登峰小補丸‧職場單字進化術!〈人類學〉 - 英檢

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2013-02-05T19:00

Table of Contents

原文出處:《iBT托福字彙勝出》;〈貝塔語言出版〉。總編審: 王復國。

作者:妻鳥千鶴子、Mark D. Stafford、松井梢、水本篤。

【 Anthropology 】 人類學

Marriage is most commonly given the description of a union between two

individuals of opposite gender. The standard roles and tasks of the husband

and wife are comprised of living together, sharing economic resources, and

being acknowledged as having parental responsibilities. However,uncommon forms

of marriage that do not correspond to this definition do exist. For instance,

in some civilizations it is acceptable for a husband to take multiple wives,

and in others it is conventional for women to have more than one husband.

Still, in others, such as the Mozo (a minor ethnic group in China), the

institution of marriage basically does not exist.







Tags: 英檢

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Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2013-02-05T17:29
剛拿到熱呼呼的成績來分享一下 -------------------------------------------------------- 時間:2013/1/26 考場:忠孝敦化地球村 成績 R29/L30/S24(GFF)/W22(FF) total:105 準備時間:2周 求學背景:NTU 英文 ...

1/12 TOFEL-IBT 100 美加心得

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-02-05T11:36
個人資料 日期成績 1/12 2戰 100分 學歷 海大運輸 指考成績 70 考試身分 全職考生 考試地點 桃園地球村考場 準備時間 30天 準備教材 美加講義、TPO 1-25 各項分數 R28 L25 S22 W25 心得 補美加第一堂課聽到江樸老師講解考試的流程,讓我對陌生考試的緊張感降低 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2013-02-05T02:47
大家好,我今天看到複查口說分數變了,一吐怨氣之餘,也希望與托福與國軍兩個噩夢 交涉的心得能帶給大家一些幫助,早日擺脫萬惡ET$(和偉哉國軍)。 關鍵字: GRE/TOEFL 優先順序、 當兵、 複查 1. 背景 2011 六月七月機考GRE舊制 2011 八月入伍。 九月下部隊。 (爽單位, ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2013-02-05T00:41
As title 出分了!! 感謝耶穌,我破百了~~ 托福、GRE 掰掰!美國我來了~ -- 好想要和 你 一起看月亮 靠在我肩上 情話慢慢講... ▁▂▄▅▃▂▁ ‧ ● - ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2013-02-04T21:50
本日主題是介係詞,台灣晚上十點開播。有興趣想多知道一點的朋友來看看吧! 直播:http://www.justin.tv/windaweather 網站:http://aweathersenglishclub.wordpress.com/ 社團:https://www.facebook.com/groups/ ...