留學英國 2006年台灣新生簽到簿 - 留學

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2009-04-21T17:26

Table of Contents

◎ 留學英國 2006年台灣新生簽到簿 請寫信簽到或更正 ◎ 修正於 22 Apr., 2009
ID School Degree Programme
annel Aston MSc Marketing Management
ilmiriam Aston MSc International Business
loayo Aston MSc Marketing Management
mtryoko Aston MSc Marketing Management
smileange12 Aston MSc Marketing Management
Ukcat Aston MSc Human Resource Management
allmyway Bath MSc Marketing
cest Bath MA Education
comickers Bath MSc Management
ladycat Bath MA Education
meishuan Bath MSc Chemical Research
ningmai Bath MA Interpreting and Translating
pooky Bath MA Education
ytl60452 Birbeck MSc Finance
aacjt Birmingham MSc Marketing
aanitaaa Birmingham MSc Marketing
FreddieP Birmingham MSc Marketing
jailai Birmingham MSc Marketing
jouralist Birmingham MSc Marketing
pianoholic Birmingham MSc Marketing
scml Birmingham MSc Marketing
swgt Birmingham MA Heritage Management
vernace Birmingham MA Social Research
Cultural Studies and Sociology
kiki28 Bradford MSc Pharmaceutical Services and
Medicines Control
judyw Bristol MSc Internet Technology
weigin6923 Bristol MEd TESOL
olympuse Brunel MSc Finance and Investment
lovemelissa Cambridge MPhil Second Language Education
luisliu Cambridge MPhil Education
schnappi Cambridge LLM Law
badboy9 Cambridge MPhil Innovation, Strategy and Organisation
esterlin Cardiff PhD Psychology
jessica Cardiff PhD Social Sciences
minen Cardiff MSc International Economics,
Banking and Finance
cutev Cranfield MSc Logtistics and Supply Chain
fall Durham MA Financial Management
genius30148 Durham MSc International Relations (East Asia)
hitomi0387 Durham MSc Finance
jailai Durham MA Marketing
jennywei Durham MA Marketing
moya Durham LLM International Trade and Commercial Law
blacknew East Anglia MSc Marketing
icecore East Anglia MSc Environmental Sciences
shrimp0620 East Anglia MSc Marketing
Ventisei East Anglia Dipl. World Art Studies
bona Edinburgh MSc Language Teaching
desyeux Edinburgh MSc Applied Linguistics
giggles Edinburgh MSc Applied Linguistics
hiricci Edinburgh MSc International and European
hopscotch Edinburgh MSc Developmental Linguistics
juyungshu Edinburgh MSc Finance and Investment
maly Edinburgh MSc TESOL
monno Edinburgh MSc Management
moz Edinburgh MSc Management of Training and Development
pable Edinburgh MSc Comparative / General Literature
sartsky Edinburgh MSc Development Linguistics
siecle Edinburgh MSc Psycholinguistics
marcockc Essex MSc Compuatational Finance
sartsky Essex MA Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics
sswwer Essex MA Media, Culture and Society
Ventisei Essex Cert. Art History and Theory
titing1224 Glasgow MFin International Finance
finelet Goldsmiths MA Arts Administration and Cultural
claudias Imperial MSc Transport with Business Management
ITC Imperial MSc Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
Luchia Imperial MSc Concrete Structures and Business
uniqfang Imperial MSc Chemical Engineering
ahyang King's College Mhil Law (Jurisprudence/Legal Theory)
cokjelover King's College MA Teaching English and Applied
Gavroche King's College LLM Commercial Law
shihshan King's College MA Teaching English amd Applied
szut King's College MSc Pharmaceutical Technology
volauvent King's College MA English
ccam Keele MA Human Resource Management
jouralist Kent MSc Management in Marketing
pinshan Kent MSc Marketing
DerrickGa Lancaster MSc Money, Banking and Finance
earlalawu Lancaster MSc Management
fromsky Lancaster MA Human Resource Development and
oasisnow Lancaster MSc Management
pable Lancaster MA Literary and Culture Studies
resonation Lancaster MSc Management
surec Lancaster MA TEFL
wei122 Lancaster MA Human Resource Development and
altw Leeds MA International Marketing Management
bububu Leeds MA Advertising and Marketing
crescentmoon Leeds MA Advertising and Marketing
ichika Leeds MA Advertising and Marketing
jailai Leeds MA Advertising and Marketing
ladycat Leeds MA TESOL
mtryoko Leeds MA Advertising and Marketing
norge Leeds MA English Literature
alejate Leicester MA Museum Studies
ladycat Liverpool MA TESOL
allanliu LSE MSc Accounting and Finance
dune LSE MSc International Relations
easylibra LSE MSc Anthropology of Learning and Cognition
kkat LSE MSc Organisational and Social Psychology
moschino LSE MSc Human Resource Management
natashaa LSE MSc European Political Economy
nioo LSE MSc Gender and Media
russiaaa LSE MA History of International Relations
schnapp LSE MSc Law and Accounting
starkala LSE MSc Accounting and Finance
vinging LSE MSc Economics
eatin Manchester MSc Finance
gigiad Manchester MSc International Fashion Retailing
kirii Manchester MA Development Studies
Lienh Manchester MA TESOL
aday Newcastle MSc Microelectronics
alejate Newcastle MA Museum Studies
dancingiris Newcastle MA Translation Studies
dasmnm Newcastle MA Applied Linguistics & TESOL
jennywei Newcastle MA CCC & International Marketing
owlp Newcastle PhD Cancer Research
alejate Northumbria MA Museums and Heritage Management
soupong Northumbria MSc Global Logistics and Supply Chain
catgood Nottingham MA Marketing
cinapple Nottingham MSc International Business
energyshine Nottingham MA English Stuides
lhy Nottingham PhD Social Policy
LOVESNOOPY Nottingham MA Finance and Investment
lun03 Nottingham MSc Interantional Business
mongo Nottingham MA Management
wentasu Nottingham PhD Chemistry
dingdon Oxford MSc E-learning
eluna Oxford MSc Applied Linguistics and SLA
liliankuo Oxford MSc Management Research
schnappi Oxford MJur Law
Stdm Oxford PhD Geography
ihbinmai QUB MSc Management
AndyWarhol Reading PhD Film, Theatre and Television
ladycat Reading MA ELT
cameling Roehampton MA Childern's Literature
fei Royal College MMus Music
of Music
delphinekuo Royal Holloway MSc APB
alejate Salford MA Arts and Museum Management
bluecat43 Sheffield MSc Information Management
clovercat Sheffield MSc Molecular and Genetic Medicine
delphinekuo Sheffield MSc EAB
HolyTomato Sheffield MSc Solid State Chemistry
kirii Sheffield MA International Studies
norge Sheffield MA English Literature
otter Sheffield MSc Software Systems and Internet
Tiffany Sheffield PhD Geography
isseymiyake Sheffield Hallam MA Cultural Management and Policy
musicology SOAS MMus Ethnomusicology
alejate Southampton MA Museum and Galleries
cathy0828 Stirling MSc Marketing
mavila Surrey MSc International Marketing Management
reneelin Surrey MSc Multimedia SP and Communication
siecle Sussex MA Cognitive Linguistics
airli UCL MSc Technical Ventures and Entrepreneurship
Duarte UCL MA Philosophy
leorona UCL MA Linguistics
Lila UCL MSc Neuroscience
taching UCL PhD Politics
yangyang729 UCL MA Modern History
bathgirl Warwick MA Drama and Theatre Education
cathryn Warwick MA Colonia and Post-Col. Literature in
hsnuwm Warwick MA International Design and Communication
jamieQ Warwick MSc Finance
licy Warwick MA Drama and Theatre Education
nisaba Warwick MA Translation Studies
qtv Warwick MA ELT and Multimedia
ksmaiwu Westminster MA Music Business Management
dodow York MSc Music Technology
ginhuey York MA Politics
happyashley York MA Applied Linguistics
klim0821 York MSc Management
KYLIE2 York PhD Political Philosophy
lhy York PhD Social Policy and Social Work
meishuan York MSc Chemical Research
sartsky York MA Linguistics
wyr York MA Political Philosophy

