牛津大學台灣校友會獎學金申請辦法(7/31截止) - 留學

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-07-04T01:48

Table of Contents

* 轉述自 Oxford University Taiwanese Student Society 的消息

Dear Oxford members and prospective students,

The Oxford University Society Taiwan (OUST) has long been generous and
supportive to our students. The alumni have established scholarships,
annual book grants and travel grants for our current students. Please
find the attached documents for details on how to apply, as well as the
address where the application must be sent to.

There are three types of awards, members can only apply ONE of them in
the same year. http://www.hellouk.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=231485

For new students joining Oxford in October, you can also submit the form
in the reception in Taipei in August. We are working very hard now to
give you an exact date, please keep an eye on the new posts in this forum.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are in doubt.

Best regards,

Jason Li-Chieh Huang 黃立傑
OUTSS President (2010-2011)

Tags: 留學

All Comments


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-07-03T21:59
我想詢問關於財力證明的問題 我想用我父親的帳戶來申請簽證 他在國泰世華開「證券活期儲蓄存款」,可買股票、存活期存款 翻譯社翻譯的type of the account是「Stock and Bond Demand Savings Deposits」 儲蓄金額都是現金活存 但我擔心的是簽證官 ...

研究吸血鬼 英首設碩士學位(University of Hertfordshire)

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-07-03T17:48
還真有趣= =! http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/100702/132/28j0p.html 研究吸血鬼 英首設碩士學位 UrNews 更新日期:and#34;2010/07/02 11:37and#34; (Your News記者劉如軒綜合報導) ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2010-07-03T14:19
各位版大 先說明一下我的背景, 私立大學應用外語系(有修初級會計、經濟和企業管理等) GPA成績還沒有去學校拿,大概平均是75-80吧 目前在銀行擔任財務會計兩年,對於財務方面不是很有興趣 想要申請明年9月研究所,希望是商學院前25名學校 本來是鎖定MBA (雖然這個科系唸過的都說很廣,且有不可能 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-07-03T10:39
美國《科學家》雜誌(The Scientist)就全球最佳學術工作機構進行讀者評分。本次 讀者評出的全球最佳學術工作機構第一、二名分別為澳洲昆士蘭大學(University of Queensland)和以色列魏茨曼科學研究所(Weizmann Institute of Science)。 《科學家》此次還 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2010-07-03T02:51
※ 引述《hheidi (the best year in UK)》之銘言: 我自己補充一下 給後人參考 我今天收到簽證了 拿到兩個月多次進出30天 我的旅遊計劃只有寫八天 6/15寄 7/2收到 還蠻久的 可見不要太早寄 他不會先處理 (聽版友說目前是處理到7/17前出發的) 但是我覺得淡旺季有 ...