獨立寫作的舉例方式 - 英檢

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-12-26T21:51

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托福版的各位前輩好 小弟準備托福考試已經有一段時間 上個月報考了第一次的托福考試

結果成績非常不理想沒有達到需要的門檻 Q_Q~ 經過一陣檢討過後目前閱讀 聽力都有

在加強訓練了 唯獨寫作部分因為上次的考試我只拿到 18 分... 獨立寫作大約 380 字

舉例的部分我只有舉兩個正例 所以這次我在參考了好幾位大大的模版後 決定想要用

兩正 一反的方式來支持我的論點 但是對於反例的部分即使我把精華區都爬完了還是有

些不太確定的地方 希望各位大大們能給我一點意見或是經驗 ~

我的問題是反例的地方 我應該要舉出跟我支持觀點的負面影響 或是去進一步打擊我反對

論點的缺點呢 在此用 TPO 第六回的獨立寫作題目為例 題目是說 現代人的生活是否要比



首段:參考了一些前輩模版 但是第一段基本上大同小異 所以我就不打內容直接進入下


First of all, internet improve people's life dramatically. For example, I
ordered a new television online yesterday and received it today. I didn't
have to spend time going to the TV store. I not only save time ,but also I
have more selections online because I can check the price and discriptions
from every brand of televion. My grandparent should spend lot's of time on
trafic and cound only choise one store at the same tiime. This example
indicates that my life today is more easier than my grandparents were

In addition, lots of new devise improve people's life today and make it more
easier. for instance, I forgot to bring the keys with me last monday so I
can't open the door of my home. What I should do is just callad my family by
mobile phone and waited for one of my family to bring me the key. I don't
have to worry about nobody help me. In other hand, my grandparents didn't
have mobile phone when they were children. They might just wait several hours
until somebody go back home. It can be seen that I can save time and cope
with problem more efficient and easily.

However, there were some problem might happen if you didn't take care. Take
my friend John as an example. He used to purchase by credit card last year
but he never remember how much he spent. As a result he always couldn't
afford the total purchase he spent and had to pay the interest to the bank.
In fact, people can avoid this problem by using debit card instead if credit
card. You also don't have to go out with cash. Purchase by debit card is
more saving.

With the reasons above, I believe that life today is easier and more
comfortable than it was when my grandparents were children. Because there are
more advantages than disadvantages. Of course, some people maybe disagree
with my position on this issue. Nevertheless, I believe the reasons I have
provided in favor of my point of view are stronger.

在第四段 反例的舉例方面 一直很猶豫我是要舉例說 已前因為沒有甚麼設備 而非常的不
方便的例子(攻擊跟我不支持的觀點) 還是像我寫的去說明我的觀點也是有不方便的地方
這個問題困擾我好久了 最近要報名下一期的考試但是心裡一直很不安 睡覺都在想會不會
寫作又拿不到 20 根本是個惡夢 希望前輩大大們能給我一點指引 感激不盡 托福版真的
是幫助我太多太多 另外還有一個小疑惑就是我第一段開頭 跟後面每一段的開頭 是否要
先有一個空格 第一次考試我沒有加空格 會不會也因為這樣有被扣分><

再次感謝大家~ 也祝各位未來要考試的戰友們通通高分破百!

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2012-12-31T06:04
我只用很簡單的句型 加一點開頭版模 就拿到25分了
Una avatar
By Una
at 2013-01-01T10:01
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2013-01-04T03:02
我一直搞不清楚反例是去打擊對方 還是說我自己的觀點
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2013-01-08T17:23
我比較簡便耶 .. 我全舉正例
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2013-01-11T05:35
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-01-15T11:48
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2013-01-15T21:36
QQ~ 我第一次考我全都正例(2個)結果才18超悲劇的
不過我因為寫得太慢 沒有時間檢查一訂很多錯字跟文法
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2013-01-16T17:29
考試的時候開頭我有空格 可是我覺得好像不大乎這個
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2013-01-21T02:28
我是五段 中間三段三個例子
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2013-01-21T09:40
每一段各空一格嗎?太感謝了>< 我之前根本就沒想過這
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2013-01-25T10:31
我第一次寫TPO也寫不完 可是考試前有稍微臨摹一下
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2013-01-29T16:55
內容拉 雖然我只考過一次 但我覺得內容很重要
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2013-01-30T19:26
果然是要三個例子才夠力 我寫太慢字數不夠下次一定要
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2013-02-02T12:42
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-02-05T08:04
把速度練出來 我旁邊的考生好像都是奔雷手 打字聲音
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-02-05T15:50
超快把我嚇一跳 一定練習的超級熟練 真希望我也可以
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2013-02-06T22:23
好低 我會繼續努力的 希望一月就是最後一戰!!!
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2013-02-09T03:13
我之前有找一些作文 開頭句型用法背起來 考試就用那
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2013-02-10T12:06
一套 還滿有用的 .. :D 加油拉 雖然作文25 可是也沒
達標 哭..y
William avatar
By William
at 2013-02-11T22:47
感恩啦 QQ~ 25真的很強 我光是拼來得及寫完都快心臟
John avatar
By John
at 2013-02-14T01:32
無力拉 ~ 我這次也會注意開頭的 大家一起加油了!


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2012-12-26T17:12
歲末年初,登峰舉辦了數場免費講座,趕緊來搶位! ●12/27(四)【旋元佑單元班講座】 http://apex.get.com.tw/Event/lecture/syuan.aspx?f=1andamp;iRand=989 ●1/4(五) andamp; 1/22(二)【任紹維托福口說講座】 ht ...

68→87→92 心得(菁英/美加)

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2012-12-26T14:35
這邊主要給英文底子和我一樣不好又考慮補托福的人。 一戰 2011/12/11 台大語言中心 R18 L16 S19 W15 T68 二戰 2012/10/27 台大語言中心 R23 L23 S19 W22 T87 三戰 2012/12/08 公館地球村 R20 L28 S20 W24 T92 個人背景 ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2012-12-26T12:38
※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板 #1GsdxZAM ] 作者: FSE (學術交流基金會) 看板: studyabroad 標題: [情報] 2013年01月03日(四)到美國唸心理諮商 時間: Wed Dec 26 12:36:45 2012 2013年01月03日(四)到美國唸心理 ...

12月27日(四) 如何準備MBA及PhD面試

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2012-12-26T11:35
12月27日(四) 如何準備MBA及PhD面試 面試表現為申請就讀美國MBA及博士班的重要關鍵,有時申請碩士也會遇到面試的狀況。 本次講座將由基金會資深留學顧問解說面試形式及對應技巧,幫助你順利獲得入學許可! 時間: 12月27日(四),18:00-19:00 地點:學術交流基金會美國教育資訊中心 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2012-12-26T11:30
昨天晚上去看2月只剩一些不太優的考場Orz 但我記得今年年底好像加開了蠻多場(可能趕著繳成績吧) 請問加開考場的依據是什麼呢? 如果有加開大概多久前會出現? 現在很猶豫要報名不優的考場 然後等別人放棄的時候再換另一個考場(可能性好像不大.. 還是再等等看有沒有加開~and#34;~ 請有經驗的版友 ...