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2009-04-26T01:07
少了Nottingham的資料喔 ^^"
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2009-04-27T15:31
轉換格式時漏掉了 還好原始文章還在

LSE宿舍Carr - Saunders Hall

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-04-21T10:55
剛收到Accomodation 寄來的信 發現這個我根本沒填到的志願Carr - Saunders Hall 查了一下,它不包含聖誕節復活節等的住宿,還要另外登記才能住 想請問版上有沒有住過這裡,或知道這邊的實際情況? http://www.lse.ac.uk/collections/residential ...

4/20截止 嘉義大學 填問卷抽7-11禮ꠠ…

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2009-04-21T10:42
大家好! 因為樣本數尚未達到預期數量, 所以開獎延至4/30, 煩請大家多多幫忙填寫問卷, 感謝!! ※ 引述《OolynnoO (lynn)》之銘言: : 哈囉,大家好! : 我是嘉義大學教政所的研究生, : 目前正在進行「我國大學生出國留學選擇留學國家關鍵因素」的研究, : 本問卷為學術問卷,主要目的在了 ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2009-04-21T03:58
剛剛在申請Nottingham,填問題詢文時 一個國家的下拉選項 選台灣後 就顯示 中國一省 剎那真有不想問了的衝動 - ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2009-04-20T21:52
大學畢業之後 臨床工作了2年 想到英國唸職能治療,大部分同學都到美國唸研究所 問問看大家有沒有已經在英國唸著的還是有認識在英國工作的治療師 希望可以得到回應 謝謝^^ - ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2009-04-20T18:17
已爬文。 想請問一下,如果在英國念諮商或臨床, 如果想在英國或澳洲工作的話,會很難嗎? 需要通過什麼樣的測驗或是申請呢? 又如果要回台灣工作的話,是只要補修學分、實習再考照就可以嗎? 還是以這樣的學歷是沒辦法考照的? 非常感謝!!:) - ...