牛劍台灣科技研討會 call for abstracts - 留學

By Jacky
at 2011-05-04T13:58
at 2011-05-04T13:58
Table of Contents
The 4th Oxbridge Taiwan Science and Technology Symposium
OUTSS is delighted to announce the 4th Oxford-Cambridge Taiwan
Science and Technology Symposium to be held on 11th/12th (Sat/
Sun) of June 2011. This symposium is co-hosted by OUTSS, Taipei
Representative Office Science and Technology Division with the
assistance of Cambridge Taiwanese Students Society.
This two-day conference encourages senior research students,
such as DPhil/PhD students in their second/completion years to
present their researches, aiming to cover a wide range of
topics including social sciences, business, humanities with
general audience. The Symposium will elect papers on natural
sciences and on social sciences/humanities amongst submitted
abstracts from each university.
The Taipei Representative Office Science and Technology Division
will also invite visiting scholars to give keynote speeches.
The organisers welcome proposals for 20-minute papers followed
by 10-minute Q&A. Multi-media facilities are available on demand.
This will be an invaluable experience to increase your record for
conferences, as well as understanding what the current trends of
research focus that interests Taiwanese people. The Symposium
also provides a great networking opportunity to meet fellow
talented students with similar research interests.
The symposium will take place in one of the beautiful Oxford
colleges (exact venue will be announced two weeks before the
event). Subsidized dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday
morning will be served. The organisers will also arrange home-
stay for Cambridge attendants.
Deadline for abstracts (around 200 words): 12th May 2011;
for attendance: 31st May 2011
Please submit your 200 words abstract using MS Word file (.doc).
Please E-mail Jason li-chieh.huang[at]stx.ox.ac.uk for application
form. After filling out the registration form, please E-mail the
form to: stdtro[at]btconnect.com .
Registration fee: £5 for Oxford students
Further inquiry please E-mail to: taiwan[at]herald.ox.ac.uk
OUTSS is delighted to announce the 4th Oxford-Cambridge Taiwan
Science and Technology Symposium to be held on 11th/12th (Sat/
Sun) of June 2011. This symposium is co-hosted by OUTSS, Taipei
Representative Office Science and Technology Division with the
assistance of Cambridge Taiwanese Students Society.
This two-day conference encourages senior research students,
such as DPhil/PhD students in their second/completion years to
present their researches, aiming to cover a wide range of
topics including social sciences, business, humanities with
general audience. The Symposium will elect papers on natural
sciences and on social sciences/humanities amongst submitted
abstracts from each university.
The Taipei Representative Office Science and Technology Division
will also invite visiting scholars to give keynote speeches.
The organisers welcome proposals for 20-minute papers followed
by 10-minute Q&A. Multi-media facilities are available on demand.
This will be an invaluable experience to increase your record for
conferences, as well as understanding what the current trends of
research focus that interests Taiwanese people. The Symposium
also provides a great networking opportunity to meet fellow
talented students with similar research interests.
The symposium will take place in one of the beautiful Oxford
colleges (exact venue will be announced two weeks before the
event). Subsidized dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday
morning will be served. The organisers will also arrange home-
stay for Cambridge attendants.
Deadline for abstracts (around 200 words): 12th May 2011;
for attendance: 31st May 2011
Please submit your 200 words abstract using MS Word file (.doc).
Please E-mail Jason li-chieh.huang[at]stx.ox.ac.uk for application
form. After filling out the registration form, please E-mail the
form to: stdtro[at]btconnect.com .
Registration fee: £5 for Oxford students
Further inquiry please E-mail to: taiwan[at]herald.ox.ac.uk
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