

We will do lots of [fun and easy to remember] practice.

2 native English speakers will be there to individually correct your

Date: Saturday 27 February 2010
Time: [registration @ 3.45pm] 4pm – 6pm
Venue: BCD Café [Sun Yat Sun Memorial Hall exit 2. It’s down the 3rd alley
after Hi Life]
Location Map: http://www.bcdstudio.com/map.shtml
Donation of: NTD350 and more [free donations will go to Love Child
Organization, http://www.lovechild.org.tw/]
Your donation includes: drink/cake and feedback by native English speaker on
practice done at home after the workshop

Please forward this on to people you think might be interested.
Please write to [email protected] for registration


發音講座: 以 “ed” 和 “s” 結尾的發音

以“ed” 結尾的字如何發音
但其實透過幾個簡單的要點與訣竅,就能輕鬆掌握以"-ed" 結尾的動詞過去式與過去分詞



以“s” 結尾的字如何發音
間的差別,例如,何時該發s, z, 和iz。


日期: 2010年2月27日 (六)
時間: 16:00 – 18:00 (15:45 開始報到)
地點: BCD Café (國父紀念館站二號出口) [經過萊爾富之後第三條巷子右轉]
交通資訊: http://www.bcdstudio.com/map.shtml

來信請寄到: [email protected]

其他: 酌收新台幣350元,費用將捐給信望愛育幼院 (另外現場也開放自由捐獻)


Tags: 講座

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2/27◎新多益滿分全攻略◎免費講座,預約 …

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2010-02-12T11:55
虎年新春,希望跟大家一同為了自己的美好人生共同努力! 祝大家的英文分數都是虎虎生風! 此為免費英文講座, 座位有限, 建議提早報名, 歡迎共襄盛舉! ================================================ 主題: 新多益聽說讀寫滿分全攻略 ◎教你從國 ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-02-11T15:13
※ [本文轉錄自 Refresh 看板] 作者: aplmm (波波) 看板: Refresh 標題: [新竹]新竹科管局免費講座 時間: Thu Feb 11 15:12:17 2010 ╭─────────────────────────────────╮ │99I071 企業併購實務法令 ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2010-02-08T22:03
您好 我們是富邦金控 希望藉由徵才講座來爭取志同道合的朋友 不討論未來的理財規劃`未來的養老儲蓄 我們真心舉辦這場and#34;徵才and#34;講座 無任何冒犯也無任何欺騙,沒有費用也沒有酬勞 純粹只是希望可以爭取到對這份工作有熱情的夥伴 如果您對於目前的工作環境或是未來感到徬徨 也請您撥冗時間前來了解看看 ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2010-02-02T14:41
「2010兩岸行銷趨勢大解密」講座,告訴你過去5年大陸及香港的行銷發展以及未來5年的 行銷趨勢,如何布局兩岸三地的行銷策略,如何在ECFA的議題下,取得先機! 特邀請香港 殿堂公關資深總監為您剖析香港的行銷策略與消費者行為,以及大陸知名之公關公司為您 詳細分析大陸消費者之消費型態與市場生態。 * 講座時間: ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2010-01-26T10:44
這是一系列的講座 課題大多探討and#34;深度的自我了解and#34;and#34;生涯價值目標的釐清and#34;and#34;產業資訊的掌握and#34; and#34;各項基本職能態度的養成and#34;(如EQ,信心,人際,抗壓性等) 以下是近期的一些講座 1/31 上午 「品德」決勝負 ...