煩請大家幫我看看我的作文 謝謝 - 英檢

David avatar
By David
at 2011-03-22T20:40

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但是我不知道我套這樣子到底好不好 順不順

由於作文都沒有人幫我看過 都是自己打完用findscore改

所以找不到自己的盲點 想請各位板大幫我看一下其中一篇我的作文

For successful development of a country, should a government focus its budget
more on very young children education rather than on universities?

Opinions and views always differ greatly when it talks about the topic
whether the nation should spend the money on the young kid education or on
universities. On the one hand, a portion of people assert that children
should be taught as early as possible to let them learn more. On the other
hand, another people think that the college should be the main point to spend
the budget. In the final judgment, I agree with the latter opinion. In the
following, I would like to provide some reasons to support my point of view.

To begin with, there is a reason for me to consider my opinion. The reason
is that the mental and intellect of young kids cannot let them to afford the
deep and broad knowledge. According to a biological experiment, the brain must
be full mature after age eighteen. For example, my brother learned a lot of
chemical knowledge from school when he was an elementary school student but he
totally forgets the chemical conceptions now. The reason he told me was that
he could not even understand the principle of the chemical when he was a
little kid, so he just memorized the conceptions but could not use them.

In addition, the second reason is not far to seek: the young children
could not know their favorite area, so they often just learn the area which
the parents ask. My classmate's experience can function as a very good
example. When he was eight, his mother enforced him to study literacy. He was
too young to make the decision that time and the enforcement lead him to
reject learning. However, when he entered the college, he found he was very
interested in astronomy. Afterward, he starts to research astronomy and really
does well in this area.

Of course, it may be true that if children start to do some specific
studying early, they will have more time to develop themselves. For instance,
a lot of parents sent the kids to cram schools because they do not want their
kids to lose on the start point. Yet, after carefully comparing the front and
the back of this aspect, we will discover the disadvantages of this side of
point are qualitatively greater than the advantages.

To sum up, given the reasons and the examples discussed above, which
intertwine to form the organic and persuasive viewpoint, I can safely arrive
at the conclusion that country should not focus money on little kids education
rather than on universities.



Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-03-27T16:40
1.沒有thesis statement 2.贅句略多
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-04-01T08:20
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-04-01T19:24
3.建議從topic sentence著手

3月20考試的版友 來分享一下吧

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2011-03-22T20:16
可能是最近不是考季的關係 考完試都好少人分享唷 3月20這次甚至沒有文章 = = 所以我就來開了!! 哈哈 真的覺得一直考考古學很沒人性 還有是為了趕上時事嗎 日本大地震完的下禮拜 馬上就考輻射 ET$也太無聊了點..... 大家來分享一下吧 - ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2011-03-22T17:34
如題 我真的很急,不知道板上有沒有人收到了 我的deadline是4/1 再不寄,很怕錯過時間andgt;andlt; 想請問這句話 One photocopy of official TOEFL or IELTS scores. If admitted, official scores must be r ...

TPO13閱讀-Types of Social Groups

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-03-22T06:24
引述《sandymirror (好想告訴你,但已經來不及)》之銘言: : People are bound within relationships by two types of bonds: expressive ties : and instrumental ties. Expressive ties ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2011-03-22T00:12
小弟是考3/12的那場(網路分數剛出來) 成績雖不盡理想(聽力爆炸) 不過還是有到學校要求門檻 現在想趕快把成績寄給學校 因為當初報名時 跟考完試當場 都沒有特別選過成績單要寄送到哪之類的 想請問我現在是要去網站用and#34;加發and#34;方式給學校嗎? 我想問的是: 1.現在就可以申請寄成 ...

3/12 托福出分了

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2011-03-21T22:37
然後我爆了 = =+ 聽力三分是什麼東西!!! 有人可以跟我說這是遇到傳說中的雷嗎? 還是......囧 -- Lifeand#39;s blazing by. Be simple, be smile. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=profilea ...