滅火器樂團 4/18 澎湖花火節要來喔! - 澎湖

By Franklin
at 2016-03-23T18:47
at 2016-03-23T18:47
Table of Contents
新專輯才開放預購就連續拿下博客來暢銷榜兩周冠軍的熱血天團滅火器 Fire EX.,將帶
著最新作品『REBORN』跟經典搖滾歌曲一起來ROCK 2016澎湖國際海上花火節!4月18日晚
The latest album, yet to release, of 滅火器 Fire EX. has already won two
consecutive weeks of best-sell on Book.com.tw for its pre-order. Why don’t
you come to 2016 Penghu International Fireworks Festival’s opening and be
the first one to listen their newest song 『REBORN』 live from their latest
album! Plan you trip NOW and come ROCK and ROLL with us!
新專輯才開放預購就連續拿下博客來暢銷榜兩周冠軍的熱血天團滅火器 Fire EX.,將帶
著最新作品『REBORN』跟經典搖滾歌曲一起來ROCK 2016澎湖國際海上花火節!4月18日晚
The latest album, yet to release, of 滅火器 Fire EX. has already won two
consecutive weeks of best-sell on Book.com.tw for its pre-order. Why don’t
you come to 2016 Penghu International Fireworks Festival’s opening and be
the first one to listen their newest song 『REBORN』 live from their latest
album! Plan you trip NOW and come ROCK and ROLL with us!
All Comments

By Rosalind
at 2016-03-24T09:33
at 2016-03-24T09:33

By Daniel
at 2016-03-25T00:20
at 2016-03-25T00:20

By Zenobia
at 2016-03-25T15:07
at 2016-03-25T15:07

By Donna
at 2016-03-26T05:53
at 2016-03-26T05:53
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