牛劍台灣科技學術研討會 (23-24 May) 議程 - 留學

By Heather
at 2009-05-20T17:34
at 2009-05-20T17:34
Table of Contents
The 2nd Oxford-Cambridge Taiwan Scientific Symposium
23rd (Sat) and 24th (Sun) of May, 2009
Griffiths Room, Keble College, University of Oxford
Website: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~scro1275/Oxbridge2009/
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=49877274183
E-mail: oxbridge.taiwan[at]gmail.com
Day 1: Saturday, 23rd May
13:00-14:00 Registration
14:00-14:20 Welcome
Speaker: Dr Chang-Tze Hu 胡昌智 博士
Science Division, Taipei Representative Office in the U.K.
14:20-14:35 Music Performance: Encounter, Por una Caveza
Harry Yi-Jui Wu 吳易叡 / Brian Chuang 莊博任 /
Chih-Suei Shaw 蕭植穗 / Alan Hsieh 謝玉德 / Yao-Hung Ou 歐耀閎
14:35-15:10 Keynote Speech: Dr Tai-Ping Fan 樊台平 博士
Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge
'The Art and Science of Traditional Chinese Medicine -
the Future of Drug Development'
15:10-15:40 Chia-Hung Chen 陳家宏 (Cambridge)
'Rain Dance (Synthesis Functional Particles by Drop-Based
15:40-16:10 Chih-Suei Shaw 蕭植穗 (Oxford)
'Asia and Its Others: Exoticism in Contemporary East Asian Music'
16:10-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-17:00 Shih-Hao Fang 方世豪 (Cambridge)
'Speculation and Gambling in the Nineteenth Century'
17:00-17:30 Kuan-Hsiang Gary Huang 黃冠翔 (Oxford)
'The Impact of Host and Therapy Mediate Selection on HIV-1
17:30-18:00 大會報告
18:00-19:00 Dinner at Dining Hall, Keble College
Day 2: Sunday, 24th May
08:40-09:20 Registration and Breakfast at Middle Common Room, Keble College
09:20-09:50 Han-Teng Liao 廖漢騰 (Oxford)
'The Cultural Politics of User-Generated Encyclopedias:
Comparing Chinese Wikipedia and Baidu Baike'
09:50-10:20 Pei-Lun Lin 林培倫 (Cambridge)
'Hollow Particles for Ultrasound Contrast Agent'
10:20-10:40 Coffee Break
10:40-11:10 Vivian Chang 張玉潔 (Oxford)
'Conversion of Flare Gas to Valuable Carbon Mate'
11:10-11:40 Chien-Wen Chen 陳建文 (Cambridge)
'Autophagy, a Possible Therapeutic Strategy for Neurodegerative
11:40-12:00 Closing, Awards Giving
The 2nd Oxford-Cambridge Taiwan Scientific Symposium
23rd (Sat) and 24th (Sun) of May, 2009
Griffiths Room, Keble College, University of Oxford
Website: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~scro1275/Oxbridge2009/
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=49877274183
E-mail: oxbridge.taiwan[at]gmail.com
Day 1: Saturday, 23rd May
13:00-14:00 Registration
14:00-14:20 Welcome
Speaker: Dr Chang-Tze Hu 胡昌智 博士
Science Division, Taipei Representative Office in the U.K.
14:20-14:35 Music Performance: Encounter, Por una Caveza
Harry Yi-Jui Wu 吳易叡 / Brian Chuang 莊博任 /
Chih-Suei Shaw 蕭植穗 / Alan Hsieh 謝玉德 / Yao-Hung Ou 歐耀閎
14:35-15:10 Keynote Speech: Dr Tai-Ping Fan 樊台平 博士
Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge
'The Art and Science of Traditional Chinese Medicine -
the Future of Drug Development'
15:10-15:40 Chia-Hung Chen 陳家宏 (Cambridge)
'Rain Dance (Synthesis Functional Particles by Drop-Based
15:40-16:10 Chih-Suei Shaw 蕭植穗 (Oxford)
'Asia and Its Others: Exoticism in Contemporary East Asian Music'
16:10-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-17:00 Shih-Hao Fang 方世豪 (Cambridge)
'Speculation and Gambling in the Nineteenth Century'
17:00-17:30 Kuan-Hsiang Gary Huang 黃冠翔 (Oxford)
'The Impact of Host and Therapy Mediate Selection on HIV-1
17:30-18:00 大會報告
18:00-19:00 Dinner at Dining Hall, Keble College
Day 2: Sunday, 24th May
08:40-09:20 Registration and Breakfast at Middle Common Room, Keble College
09:20-09:50 Han-Teng Liao 廖漢騰 (Oxford)
'The Cultural Politics of User-Generated Encyclopedias:
Comparing Chinese Wikipedia and Baidu Baike'
09:50-10:20 Pei-Lun Lin 林培倫 (Cambridge)
'Hollow Particles for Ultrasound Contrast Agent'
10:20-10:40 Coffee Break
10:40-11:10 Vivian Chang 張玉潔 (Oxford)
'Conversion of Flare Gas to Valuable Carbon Mate'
11:10-11:40 Chien-Wen Chen 陳建文 (Cambridge)
'Autophagy, a Possible Therapeutic Strategy for Neurodegerative
11:40-12:00 Closing, Awards Giving
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